changeset 0:26c06d568e1d

author dwinter
date Thu, 13 Sep 2012 16:56:49 +0200
children 283badd62593
diffstat 3 files changed, 389 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Sep 13 16:56:49 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#diese klasse fragt die postgres db ab und erzeugt ein kml file aus den abfragen
+import psycopg2
+import harvestDataFromEvents
+class DBQuery:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.conn=psycopg2.connect("dbname='mmpermits' user='postgres' host='localhost' password='XX'")
+        self.cur=self.conn.cursor()
+    def searchXPath(self,xpath,searchTerm):
+        query="""select data from locations
+        where
+        '%s' = ANY (cast (xpath('%s', data) as text[])) ;
+        """%(searchTerm,xpath)
+        self.cur.execute(query)
+        results= self.cur.fetchall()
+        ret=""
+        for result in results:
+            ret+=result[0]+"\n"
+        return ret
+    def query(self,q):
+        self.cur.execute(q)
+        results= self.cur.fetchall()
+        return results
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    db = DBQuery()
+    res= "<events>"+db.searchXPath("//name/text()", "Brian L. Cypher")+"</events>"
+    hv=harvestDataFromEvents.EventKMLTransformer()
+    x,cnt=hv.readString(res, ".//research_location/place_information", 0)
+    hv.close()
+    s = hv.toKML(x)
+    print s
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Sep 13 16:56:49 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+import web
+import eventsDB2kml
+import harvestDataFromEvents
+import urllib
+urls = (
+    '/xpath/(.*)', 'xpath',
+    '/species', 'species',
+    '/applicants', 'applicants',
+    '/locations','locations'
+app = web.application(urls, globals())
+class locations:
+    def GET(self):
+        ret=""
+        url1=urllib.quote_plus("http://localhost/outApplicants.xml")
+        ret+="""
+            <a href="
+            %s?kml1=%s&source1=1"  
+            target="e4D">applicants</a><br/>
+            """%(E4D_URL,url1)
+        url2=urllib.quote_plus("http://localhost/outResearch.xml")
+        ret+="""
+            <a href="
+            %s?kml1=%s&source1=1"  
+            target="e4D">research</a><br/>
+            """%(E4D_URL,url2)
+        ret+= """
+        <a href="
+           %s?kml1=%s&source1=1&kml2=%s&source2=1"  
+            target="e4D">both</a><br/>
+            """%(E4D_URL,url1,url2)
+        return ret
+class xpath:
+    def GET(self, path):
+        if not path: 
+            return ""
+        x = web.input()
+        q= x.get("q")
+        db = eventsDB2kml.DBQuery()
+        res= "<events>"+db.searchXPath(path, q)+"</events>"
+        hv=harvestDataFromEvents.EventKMLTransformer()
+        #x,cnt=hv.readString(res, ".//research_location/place_information", 0)
+        x,cnt=hv.readString(res, ".//place_information", 0)
+        s = hv.toKML(x)
+        return s
+class applicants:
+     def GET(self):
+        db = eventsDB2kml.DBQuery()
+        q="""
+          select 
+            cast(xpath('//applicant/name/text()', data) as text[]) AS name 
+            from locations
+            """
+        res=db.query(q)
+        #hole alle species
+        spec=set()
+        for r in res:
+            l=r[0] 
+            for x in l:
+                spec.add(x)
+        ret=""
+        spList=[x for x in spec]
+        spList.sort()
+        for x in spList:
+            print x
+            ret+="""<a href="/xpath///applicant/name/text()?q=%s">%s</a>"""%(x,x)
+            url=urllib.quote_plus("%sxpath///applicant/name/text()?q=%s"%(BASE_URL,x))
+            ret+="""
+            <a href="
+            %s?kml1=%s&source1=1"  
+            target="e4D">e4D</a><br/>
+            """%(E4D_URL,url)
+        return ret
+class species:
+    def GET(self):
+        db = eventsDB2kml.DBQuery()
+        q="""
+          select 
+            cast(xpath('//species/text()', data) as text[]) AS name 
+            from locations
+            """
+        res=db.query(q)
+        #hole alle species
+        spec=set()
+        for r in res:
+            l=r[0] 
+            for x in l:
+                spec.add(x)
+        ret=""
+        spList=[x for x in spec]
+        spList.sort()
+        for x in spList:
+            print x
+            ret+="""<a href="/xpath///species/text()?q=%s">%s</a>"""%(x,x)
+            url=urllib.quote_plus("%sxpath///species/text()?q=%s"%(BASE_URL,x))
+            ret+="""
+            <a href="
+            %s?kml1=%s&source1=1"  
+            target="e4D">e4D</a><br/>
+            """%(E4D_URL,url)
+        return ret
+if __name__ == "__main__":
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Sep 13 16:56:49 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+Created on 11.09.2012
+@author: dwinter
+from lxml import etree
+import os
+import codecs
+class Event:
+    long=""
+    lat=""
+    oid=""
+    placename=""
+    date=""
+    species=""
+    description=""
+    def __str__(self):
+        ret=""
+        ret="%s %s %s"%(self.oid,,self.long)
+        return ret
+    def toKML(self):
+        ret="""
+        <Placemark>
+        <name>%s - %s</name>
+        <description><![CDATA[%s]]></description>
+        <TimeStamp><when>%s</when></TimeStamp>
+        <Point>
+        <coordinates>%s,%s</coordinates>
+        </Point>
+        </Placemark>
+        """%(self.oid,self.placename,self.description,,self.long,
+        return ret
+class EventKMLTransformer:
+    def __init__(self,sqlFilename=None):
+        self.cnt=0
+        #falls ein Filename anfgegeben wird dann wird ein sql-file erzeugt
+        if sqlFilename is not None:
+  ,"w","utf-8")
+        else:
+            self.f=None
+        #self.f ="/tmp/out.sql","w","utf-8")
+    def createDescription(self,element):
+        xslt_root=etree.parse("../../XSLT/entryToXHTML.xsl")
+        transform = etree.XSLT(xslt_root)
+        res=transform(element)
+        return unicode(res)
+    def calcDate(self,date):
+        splitted=date.split("-")
+        if len(splitted)==3:
+            year="20"+splitted[2]
+            month=splitted[1]
+            date=splitted[0]
+            return "%s-%s-%s"%(year,month,date)
+        return "2000"
+    def writeToSQL(self,event,ident,cnt,f):
+        insert="""
+        INSERT INTO locations (data, "idTxt",id) VALUES ('%s', '%s',%s);"""
+        evString = etree.tostring(event).replace("'","")
+        f.write(insert%(evString,ident,cnt))
+    def readString(self,xmlString,locationXPath,cnt):
+        tree = etree.XML(xmlString)
+        return self.analyseEventXML(tree,locationXPath,cnt)
+    def readFile(self,filePath,locationXPath,cnt):
+        tree = etree.parse(filePath)
+        return self.analyseEventXML(tree,locationXPath,cnt)
+    def analyseEventXML(self,tree,locationXPath,cnt):
+        counter=0
+        ret=[]
+        for event in tree.xpath("//event"):
+            text=event.get("text")
+            #erzeuge zunaechste eine id aus dem textname und dem counter
+            #place_information=event.xpath(".//place_information")
+            place_information=event.xpath(locationXPath)
+            for place in place_information:
+                ev=Event()
+      "date_filed"))
+                ev.description=self.createDescription(event)
+                ev.oid="%s.%s"%(text,counter)
+                counter+=1
+                print ev.oid
+                ev.placename=place.text
+      "latitude")
+                ev.long=place.get("longitude")
+                ret.append(ev)
+                if self.f is not None:
+                    self.writeToSQL(event,ev.oid,cnt,self.f)
+                cnt+=1
+        return ret,cnt
+    def readFiles(self,path,locationXPath):
+        ret=[]
+        cnt=0
+        for f in os.listdir(path):
+            ret2,cnt=self.readFile(path+f,locationXPath,cnt)
+            ret+=ret2   
+        return ret
+    def toKML(self,events):
+        ret="""<kml>
+        """
+        ret+="<Document>"
+        for event in events:
+            ret+=event.toKML()
+        ret+="</Document>"
+        ret+="</kml>"
+        return ret
+    def close(self):
+        if self.f is not None:
+            self.f.close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    tf=EventKMLTransformer("/tmp/out.sql")
+    x = tf.readFiles("/Users/dwinter/Documents/Projekte/mmpa-permit-etienne/events/",".//research_location/place_information")
+    #x = readFiles("/Users/dwinter/Documents/Projekte/mmpa-permit-etienne/Results/events/")
+    evs= tf.toKML(x)
+    out ="/tmp/outResearch.xml","w","utf-8")
+    out.write(evs)
+    out.close()
+    x = tf.readFiles("/Users/dwinter/Documents/Projekte/mmpa-permit-etienne/events/",".//applicant_locations/place_information")
+    #x = readFiles("/Users/dwinter/Documents/Projekte/mmpa-permit-etienne/Results/events/")
+    evs= tf.toKML(x)
+    out ="/tmp/outApplicants.xml","w","utf-8")
+    out.write(evs)
+    out.close()
+    tf.close()
\ No newline at end of file