diff documentViewer_old.py @ 453:beb7ccb92564 elementtree

first version using elementtree instead of 4suite xml
author casties
date Thu, 14 Jul 2011 19:43:56 +0200
children 0a53fea83df7
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/documentViewer_old.py	Thu Jul 14 19:43:56 2011 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1009 @@
+from OFS.Folder import Folder
+from Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate import ZopePageTemplate
+from Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplateFile import PageTemplateFile 
+from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
+from AccessControl import getSecurityManager
+from Globals import package_home
+from Products.zogiLib.zogiLib import browserCheck
+from Ft.Xml import EMPTY_NAMESPACE, Parse 
+import Ft.Xml.Domlette
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+import os.path
+import sys
+import urllib
+import urllib2
+import logging
+import math
+import urlparse 
+import cStringIO
+import re
+import string
+def logger(txt,method,txt2):
+    """logging"""
+    logging.info(txt+ txt2)
+def getInt(number, default=0):
+    """returns always an int (0 in case of problems)"""
+    try:
+        return int(number)
+    except:
+        return int(default)
+def getTextFromNode(node):
+    """get the cdata content of a node"""
+    if node is None:
+        return ""
+    # ET:
+    text = node.text or ""
+    for e in node:
+        text += gettext(e)
+        if e.tail:
+            text += e.tail
+    # 4Suite:
+    #nodelist=node.childNodes
+    #text = ""
+    #for n in nodelist:
+    #    if n.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
+    #       text = text + n.data
+    return text
+def serializeNode(node, encoding="utf-8"):
+    """returns a string containing node as XML"""
+    s = ET.tostring(node)
+    # 4Suite:
+    #    stream = cStringIO.StringIO()
+    #    Ft.Xml.Domlette.Print(node, stream=stream, encoding=encoding)
+    #    s = stream.getvalue()
+    #    stream.close()
+    return s
+def browserCheck(self):
+    """check the browsers request to find out the browser type"""
+    bt = {}
+    ua = self.REQUEST.get_header("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
+    bt['ua'] = ua
+    bt['isIE'] = False
+    bt['isN4'] = False
+    bt['versFirefox']=""
+    bt['versIE']=""
+    bt['versSafariChrome']=""
+    bt['versOpera']=""
+    if string.find(ua, 'MSIE') > -1:
+        bt['isIE'] = True
+    else:
+        bt['isN4'] = (string.find(ua, 'Mozilla/4.') > -1)
+    # Safari oder Chrome identification    
+    try:
+        nav = ua[string.find(ua, '('):]
+        nav1=ua[string.find(ua,')'):]
+        nav2=nav1[string.find(nav1,'('):]
+        nav3=nav2[string.find(nav2,')'):]
+        ie = string.split(nav, "; ")[1]
+        ie1 =string.split(nav1, " ")[2]
+        ie2 =string.split(nav3, " ")[1]
+        ie3 =string.split(nav3, " ")[2]
+        if string.find(ie3, "Safari") >-1:
+            bt['versSafariChrome']=string.split(ie2, "/")[1]
+    except: pass
+    # IE identification
+    try:
+        nav = ua[string.find(ua, '('):]
+        ie = string.split(nav, "; ")[1]
+        if string.find(ie, "MSIE") > -1:
+            bt['versIE'] = string.split(ie, " ")[1]
+    except:pass
+    # Firefox identification
+    try:
+        nav = ua[string.find(ua, '('):]
+        nav1=ua[string.find(ua,')'):]
+        if string.find(ie1, "Firefox") >-1:
+            nav5= string.split(ie1, "/")[1]
+            logging.debug("FIREFOX: %s"%(nav5))
+            bt['versFirefox']=nav5[0:3]                   
+    except:pass
+    #Opera identification
+    try:
+        if string.find(ua,"Opera") >-1:
+            nav = ua[string.find(ua, '('):]
+            nav1=nav[string.find(nav,')'):]
+            bt['versOpera']=string.split(nav1,"/")[2]
+    except:pass
+    bt['isMac'] = string.find(ua, 'Macintosh') > -1
+    bt['isWin'] = string.find(ua, 'Windows') > -1
+    bt['isIEWin'] = bt['isIE'] and bt['isWin']
+    bt['isIEMac'] = bt['isIE'] and bt['isMac']
+    bt['staticHTML'] = False
+    return bt
+def getParentDir(path):
+    """returns pathname shortened by one"""
+    return '/'.join(path.split('/')[0:-1])
+def getHttpData(url, data=None, num_tries=3, timeout=10):
+    """returns result from url+data HTTP request"""
+    # we do GET (by appending data to url)
+    if isinstance(data, str) or isinstance(data, unicode):
+        # if data is string then append
+        url = "%s?%s"%(url,data)
+    elif isinstance(data, dict) or isinstance(data, list) or isinstance(data, tuple):
+        # urlencode
+        url = "%s?%s"%(url,urllib.urlencode(data))
+    response = None
+    errmsg = None
+    for cnt in range(num_tries):
+        try:
+            logging.debug("getHttpData(#%s %ss) url=%s"%(cnt+1,timeout,url))
+            if sys.version_info < (2, 6):
+                # set timeout on socket -- ugly :-(
+                import socket
+                socket.setdefaulttimeout(float(timeout))
+                response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
+            else:
+                response = urllib2.urlopen(url,timeout=float(timeout))
+            # check result?
+            break
+        except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+            logging.error("getHttpData: HTTP error(%s): %s"%(e.code,e))
+            errmsg = str(e)
+            # stop trying
+            break
+        except urllib2.URLError, e:
+            logging.error("getHttpData: URLLIB error(%s): %s"%(e.reason,e))
+            errmsg = str(e)
+            # stop trying
+            #break
+    if response is not None:
+        data = response.read()
+        response.close()
+        return data
+    raise IOError("ERROR fetching HTTP data from %s: %s"%(url,errmsg))
+    #return None
+## documentViewer class
+class documentViewer(Folder):
+    """document viewer"""
+    meta_type="Document viewer"
+    security=ClassSecurityInfo()
+    manage_options=Folder.manage_options+(
+        {'label':'main config','action':'changeDocumentViewerForm'},
+        )
+    # templates and forms
+    viewer_main = PageTemplateFile('zpt/viewer_main', globals())
+    toc_thumbs = PageTemplateFile('zpt/toc_thumbs', globals())
+    toc_text = PageTemplateFile('zpt/toc_text', globals())
+    toc_figures = PageTemplateFile('zpt/toc_figures', globals())
+    page_main_images = PageTemplateFile('zpt/page_main_images', globals())
+    page_main_double = PageTemplateFile('zpt/page_main_double', globals())
+    page_main_text = PageTemplateFile('zpt/page_main_text', globals())
+    page_main_text_dict = PageTemplateFile('zpt/page_main_text_dict', globals())
+    page_main_gis =PageTemplateFile ('zpt/page_main_gis', globals())
+    page_main_xml = PageTemplateFile('zpt/page_main_xml', globals())
+    page_main_pureXml = PageTemplateFile('zpt/page_main_pureXml', globals())
+    head_main = PageTemplateFile('zpt/head_main', globals())
+    docuviewer_css = PageTemplateFile('css/docuviewer.css', globals())
+    info_xml = PageTemplateFile('zpt/info_xml', globals())
+    thumbs_main_rss = PageTemplateFile('zpt/thumbs_main_rss', globals())
+    security.declareProtected('View management screens','changeDocumentViewerForm')    
+    changeDocumentViewerForm = PageTemplateFile('zpt/changeDocumentViewer', globals())
+    def __init__(self,id,imageScalerUrl=None,textServerName=None,title="",digilibBaseUrl=None,thumbcols=2,thumbrows=5,authgroups="mpiwg"):
+        """init document viewer"""
+        self.id=id
+        self.title=title
+        self.thumbcols = thumbcols
+        self.thumbrows = thumbrows
+        # authgroups is list of authorized groups (delimited by ,)
+        self.authgroups = [s.strip().lower() for s in authgroups.split(',')]
+        # create template folder so we can always use template.something
+        templateFolder = Folder('template')
+        #self['template'] = templateFolder # Zope-2.12 style
+        self._setObject('template',templateFolder) # old style
+        try:
+            import MpdlXmlTextServer
+            textServer = MpdlXmlTextServer.MpdlXmlTextServer(id='fulltextclient',serverName=textServerName)
+            #templateFolder['fulltextclient'] = xmlRpcClient
+            templateFolder._setObject('fulltextclient',textServer)
+        except Exception, e:
+            logging.error("Unable to create MpdlXmlTextServer for fulltextclient: "+str(e))
+        try:
+            from Products.zogiLib.zogiLib import zogiLib
+            zogilib = zogiLib(id="zogilib", title="zogilib for docuviewer", dlServerURL=imageScalerUrl, layout="book")
+            #templateFolder['zogilib'] = zogilib
+            templateFolder._setObject('zogilib',zogilib)
+        except Exception, e:
+            logging.error("Unable to create zogiLib for zogilib: "+str(e))
+    # proxy text server methods to fulltextclient
+    def getTextPage(self, **args):
+        """get page"""
+        return self.template.fulltextclient.getTextPage(**args)
+    def getOrigPages(self, **args):
+        """get page"""
+        return self.template.fulltextclient.getOrigPages(**args)
+    def getOrigPagesNorm(self, **args):
+        """get page"""
+        return self.template.fulltextclient.getOrigPagesNorm(**args)
+    def getQuery(self, **args):
+        """get query in search"""
+        return self.template.fulltextclient.getQuery(**args)
+    def getSearch(self, **args):
+        """get search"""
+        return self.template.fulltextclient.getSearch(**args)
+    def getGisPlaces(self, **args):
+        """get gis places"""
+        return self.template.fulltextclient.getGisPlaces(**args)
+    def getAllGisPlaces(self, **args):
+        """get all gis places """
+        return self.template.fulltextclient.getAllGisPlaces(**args)
+    def getTranslate(self, **args):
+        """get translate"""
+        return self.template.fulltextclient.getTranslate(**args)
+    def getLemma(self, **args):
+        """get lemma"""
+        return self.template.fulltextclient.getLemma(**args)
+    def getLemmaQuery(self, **args):
+        """get query"""
+        return self.template.fulltextclient.getLemmaQuery(**args)
+    def getLex(self, **args):
+        """get lex"""
+        return self.template.fulltextclient.getLex(**args)
+    def getToc(self, **args):
+        """get toc"""
+        return self.template.fulltextclient.getToc(**args)
+    def getTocPage(self, **args):
+        """get tocpage"""
+        return self.template.fulltextclient.getTocPage(**args)
+    security.declareProtected('View','thumbs_rss')
+    def thumbs_rss(self,mode,url,viewMode="auto",start=None,pn=1):
+        '''
+        view it
+        @param mode: defines how to access the document behind url 
+        @param url: url which contains display information
+        @param viewMode: if images display images, if text display text, default is images (text,images or auto)
+        '''
+        logging.debug("HHHHHHHHHHHHHH:load the rss")
+        logger("documentViewer (index)", logging.INFO, "mode: %s url:%s start:%s pn:%s"%(mode,url,start,pn))
+        if not hasattr(self, 'template'):
+            # create template folder if it doesn't exist
+            self.manage_addFolder('template')
+        if not self.digilibBaseUrl:
+            self.digilibBaseUrl = self.findDigilibUrl() or "http://nausikaa.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/digitallibrary"
+        docinfo = self.getDocinfo(mode=mode,url=url)
+        #pageinfo = self.getPageinfo(start=start,current=pn,docinfo=docinfo)
+        pageinfo = self.getPageinfo(start=start,current=pn, docinfo=docinfo)
+        ''' ZDES '''
+        pt = getattr(self.template, 'thumbs_main_rss')
+        if viewMode=="auto": # automodus gewaehlt
+            if docinfo.has_key("textURL") or docinfo.get('textURLPath',None): #texturl gesetzt und textViewer konfiguriert
+                viewMode="text"
+            else:
+                viewMode="images"
+        return pt(docinfo=docinfo,pageinfo=pageinfo,viewMode=viewMode)
+    security.declareProtected('View','index_html')
+    def index_html(self,url,mode="texttool",viewMode="auto",tocMode="thumbs",start=None,pn=1,mk=None):
+        '''
+        view it
+        @param mode: defines how to access the document behind url 
+        @param url: url which contains display information
+        @param viewMode: if images display images, if text display text, default is auto (text,images or auto)
+        @param tocMode: type of 'table of contents' for navigation (thumbs, text, figures, none)
+        @param characterNormalization type of text display (reg, norm, none)
+        @param querySearch: type of different search modes (fulltext, fulltextMorph, xpath, xquery, ftIndex, ftIndexMorph, fulltextMorphLemma)
+        '''
+        logging.debug("documentViewer (index) mode: %s url:%s start:%s pn:%s"%(mode,url,start,pn))
+        if not hasattr(self, 'template'):
+            # this won't work
+            logging.error("template folder missing!")
+            return "ERROR: template folder missing!"
+        if not getattr(self, 'digilibBaseUrl', None):
+            self.digilibBaseUrl = self.findDigilibUrl() or "http://digilib.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/digitallibrary"
+        docinfo = self.getDocinfo(mode=mode,url=url)
+        if tocMode != "thumbs":
+            # get table of contents
+            docinfo = self.getToc(mode=tocMode, docinfo=docinfo)
+        if viewMode=="auto": # automodus gewaehlt
+            if docinfo.has_key('textURL') or docinfo.get('textURLPath',None): #texturl gesetzt und textViewer konfiguriert
+                viewMode="text_dict"
+            else:
+                viewMode="images"
+        pageinfo = self.getPageinfo(start=start,current=pn, docinfo=docinfo,viewMode=viewMode,tocMode=tocMode)
+        if (docinfo.get('textURLPath',None)):
+            page = self.getTextPage(docinfo=docinfo, pageinfo=pageinfo)
+            pageinfo['textPage'] = page
+        tt = getattr(self, 'template')   
+        pt = getattr(tt, 'viewer_main')               
+        return pt(docinfo=docinfo,pageinfo=pageinfo,viewMode=viewMode,mk=self.generateMarks(mk))
+    def generateMarks(self,mk):
+        ret=""
+        if mk is None:
+            return ""
+        if not isinstance(mk, list):
+            mk=[mk]
+        for m in mk:
+            ret+="mk=%s"%m
+        return ret
+    def getBrowser(self):
+        """getBrowser the version of browser """
+        bt = browserCheck(self)
+        logging.debug("BROWSER VERSION: %s"%(bt))
+        return bt
+    def findDigilibUrl(self):
+        """try to get the digilib URL from zogilib"""
+        url = self.template.zogilib.getDLBaseUrl()
+        return url
+    def getDocumentViewerURL(self):
+        """returns the URL of this instance"""
+        return self.absolute_url()
+    def getStyle(self, idx, selected, style=""):
+        """returns a string with the given style and append 'sel' if path == selected."""
+        #logger("documentViewer (getstyle)", logging.INFO, "idx: %s selected: %s style: %s"%(idx,selected,style))
+        if idx == selected:
+            return style + 'sel'
+        else:
+            return style
+    def getLink(self, param=None, val=None, params=None, baseUrl=None, paramSep='&'):
+        """returns URL to documentviewer with parameter param set to val or from dict params"""
+        # copy existing request params
+        urlParams=self.REQUEST.form.copy()
+        # change single param
+        if param is not None:
+            if val is None:
+                if urlParams.has_key(param):
+                    del urlParams[param]
+            else:
+                urlParams[param] = str(val)
+        # change more params
+        if params is not None:
+            for k in params.keys():
+                v = params[k]
+                if v is None:
+                    # val=None removes param
+                    if urlParams.has_key(k):
+                        del urlParams[k]
+                else:
+                    urlParams[k] = v
+        # FIXME: does this belong here?
+        if urlParams.get("mode", None) == "filepath": #wenn beim erst Aufruf filepath gesetzt wurde aendere das nun zu imagepath
+                urlParams["mode"] = "imagepath"
+                urlParams["url"] = getParentDir(urlParams["url"])
+        # quote values and assemble into query string (not escaping '/')
+        ps = paramSep.join(["%s=%s"%(k,urllib.quote_plus(v,'/')) for (k, v) in urlParams.items()])
+        #ps = urllib.urlencode(urlParams)
+        if baseUrl is None:
+            baseUrl = self.REQUEST['URL1']
+        url = "%s?%s"%(baseUrl, ps)
+        return url
+    def getLinkAmp(self, param=None, val=None, params=None, baseUrl=None):
+        """link to documentviewer with parameter param set to val"""
+        return self.getLink(param, val, params, baseUrl, '&amp;')
+    def getInfo_xml(self,url,mode):
+        """returns info about the document as XML"""
+        if not self.digilibBaseUrl:
+            self.digilibBaseUrl = self.findDigilibUrl() or "http://nausikaa.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/digitallibrary"
+        docinfo = self.getDocinfo(mode=mode,url=url)
+        pt = getattr(self.template, 'info_xml')
+        return pt(docinfo=docinfo)
+    def getOptionToggle(self, newState=None, optionName='text_options_open', initialState=True):
+        """returns new option state"""
+        if not self.REQUEST.SESSION.has_key(optionName):
+            # not in session -- initial
+            opt = {'lastState': newState, 'state': initialState}
+        else:
+            opt = self.REQUEST.SESSION.get(optionName)
+            if opt['lastState'] != newState:
+                # state in session has changed -- toggle
+                opt['state'] = not opt['state']
+                opt['lastState'] = newState
+        self.REQUEST.SESSION[optionName] = opt
+        return opt['state']
+    def isAccessible(self, docinfo):
+        """returns if access to the resource is granted"""
+        access = docinfo.get('accessType', None)
+        logging.debug("documentViewer (accessOK) access type %s"%access)
+        if access is not None and access == 'free':
+            logging.debug("documentViewer (accessOK) access is free")
+            return True
+        elif access is None or access in self.authgroups:
+            # only local access -- only logged in users
+            user = getSecurityManager().getUser()
+            logging.debug("documentViewer (accessOK) user=%s ip=%s"%(user,self.REQUEST.getClientAddr()))
+            if user is not None:
+                #print "user: ", user
+                return (user.getUserName() != "Anonymous User")
+            else:
+                return False
+        logging.error("documentViewer (accessOK) unknown access type %s"%access)
+        return False
+    def getDirinfoFromDigilib(self,path,docinfo=None,cut=0):
+        """gibt param von dlInfo aus"""
+        if docinfo is None:
+            docinfo = {}
+        for x in range(cut):
+                path=getParentDir(path)
+        infoUrl=self.digilibBaseUrl+"/dirInfo-xml.jsp?mo=dir&fn="+path
+        logging.debug("documentViewer (getparamfromdigilib) dirInfo from %s"%(infoUrl))
+        txt = getHttpData(infoUrl)
+        if txt is None:
+            raise IOError("Unable to get dir-info from %s"%(infoUrl))
+        dom = ET.fromstring(txt).getroot()
+        #dom = Parse(txt)
+        sizes=dom.find("//dir/size")
+        #sizes=dom.xpath("//dir/size")
+        logging.debug("documentViewer (getparamfromdigilib) dirInfo:size"%sizes)
+        if sizes:
+            docinfo['numPages'] = int(getTextFromNode(sizes[0]))
+        else:
+            docinfo['numPages'] = 0
+        # TODO: produce and keep list of image names and numbers
+        return docinfo
+    def getIndexMetaPath(self,url):
+        """gib nur den Pfad zurueck"""
+        regexp = re.compile(r".*(experimental|permanent)/(.*)")
+        regpath = regexp.match(url)
+        if (regpath==None):
+            return ""
+        logging.debug("(getDomFromIndexMeta): URLXAXA: %s"%regpath.group(2))            
+        return ("/mpiwg/online/"+regpath.group(1)+"/"+regpath.group(2))
+    def getIndexMetaUrl(self,url):
+        """returns utr  of index.meta document at url"""
+        metaUrl = None
+        if url.startswith("http://"):
+            # real URL
+            metaUrl = url
+        else:
+            # online path
+            server=self.digilibBaseUrl+"/servlet/Texter?fn="
+            metaUrl=server+url.replace("/mpiwg/online","")
+            if not metaUrl.endswith("index.meta"):
+                metaUrl += "/index.meta"
+        return metaUrl
+    def getDomFromIndexMeta(self, url):
+        """get dom from index meta"""
+        dom = None
+        metaUrl = self.getIndexMetaUrl(url)
+        logging.debug("(getDomFromIndexMeta): METAURL: %s"%metaUrl)
+        txt=getHttpData(metaUrl)
+        if txt is None:
+            raise IOError("Unable to read index meta from %s"%(url))
+        dom = ET.fromstring(txt).getroot()
+        #dom = Parse(txt)
+        return dom
+    def getPresentationInfoXML(self, url):
+        """returns dom of info.xml document at url"""
+        dom = None
+        metaUrl = None
+        if url.startswith("http://"):
+            # real URL
+            metaUrl = url
+        else:
+            # online path
+            server=self.digilibBaseUrl+"/servlet/Texter?fn="
+            metaUrl=server+url.replace("/mpiwg/online","")
+        txt=getHttpData(metaUrl)
+        if txt is None:
+            raise IOError("Unable to read infoXMLfrom %s"%(url))
+        dom = ET.fromstring(txt).getroot()
+        #dom = Parse(txt)
+        return dom
+    def getAuthinfoFromIndexMeta(self,path,docinfo=None,dom=None,cut=0):
+        """gets authorization info from the index.meta file at path or given by dom"""
+        logging.debug("documentViewer (getauthinfofromindexmeta) path: %s"%(path))
+        access = None
+        if docinfo is None:
+            docinfo = {}
+        if dom is None:
+            for x in range(cut):
+                path=getParentDir(path)
+            dom = self.getDomFromIndexMeta(path)
+        acctype = dom.find("//access-conditions/access/@type")
+        #acctype = dom.xpath("//access-conditions/access/@type")
+        if acctype and (len(acctype)>0):
+            access=acctype[0].value
+            if access in ['group', 'institution']:
+                access = getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//access-conditions/access/name")[0]).lower()
+        docinfo['accessType'] = access
+        return docinfo
+    def getBibinfoFromIndexMeta(self,path,docinfo=None,dom=None,cut=0):
+        """gets bibliographical info from the index.meta file at path or given by dom"""
+        logging.debug("documentViewer (getbibinfofromindexmeta) path: %s"%(path))
+        if docinfo is None:
+            docinfo = {}
+        if dom is None:
+            for x in range(cut):
+                path=getParentDir(path)
+            dom = self.getDomFromIndexMeta(path)
+        docinfo['indexMetaPath']=self.getIndexMetaPath(path);
+        logging.debug("documentViewer (getbibinfofromindexmeta cutted) path: %s"%(path))
+        # put in all raw bib fields as dict "bib"
+        bib = dom.find("//bib/*")
+        #bib = dom.xpath("//bib/*")
+        if bib and len(bib)>0:
+            bibinfo = {}
+            for e in bib:
+                bibinfo[e.localName] = getTextFromNode(e)
+            docinfo['bib'] = bibinfo
+        # extract some fields (author, title, year) according to their mapping
+        metaData=self.metadata.main.meta.bib
+        bibtype=dom.find("//bib/@type")
+        #bibtype=dom.xpath("//bib/@type")
+        if bibtype and (len(bibtype)>0):
+            bibtype=bibtype[0].value
+        else:
+            bibtype="generic"
+        bibtype=bibtype.replace("-"," ") # wrong typesiin index meta "-" instead of " " (not wrong! ROC)
+        docinfo['bib_type'] = bibtype
+        bibmap=metaData.generateMappingForType(bibtype)
+        logging.debug("documentViewer (getbibinfofromindexmeta) bibmap:"+repr(bibmap))
+        logging.debug("documentViewer (getbibinfofromindexmeta) bibtype:"+repr(bibtype))
+        # if there is no mapping bibmap is empty (mapping sometimes has empty fields)
+        if len(bibmap) > 0 and len(bibmap['author'][0]) > 0:
+            try:
+                docinfo['author']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//bib/%s"%bibmap['author'][0])[0])
+            except: pass
+            try:
+                docinfo['title']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//bib/%s"%bibmap['title'][0])[0])
+            except: pass
+            try:
+                docinfo['year']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//bib/%s"%bibmap['year'][0])[0])
+            except: pass
+            logging.debug("documentViewer (getbibinfofromindexmeta) using mapping for %s"%bibtype)
+            try:
+                docinfo['lang']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//bib/lang")[0])
+            except:
+                docinfo['lang']=''
+            try:
+                docinfo['city']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//bib/city")[0])
+            except:
+                docinfo['city']=''
+            try:
+                docinfo['number_of_pages']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//bib/number_of_pages")[0])
+            except:
+                docinfo['number_of_pages']=''
+            try:
+                docinfo['series_volume']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//bib/series_volume")[0])
+            except:
+                docinfo['series_volume']=''
+            try:
+                docinfo['number_of_volumes']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//bib/number_of_volumes")[0])
+            except:
+                docinfo['number_of_volumes']=''
+            try:
+                docinfo['translator']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//bib/translator")[0])
+            except:
+                docinfo['translator']=''
+            try:
+                docinfo['edition']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//bib/edition")[0])
+            except:
+                docinfo['edition']=''
+            try:
+                docinfo['series_author']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//bib/series_author")[0])
+            except:
+                docinfo['series_author']=''
+            try:
+                docinfo['publisher']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//bib/publisher")[0])
+            except:
+                docinfo['publisher']=''
+            try:
+                docinfo['series_title']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//bib/series_title")[0])
+            except:
+                docinfo['series_title']=''
+            try:
+                docinfo['isbn_issn']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//bib/isbn_issn")[0])
+            except:
+                docinfo['isbn_issn']=''           
+        return docinfo
+    def getNameFromIndexMeta(self,path,docinfo=None,dom=None,cut=0):
+        """gets name info from the index.meta file at path or given by dom"""
+        if docinfo is None:
+            docinfo = {}
+        if dom is None:
+            for x in range(cut):
+                path=getParentDir(path)
+            dom = self.getDomFromIndexMeta(path)
+        docinfo['name']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("/resource/name")[0])
+        logging.debug("documentViewer docinfo[name] %s"%docinfo['name'])
+        return docinfo
+    def getDocinfoFromTextTool(self, url, dom=None, docinfo=None):
+        """parse texttool tag in index meta"""
+        logging.debug("documentViewer (getdocinfofromtexttool) url: %s" % (url))
+        if docinfo is None:
+           docinfo = {}
+        if docinfo.get('lang', None) is None:
+            docinfo['lang'] = '' # default keine Sprache gesetzt
+        if dom is None:
+            dom = self.getDomFromIndexMeta(url)
+        archivePath = None
+        archiveName = None
+        archiveNames = dom.xpath("//resource/name")
+        if archiveNames and (len(archiveNames) > 0):
+            archiveName = getTextFromNode(archiveNames[0])
+        else:
+            logging.warning("documentViewer (getdocinfofromtexttool) resource/name missing in: %s" % (url))
+        archivePaths = dom.xpath("//resource/archive-path")
+        if archivePaths and (len(archivePaths) > 0):
+            archivePath = getTextFromNode(archivePaths[0])
+            # clean up archive path
+            if archivePath[0] != '/':
+                archivePath = '/' + archivePath
+            if archiveName and (not archivePath.endswith(archiveName)):
+                archivePath += "/" + archiveName
+        else:
+            # try to get archive-path from url
+            logging.warning("documentViewer (getdocinfofromtexttool) resource/archive-path missing in: %s" % (url))
+            if (not url.startswith('http')):
+                archivePath = url.replace('index.meta', '')
+        if archivePath is None:
+            # we balk without archive-path
+            raise IOError("Missing archive-path (for text-tool) in %s" % (url))
+        imageDirs = dom.xpath("//texttool/image")
+        if imageDirs and (len(imageDirs) > 0):
+            imageDir = getTextFromNode(imageDirs[0])
+        else:
+            # we balk with no image tag / not necessary anymore because textmode is now standard
+            #raise IOError("No text-tool info in %s"%(url))
+            imageDir = ""
+            #xquery="//pb"  
+            docinfo['imagePath'] = "" # keine Bilder
+            docinfo['imageURL'] = ""
+        if imageDir and archivePath:
+            #print "image: ", imageDir, " archivepath: ", archivePath
+            imageDir = os.path.join(archivePath, imageDir)
+            imageDir = imageDir.replace("/mpiwg/online", '')
+            docinfo = self.getDirinfoFromDigilib(imageDir, docinfo=docinfo)
+            docinfo['imagePath'] = imageDir
+            docinfo['imageURL'] = self.digilibBaseUrl + "/servlet/Scaler?fn=" + imageDir
+        viewerUrls = dom.xpath("//texttool/digiliburlprefix")
+        if viewerUrls and (len(viewerUrls) > 0):
+            viewerUrl = getTextFromNode(viewerUrls[0])
+            docinfo['viewerURL'] = viewerUrl
+        # old style text URL
+        textUrls = dom.xpath("//texttool/text")
+        if textUrls and (len(textUrls) > 0):
+            textUrl = getTextFromNode(textUrls[0])
+            if urlparse.urlparse(textUrl)[0] == "": #keine url
+                textUrl = os.path.join(archivePath, textUrl) 
+            # fix URLs starting with /mpiwg/online
+            if textUrl.startswith("/mpiwg/online"):
+                textUrl = textUrl.replace("/mpiwg/online", '', 1)
+            docinfo['textURL'] = textUrl
+        # new style text-url-path
+        textUrls = dom.xpath("//texttool/text-url-path")
+        if textUrls and (len(textUrls) > 0):
+            textUrl = getTextFromNode(textUrls[0])
+            docinfo['textURLPath'] = textUrl
+            textUrlkurz = string.split(textUrl, ".")[0]
+            docinfo['textURLPathkurz'] = textUrlkurz
+            #if not docinfo['imagePath']:
+                # text-only, no page images
+                #docinfo = self.getNumTextPages(docinfo)
+        presentationUrls = dom.xpath("//texttool/presentation")
+        docinfo = self.getBibinfoFromIndexMeta(url, docinfo=docinfo, dom=dom)   # get info von bib tag
+        docinfo = self.getNameFromIndexMeta(url, docinfo=docinfo, dom=dom)
+        if presentationUrls and (len(presentationUrls) > 0): # ueberschreibe diese durch presentation informationen 
+             # presentation url ergiebt sich ersetzen von index.meta in der url der fuer die Metadaten
+             # durch den relativen Pfad auf die presentation infos
+            presentationPath = getTextFromNode(presentationUrls[0])
+            if url.endswith("index.meta"): 
+                presentationUrl = url.replace('index.meta', presentationPath)
+            else:
+                presentationUrl = url + "/" + presentationPath
+            docinfo = self.getBibinfoFromTextToolPresentation(presentationUrl, docinfo=docinfo, dom=dom)
+        docinfo = self.getAuthinfoFromIndexMeta(url, docinfo=docinfo, dom=dom)   # get access info
+        return docinfo
+    def getBibinfoFromTextToolPresentation(self,url,docinfo=None,dom=None):
+        """gets the bibliographical information from the preseantion entry in texttools
+        """
+        dom=self.getPresentationInfoXML(url)
+        try:
+            docinfo['author']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//author")[0])
+        except:
+            pass
+        try:
+            docinfo['title']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//title")[0])
+        except:
+            pass
+        try:
+            docinfo['year']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//date")[0])
+        except:
+            pass
+        return docinfo
+    def getDocinfoFromImagePath(self,path,docinfo=None,cut=0):
+        """path ist the path to the images it assumes that the index.meta file is one level higher."""
+        logging.debug("documentViewer (getdocinfofromimagepath) path: %s"%(path))
+        if docinfo is None:
+            docinfo = {}
+        path=path.replace("/mpiwg/online","")
+        docinfo['imagePath'] = path
+        docinfo=self.getDirinfoFromDigilib(path,docinfo=docinfo,cut=cut)
+        pathorig=path
+        for x in range(cut):       
+                path=getParentDir(path)
+        logging.debug("documentViewer (getdocinfofromimagepath) PATH:"+path)
+        imageUrl=self.digilibBaseUrl+"/servlet/Scaler?fn="+path
+        docinfo['imageURL'] = imageUrl
+        #path ist the path to the images it assumes that the index.meta file is one level higher.
+        docinfo = self.getBibinfoFromIndexMeta(pathorig,docinfo=docinfo,cut=cut+1)
+        docinfo = self.getAuthinfoFromIndexMeta(pathorig,docinfo=docinfo,cut=cut+1)
+        return docinfo
+    def getDocinfo(self, mode, url):
+        """returns docinfo depending on mode"""
+        logging.debug("documentViewer (getdocinfo) mode: %s, url: %s"%(mode,url))
+        # look for cached docinfo in session
+        if self.REQUEST.SESSION.has_key('docinfo'):
+            docinfo = self.REQUEST.SESSION['docinfo']
+            # check if its still current
+            if docinfo is not None and docinfo.get('mode') == mode and docinfo.get('url') == url:
+                logging.debug("documentViewer (getdocinfo) docinfo in session: %s"%docinfo)
+                return docinfo
+        # new docinfo
+        docinfo = {'mode': mode, 'url': url}
+        if mode=="texttool": #index.meta with texttool information
+            docinfo = self.getDocinfoFromTextTool(url, docinfo=docinfo)
+        elif mode=="imagepath":
+            docinfo = self.getDocinfoFromImagePath(url, docinfo=docinfo)
+        elif mode=="filepath":
+            docinfo = self.getDocinfoFromImagePath(url, docinfo=docinfo,cut=1)
+        else:
+            logging.error("documentViewer (getdocinfo) unknown mode: %s!"%mode)
+            raise ValueError("Unknown mode %s! Has to be one of 'texttool','imagepath','filepath'."%(mode))
+        # FIXME: fake texturlpath 
+        if not docinfo.has_key('textURLPath'):
+            docinfo['textURLPath'] = None
+        logging.debug("documentViewer (getdocinfo) docinfo: %s"%docinfo)
+        #logging.debug("documentViewer (getdocinfo) docinfo: %s"%)
+        self.REQUEST.SESSION['docinfo'] = docinfo
+        return docinfo
+    def getPageinfo(self, current, start=None, rows=None, cols=None, docinfo=None, viewMode=None, tocMode=None):
+        """returns pageinfo with the given parameters"""
+        pageinfo = {}
+        current = getInt(current)
+        pageinfo['current'] = current
+        rows = int(rows or self.thumbrows)
+        pageinfo['rows'] = rows
+        cols = int(cols or self.thumbcols)
+        pageinfo['cols'] = cols
+        grpsize = cols * rows
+        pageinfo['groupsize'] = grpsize
+        start = getInt(start, default=(math.ceil(float(current)/float(grpsize))*grpsize-(grpsize-1)))
+        # int(current / grpsize) * grpsize +1))
+        pageinfo['start'] = start
+        pageinfo['end'] = start + grpsize
+        if (docinfo is not None) and ('numPages' in docinfo):
+            np = int(docinfo['numPages'])
+            pageinfo['end'] = min(pageinfo['end'], np)
+            pageinfo['numgroups'] = int(np / grpsize)
+            if np % grpsize > 0:
+                pageinfo['numgroups'] += 1        
+        pageinfo['viewMode'] = viewMode
+        pageinfo['tocMode'] = tocMode
+        pageinfo['characterNormalization'] = self.REQUEST.get('characterNormalization','reg')
+        #pageinfo['optionToggle'] = self.REQUEST.get('optionToggle','1')
+        pageinfo['query'] = self.REQUEST.get('query','') 
+        pageinfo['queryType'] = self.REQUEST.get('queryType','')
+        pageinfo['querySearch'] =self.REQUEST.get('querySearch', 'fulltext')
+        pageinfo['textPN'] = self.REQUEST.get('textPN','1')
+        pageinfo['highlightQuery'] = self.REQUEST.get('highlightQuery','')
+        pageinfo['tocPageSize'] = self.REQUEST.get('tocPageSize', '30')
+        pageinfo['queryPageSize'] =self.REQUEST.get('queryPageSize', '10')
+        pageinfo['tocPN'] = self.REQUEST.get('tocPN', '1')     
+        toc = int (pageinfo['tocPN'])
+        pageinfo['textPages'] =int (toc)
+        if 'tocSize_%s'%tocMode in docinfo:
+            tocSize = int(docinfo['tocSize_%s'%tocMode])
+            tocPageSize = int(pageinfo['tocPageSize'])
+            # cached toc           
+            if tocSize%tocPageSize>0:
+                tocPages=tocSize/tocPageSize+1
+            else:
+                tocPages=tocSize/tocPageSize
+            pageinfo['tocPN'] = min (tocPages,toc)                    
+        pageinfo['searchPN'] =self.REQUEST.get('searchPN','1')
+        pageinfo['sn'] =self.REQUEST.get('sn','')
+        return pageinfo
+def changeDocumentViewer(self,title="",digilibBaseUrl=None,thumbrows=2,thumbcols=5,authgroups='mpiwg',RESPONSE=None):
+        """init document viewer"""
+        self.title=title
+        self.digilibBaseUrl = digilibBaseUrl
+        self.thumbrows = thumbrows
+        self.thumbcols = thumbcols
+        self.authgroups = [s.strip().lower() for s in authgroups.split(',')]
+        if RESPONSE is not None:
+            RESPONSE.redirect('manage_main')
+def manage_AddDocumentViewerForm(self):
+    """add the viewer form"""
+    pt=PageTemplateFile('zpt/addDocumentViewer', globals()).__of__(self)
+    return pt()
+def manage_AddDocumentViewer(self,id,imageScalerUrl="",textServerName="",title="",RESPONSE=None):
+    """add the viewer"""
+    newObj=documentViewer(id,imageScalerUrl=imageScalerUrl,title=title,textServerName=textServerName)
+    self._setObject(id,newObj)
+    if RESPONSE is not None:
+        RESPONSE.redirect('manage_main')
+## DocumentViewerTemplate class
+class DocumentViewerTemplate(ZopePageTemplate):
+    """Template for document viewer"""
+    meta_type="DocumentViewer Template"
+def manage_addDocumentViewerTemplateForm(self):
+    """Form for adding"""
+    pt=PageTemplateFile('zpt/addDocumentViewerTemplate', globals()).__of__(self)
+    return pt()
+def manage_addDocumentViewerTemplate(self, id='viewer_main', title=None, text=None,
+                           REQUEST=None, submit=None):
+    "Add a Page Template with optional file content."
+    self._setObject(id, DocumentViewerTemplate(id))
+    ob = getattr(self, id)
+    txt=file(os.path.join(package_home(globals()),'zpt/viewer_main.zpt'),'r').read()
+    logging.info("txt %s:"%txt)
+    ob.pt_edit(txt,"text/html")
+    if title:
+        ob.pt_setTitle(title)
+    try:
+        u = self.DestinationURL()
+    except AttributeError:
+        u = REQUEST['URL1']
+    u = "%s/%s" % (u, urllib.quote(id))
+    REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(u+'/manage_main')
+    return ''