
age author description
2011-02-05 robcast removed synchronized from some methods jquery
2011-02-05 robcast clean up of web.xml (not sure about authentication roles) jquery
2011-02-05 robcast small method name change jquery
2011-02-05 hertzhaft smoother birdZoom indicator movement; fixed bug in jQuery.offset() jquery
2011-02-03 hertzhaft move zoom-drag background along with birdview indicator jquery
2011-02-03 hertzhaft move birdview zoom indicator along with zoom drag jquery
2011-02-03 robcast get reference works now in embedded. jquery
2011-02-02 robcast zoom-drag background follows rotation and mirror jquery
2011-02-02 robcast fixed problem with setmark, zoomarea and zoomDrag handlers. jquery
2011-02-02 robcast image-drag now with full background image :-) jquery
2011-02-02 robcast image-drag with opacity :-) jquery
2011-02-02 robcast busy cursor while loading doesn't work (for me) jquery
2011-02-02 robcast small improvements jquery
2011-02-01 hertzhaft setup zoomdrag even when image is not initially zoomed jquery
2011-02-01 hertzhaft merge jquery
2011-02-01 hertzhaft improved some embedded buttons; fixed reset function jquery
2011-02-01 robcast leave dragged background image in scaler. jquery
2011-02-01 robcast fixed setupZoomDrag jquery
2011-02-01 robcast really renamed birdMoveArea, really merged fix for no zoom area. jquery
2011-02-01 robcast merge jquery
2011-02-01 robcast better birdMoveArea, now called setupBirdDrag. jquery
2011-02-01 hertzhaft no bird zoom drag if scaler image is not zoomed jquery
2011-02-01 robcast embedded mode state in cookie works now. jquery
2011-02-01 robcast first steps to storing embedded state in cookie jquery
2011-01-31 robcast fixed birdZoomDiv positioning in embedded mode jquery
2011-01-31 robcast put styles in stylesheet. jquery
2011-01-31 robcast merge jquery
2011-01-31 robcast improved bird image handling. jquery
2011-01-31 hertzhaft still the strange bug when dragging the zoomed image in embedded mode jquery
2011-01-31 hertzhaft get rid of currently unused SEParator button jquery
2011-01-31 hertzhaft adjust size of scalerDiv only when img loaded jquery
2011-01-31 hertzhaft change birdview along with scalerUrl in embedded mode jquery
2011-01-30 hertzhaft improved embedded icons; page fwd/back scaler problem solved partially jquery
2011-01-30 hertzhaft fix accidentally introduced but which prevented 'zoom area' jquery
2011-01-30 robcast goto page works now (with window.prompt) jquery
2011-01-30 hertzhaft getting rid of bg div in zoomDrag jquery
2011-01-30 robcast merge jquery
2011-01-30 robcast more cosmetics: added options to validate with http://www.jslint.com jquery
2011-01-30 hertzhaft 'reset' should reset fitwidth/fitheight, too jquery
2011-01-30 robcast improved button positioning jquery
2011-01-29 hertzhaft cosmetics jquery
2011-01-29 hertzhaft fixed some reset and cookie issues jquery
2011-01-28 hertzhaft img reload works for fullscreen, but somehow not precise jquery
2011-01-28 hertzhaft was producing multiple copies of $bg jquery
2011-01-28 hertzhaft some minor fixes, img reload still missing jquery
2011-01-28 hertzhaft drag zoomed image jquery
2011-01-28 robcast merge jquery
2011-01-28 robcast set quality works now (window.prompt only) jquery
2011-01-27 hertzhaft first step for new fullscreen icons jquery
2011-01-27 robcast cookie handling now just in pack/unpackParameters jquery
2011-01-27 hertzhaft cookie names should not contain equal signs jquery
2011-01-27 robcast re-created toggle for morebuttons (more = null) jquery
2011-01-27 robcast took out toggle more-or-less-buttons due to collisions with new buttonset code. jquery
2011-01-27 robcast better handling of button sets jquery
2011-01-27 hertzhaft add toggle for last buttonset jquery
2011-01-27 hertzhaft cookie control for birdview, works for fullscreen jquery
2011-01-26 hertzhaft COOOOKIES jquery
2011-01-26 hertzhaft I need my Hertziana connection jquery
2011-01-26 hertzhaft console debug div for IE jquery
2011-01-26 robcast merge jquery