diff interface/tagging_text_20130814150100.php_old @ 0:b12c99b7c3f0

commit for previous development
author Zoe Hong <zhong@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de>
date Mon, 19 Jan 2015 17:13:49 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/interface/tagging_text_20130814150100.php_old	Mon Jan 19 17:13:49 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,966 @@
+header("Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8");
+if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
+	$section_id = $_GET['id'];
+} else {
+	$get_book_id = $_GET['book'];
+	$get_start = $_GET['start'];
+	$get_end = $_GET['end'];
+ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
+$link_mysql = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'ilove!@34');
+mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8");
+if (!$link_mysql) {
+    die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
+$db_selected = mysql_select_db('Gazetteer', $link_mysql);
+if (!$db_selected) {
+    die ('Can\'t use foo : ' . mysql_error());
+if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
+function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "") 
+  $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;
+  $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);
+  switch ($theType) {
+    case "text":
+      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
+      break;    
+    case "long":
+    case "int":
+      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
+      break;
+    case "double":
+      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . doubleval($theValue) . "'" : "NULL";
+      break;
+    case "date":
+      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
+      break;
+    case "defined":
+      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
+      break;
+  }
+  return $theValue;
+$query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `sections` WHERE `id`=\"%s\"", $section_id);
+$result = mysql_query($query);
+while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
+	$bookId=$row['books_id'];
+	$startPage=$row['start_page'];
+	$endPage=$row['end_page'];
+if ( file_exists("parsing_files/".$section_id.".txt") ) {
+	$contentString=file_get_contents("parsing_files/".$section_id.".txt");
+	$stringInput = $contentString;
+	$stringInput = preg_replace("/ /u", "○", $stringInput);
+	$stringInput = preg_replace("/\n/u", "<br>", $stringInput);
+	$stringInput = preg_replace("/【(.*?)】/u", "【<a href=\"review_index_xml_images.php?books_id=".$bookId."&pages=\\1&entry=0\" target=\"_blank\">\\1</a>】", $stringInput);
+} else {
+	$query = sprintf("SELECT `content`, `line`, `books_id` FROM `contents` WHERE `books_id`=\"%s\" AND `line`>=%d AND `line`<=%d", $bookId, $startPage, $endPage);
+	$result = mysql_query($query);
+	while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
+		$contentString.="【".$row['line']."】".$row['content']."\n";
+	}
+	$stringInput = $contentString;
+	$stringInput = preg_replace("/<(.*?)>/u", "○", $stringInput);
+	$stringInput = preg_replace("/ /u", "○", $stringInput);
+	$stringInput = preg_replace("/\n/u", "<br>", $stringInput);
+	$stringInput = preg_replace("/【(.*?)】/u", "【<a href=\"review_index_xml_images.php?books_id=".$bookId."&pages=\\1&entry=0\" target=\"_blank\">\\1</a>】", $stringInput);
+$query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `taglist` ORDER BY `tag` ASC");
+$result = mysql_query($query);
+while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
+	$taglistArray[] = array( $row['id'], $row['name'], $row['tag'], $row['color'] );
+function sortFunction($a,$b) {
+    return strlen($b)-strlen($a);
+$query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `wordlist` ORDER BY `name` ASC");
+$result = mysql_query($query);
+while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
+	$listString = file_get_contents("wordlist/".$row['id'].".txt");
+	$listString = preg_replace("/<div>/u", "\n", $listString);
+	$listString = preg_replace("/<\/div>/u", "", $listString);
+	$listString = preg_replace("/<span(.*?)>/u", "", $listString);
+	$listString = preg_replace("/<\/span>/u", "", $listString);
+	//$listString = preg_replace("/\n/u", "|", $listString);
+	$wordlistArray2 = explode( "\n", $listString );
+	usort($wordlistArray2,'sortFunction');
+	foreach ( $wordlistArray2 as $index=>$value ) {
+		$wordlistArray2[$index] = implode("○?", preg_split("/(?<!^)(?!$)/u", $value));
+	}
+	foreach ( $wordlistArray2 as $index=>$value ) {
+		if ($value=="") unset($wordlistArray2[$index]);
+	}
+	$listString = implode("|", $wordlistArray2);
+	if ( $listString[0]=="|" ) $listString = substr($listString, 1);
+	$wordlistArray[] = array( $row['id'], $row['name'], $listString );
+<script src="../jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
+	color:red;
+	color:blue;
+	color:orange;
+#editable-area {
+	line-height:160%;
+	letter-spacing:1.5px;
+	font-size:21px;
+foreach ( $taglistArray as $taglistValue ) {
+	echo $taglistValue[2]."\n{\ncolor:".$taglistValue[3]."\n}\n";
+	echo ".span_".$taglistValue[2]."\n{\nbackground-color:".$taglistValue[3]."\n}\n";
+<script type="text/javascript">
+var stringBeforeChange="";
+window.onbeforeunload = function() {
+	return "Are you sure?";
+	//run once
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+	//run on scroll
+	$(window).scroll(function(){
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+$(document).on("mouseup", function (e) {
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+	$('.tagItemDivClass').remove();
+	alert("Remove");
+$(document).on("click", '.questionMarkClass', function (e) {
+    e.stopPropagation();
+function removeTagNewDiv( eventObject, tagName, tagObject ) {
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+	var newbutton = $('<button>Remove this</button>').mouseup(function (e2) {
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+	var newbutton = $('<button>Remove all</button>').mouseup(function (e2) {
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+		if ( str.match(regexText)==null ) {
+			alert( "Removed 1 entity!" );
+		} else {
+			alert( "Removed "+(parseInt(str.match(regexText).length)+1)+" entities!" );
+		}
+		el.innerHTML = str.replace(regexText, replaceText);
+    });
+	newbutton.appendTo(newdiv);
+	var newbutton = $('<button>Remove all(with newline)</button>').mouseup(function (e2) {
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+		var regexText=/<div(.*?)<\/div>/g;
+		var replaceText="";
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+		alert( "Removed "+str.match(regexText).length+" entities!" );
+		el.innerHTML = str.replace(regexText, replaceText);
+    });
+	newbutton.appendTo(newdiv);
+	tagObject.append(newdiv);
+foreach ( $taglistArray as $taglistValue ) {
+	echo '$(document).on("click", "'.$taglistValue[2].'", function (e) {'."\n";
+	echo "\t".'if ( $(this).prop("tagName").toLowerCase() != "'.$taglistValue[2].'" ) return 0;'."\n";
+	echo "\t".'if ( $("#editTextId").html() != "Edit the text" ) return 0;'."\n";
+	echo "\tremoveTagNewDiv( e, \"".$taglistValue[2]."\", $(this) );\n";
+	echo "});\n";
+$(document).on("click", "name", function (e) {
+	if ( $("#editTextId").html() != "Edit the text" ) return 0;
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+	removeTagNewDiv( e, "name", $(this) );
+$(document).on("mouseup", '#editable-area', function (e) {
+	$('.questionMarkClass').remove();
+	$('.tagItemDivClass').remove();
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+	range = getSelected().getRangeAt(0);
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+	container.appendChild(selection.getRangeAt(0).cloneContents());
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+		if ( container.innerHTML.indexOf( "br" ) != -1 ) {
+			var newselect = document.createElement("select");
+			newselect.id = "TitletagType";
+			<?php 
+				foreach ( $taglistArray as $taglistValue ) {
+					echo "newselect.innerHTML += \"<option value='".$taglistValue[2]."'>".$taglistValue[1]."</option>\";\n";
+				}
+			?>
+			newdiv.appendChild(newselect);
+			newdiv.innerHTML += "<input id=\"TitletagName\"></br>";
+			newdiv.innerHTML += "<button onclick=\"addTagTitle( range, container )\">Add Title Tag To Each Line</button></br>";
+			newdiv.innerHTML += "<button onclick=\"exportTable( range, container )\">Export As A Table</button>";
+		} else {
+			newdiv.innerHTML = "Tag: "+String(selection)+"<br>";
+			newdiv.innerHTML += "<button onclick=\"tagwithtitle( range, '"+String(selection)+"' )\">Tag As Title</button></br>";
+			<?php 
+				foreach ( $taglistArray as $taglistValue ) {
+					if ( $taglistValue[2] == "person") {
+						echo "newdiv.innerHTML += \"<button accesskey=\\\"1\\\" onclick=\\\"tagwithOnlytag( range, '\"+String(selection)+\"', '".$taglistValue[2]."' )\\\">Tag as:".$taglistValue[1]."</button>\";\n";
+						echo "newdiv.innerHTML += \"<button accesskey=\\\"2\\\" onclick=\\\"tagStringWithTag( '\"+String(selection)+\"', '".$taglistValue[2]."' )\\\">Tag as:".$taglistValue[1]."(ALL)</button></br>\";\n";
+					} else {
+						echo "newdiv.innerHTML += \"<button onclick=\\\"tagwithOnlytag( range, '\"+String(selection)+\"', '".$taglistValue[2]."' )\\\">Tag as:".$taglistValue[1]."</button>\";\n";
+						echo "newdiv.innerHTML += \"<button onclick=\\\"tagStringWithTag( '\"+String(selection)+\"', '".$taglistValue[2]."' )\\\">Tag as:".$taglistValue[1]."(ALL)</button></br>\";\n";
+					}				
+				}
+			?>
+		}
+		$('body').append(newdiv);
+	}
+    //e.stopPropagation();
+function addTagTitle( range, container ) {
+	tag = "<"+$('#TitletagType').val()+">〈"+$('#TitletagName').val()+"〉</"+$('#TitletagType').val()+">";
+	range.deleteContents();
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+	var regexText=/<br>/g;
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+	stringtemp = stringtemp.replace(regexText, replaceText);
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+	range.insertNode(newdiv);
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+	var regexText=/<aaaa>/gi;
+	var replaceText='';
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+	var replaceText='';
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+function exportTable( range, container ) {
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+	hiddenField.setAttribute("name", "sectionid");
+	hiddenField.setAttribute("value", "<?php echo $section_id; ?>");
+	form.appendChild(hiddenField);
+	//document.body.appendChild(form);
+	form.submit();
+function exportPage() {
+	var startPage = $('#exportPageStart').val();
+	var endPage = $('#exportPageEnd').val();
+	var el = document.getElementById("editable-area");
+	var str="" + el.innerHTML;
+	var regexText="【<a([^<>]*?)>"+startPage+"</a>】(.*?)【<a([^<>]*?)>"+endPage+"</a>】";
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+	form.setAttribute("method", "post");
+	form.setAttribute("action", "exportTable.php");
+	form.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
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+	var hiddenField = document.createElement("input");		
+	hiddenField.setAttribute("name", "sectionid");
+	hiddenField.setAttribute("value", "<?php echo $section_id; ?>");
+	form.appendChild(hiddenField);
+	//document.body.appendChild(form);
+	form.submit();
+function exportAll() {
+	var el = document.getElementById("editable-area");
+	var str="" + el.innerHTML;
+	var form = document.createElement("form");
+	form.setAttribute("method", "post");
+	form.setAttribute("action", "exportTable.php");
+	form.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
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+	hiddenField.setAttribute("name", "content");
+	hiddenField.setAttribute("value", str);
+	form.appendChild(hiddenField);
+	var hiddenField = document.createElement("input");		
+	hiddenField.setAttribute("name", "sectionid");
+	hiddenField.setAttribute("value", "<?php echo $section_id; ?>");
+	form.appendChild(hiddenField);
+	//document.body.appendChild(form);
+	form.submit();
+function cleanUpTextArea() {
+	var el = document.getElementById("editable-area");
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+	var replaceText='';
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+	var replaceText='';
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+	var regexText=/<\/span>/gi;
+	var replaceText='';
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+function Undo() {
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+	el.innerHTML = stringBeforeChange;
+	stringBeforeChange="";
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+	stringBeforeChange = el.innerHTML;
+	var el = document.getElementById("buttonUndo");
+	el.disabled = false;
+function editText() {
+	var el = document.getElementById("editable-area");
+	if ( $("#editTextId").html() == "Edit the text" ) {
+		saveUndoText();
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+		$("button").attr("disabled", true);
+		$("#editTextId").attr("disabled", false);
+		$("#editTextId").html("Edit completed!");
+	} else {
+		el.contentEditable = false;
+		cleanUpTextArea();
+		$("button").attr("disabled", false);
+		$("#editTextId").html("Edit the text");
+	}
+function saveText() {
+	var el = document.getElementById("editable-area");
+	$.ajax({
+		url : 'save_full_text.php',
+		async : false,
+		type : 'POST',
+		data : 'text='+encodeURIComponent(el.innerHTML)+'&filename=<?php echo $section_id; ?>'
+	}).done(function(result) {
+		alert("Saved!");
+	});
+function preg_quote (str, delimiter) {
+  // http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net
+  // +   original by: booeyOH
+  // +   improved by: Ates Goral (http://magnetiq.com)
+  // +   improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net)
+  // +   bugfixed by: Onno Marsman
+  // +   improved by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me)
+  // *     example 1: preg_quote("$40");
+  // *     returns 1: '\$40'
+  // *     example 2: preg_quote("*RRRING* Hello?");
+  // *     returns 2: '\*RRRING\* Hello\?'
+  // *     example 3: preg_quote("\\.+*?[^]$(){}=!<>|:");
+  // *     returns 3: '\\\.\+\*\?\[\^\]\$\(\)\{\}\=\!\<\>\|\:'
+  return (str + '').replace(new RegExp('[.\\\\+*?\\[\\^\\]$(){}=!<>|:\\' + (delimiter || '') + '-]', 'g'), '\\$&');
+function replaceRegex() {
+	saveUndoText();
+	var el = document.getElementById("editable-area");
+	var regexText=document.getElementById("regexText").value;
+	var replaceText=document.getElementById("replaceText").value;
+	var str="" + el.innerHTML;
+	alert( "Tagged "+str.match(new RegExp(regexText, "g")).length+" entities!" );
+	el.innerHTML = str.replace(new RegExp(regexText, "g"), replaceText);
+	//document.styleSheets[0].addRule("tag001", "color:green;")
+function replaceSmartRegex() {
+	saveUndoText();
+	var el = document.getElementById("editable-area");
+	var regexText=document.getElementById("regexText").value;
+	foreach ( $wordlistArray as $wordlistValue ) {
+		echo "\tvar regexText1=\"List ".$wordlistValue[1]."\";\n";
+		echo "\tregexText1 = preg_quote(regexText1);\n";
+		echo "\tvar replaceText1=\"".$wordlistValue[2]."\";\n";
+		echo "\tregexText = regexText.replace(new RegExp(regexText1, \"g\"), replaceText1);\n\n";
+	}
+	?>
+	var replaceText=document.getElementById("replaceText").value;
+	var str="" + el.innerHTML;
+	alert( "Tagged "+str.match(new RegExp(regexText, "g")).length+" entities!" );
+	el.innerHTML = str.replace(new RegExp(regexText, "g"), replaceText);
+	//document.styleSheets[0].addRule("tag001", "color:green;")
+//Tagging Items
+function getSelected() {
+    if(window.getSelection) {
+		return window.getSelection();
+	} else if (document.getSelection) { 
+		return document.getSelection(); 
+	} else {
+		var selection = document.selection && document.selection.createRange();
+		if(selection.text) {
+			return selection.text;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	return false;
+function tagStringWithTag( stringValue, tag ) {
+	var el = document.getElementById("editable-area");
+	var regexText="("+String(stringValue)+")";
+	if ( tag=="person") {
+		var replaceText="<br><"+tag+">$1</"+tag+">";
+	} else {
+		var replaceText="<"+tag+">$1</"+tag+">";
+	}
+	var str="" + el.innerHTML;
+	$('.tagItemDivClass').remove();
+	alert( "Tagged "+str.match(new RegExp(regexText, "g")).length+" entities!" );
+	el.innerHTML = str.replace(new RegExp(regexText, "g"), replaceText);
+function tagwithtitle( range, stringSelection ) {
+	range.deleteContents();
+	//var newdiv = document.createElement("br");
+	//range.insertNode(newdiv);
+	range.insertNode(document.createTextNode("〈"+stringSelection+"〉"));
+	var newdiv = document.createElement("br");
+	range.insertNode(newdiv);
+function tagwithOnlytag( range, stringSelection, tag ) {
+	range.deleteContents();
+	var newdiv = document.createElement(tag);
+	newdiv.innerHTML = stringSelection;
+	range.insertNode(newdiv);
+	if ( tag=="person") {
+		var newdiv = document.createElement("br");
+		range.insertNode(newdiv);
+	}
+	$('.tagItemDivClass').remove();
+function tagNameWithLastName() {
+	saveUndoText();
+	var el = document.getElementById("editable-area");
+	var regexText=/(○|】|^)(王|李|張|趙|劉|陳|楊|吳|黃|黄|朱|孫|郭|胡|呂|高|宋|徐|程|林|鄭|范|何|韓|曹|馬|許|田|馮|杜|周|曾|汪|蘇|董|方|蔡|梁|石|謝|賈|薛|彭|崔|唐|潘|鄧|史|錢|侯|魏|羅|葉|沈|孟|姚|傅|丁|章|蕭|蔣|盧|陸|袁|晁|譚|邵|歐陽|孔|詹|俞|尹|廖|閻|洪|夏|雷|葛|文|柳|陶|毛|丘|龔|蒲|邢|郝|龐|安|裴|折|施|游|金|鄒|湯|虞|嚴|鍾)([^○]{1,3}|○[^○])(?=(○|$))/g;
+	var replaceText="$1<br><person>$2$3</person>$4";
+	var str="" + el.innerHTML;
+	alert( "Tagged "+str.match(regexText).length+" entities!" );
+	el.innerHTML = str.replace(regexText, replaceText);
+function tagNameWithLastName2() {
+	saveUndoText();
+	var el = document.getElementById("editable-area");
+	var regexText="(○|】|^)("+$('#surname').val()+")([^○]{1,3}|○.)(?=(○|$))";
+	var replaceText="$1<br><person>$2$3</person>$4";
+	var str="" + el.innerHTML;
+	alert( "Tagged "+str.match(new RegExp(regexText, "g")).length+" entities!" );
+	el.innerHTML = str.replace(new RegExp(regexText, "g"), replaceText);
+function tagTime() {
+	saveUndoText();
+	var el = document.getElementById("editable-area");
+	var str="" + el.innerHTML;
+	var regexText=/(<?php echo $wordlistArray[0][2]; ?>)(○?)(一|二|三|四|五|六|七|八|九)?(○?)(十)?(○?)(一|二|三|四|五|六|七|八|九|元|十)(○?)(年)/g;
+	var replaceText="<time>$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9</time>";
+	var matchedCount = str.match(regexText).length;
+	str = str.replace(regexText, replaceText);
+	var regexText=/(?!(>))(<?php echo $wordlistArray[0][2]; ?>)/g;
+	var replaceText="<time>$1$2</time>";
+	matchedCount += str.match(regexText).length;
+	el.innerHTML = str.replace(regexText, replaceText);
+	var regexText=/(一|二|三|四|五|六|七|八|九)?(○?)(十)?(○?)(一|二|三|四|五|六|七|八|九|元|十)(○?)(年)(?!(<))/g;
+	var replaceText="<time>$1$2$3$4$5$6$7</time>";
+	matchedCount += str.match(regexText).length;
+	el.innerHTML = str.replace(regexText, replaceText);
+	alert( "Tagged "+matchedCount+" entities!" );
+function tagBiogAddr() {
+	saveUndoText();
+	var el = document.getElementById("editable-area");
+	var str="" + el.innerHTML;
+	var regexText=/(○)([^○]{1,6})(○?)(人)/g;
+	var replaceText="$1<biog_addr>$2</biog_addr>$3$4";
+	el.innerHTML = str.replace(regexText, replaceText);
+	alert( "Tagged "+str.match(regexText).length+" entities!" );
+function smartRegexNew() {
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').css("display", "block");
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').css("background-color", "White");
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').css("width", "400px");
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').css("height", "300px");
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').css("top", "100px");
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').css("left", "-200px");
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').css("border", "1px solid black");
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').css("padding", "5px");
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpAdd').attr("disabled", false);
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpEdit').attr("disabled", "disabled");
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpDel').attr("disabled", "disabled");
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpBack').attr("disabled", "disabled");
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpFor').attr("disabled", "disabled");
+function replaceSmartClose() {
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').css("display", "none");
+	$("#smartRegexPopUpSelectWord").val("NULL");
+	$("#smartRegexPopUpText").val("");
+	$("#smartRegexPopUpName").val("");
+function replaceSmartEdit(){
+	thisObject = $('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').attr("editID");
+	$('#'+thisObject).attr("class", "span_"+$("#smartRegexPopUpSelectTag").val());
+	$('#'+thisObject).attr("regexText", $("#smartRegexPopUpText").val());
+	$('#'+thisObject).attr("regexReplace", $("#smartRegexPopUpSelectTag").val());
+function replaceSmartDel() {
+	thisObject = $('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').attr("editID");
+	$('#'+thisObject).remove();
+function replaceSmartFor() {
+	thisObject = $('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').attr("editID");
+	var wahaha = $('#'+thisObject).clone();
+	$('#'+thisObject).insertAfter( $('#'+thisObject).next() );
+function replaceSmartBack() {
+	thisObject = $('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').attr("editID");
+	var wahaha = $('#'+thisObject).clone();
+	$('#'+thisObject).insertBefore( $('#'+thisObject).prev() );
+function replaceSmartAdd() {
+	var newdiv = document.createElement("span");
+	newdiv.innerHTML = " "+$("#smartRegexPopUpName").val()+" ";
+	$(newdiv).css("border", "1px solid black");
+	$(newdiv).css("width", "100px");
+	$(newdiv).attr("class", "span_"+$("#smartRegexPopUpSelectTag").val());
+	$(newdiv).attr("id", "span_"+$("#smartRegexPopUpName").val());
+	$(newdiv).attr("regexText", $("#smartRegexPopUpText").val());
+	$(newdiv).attr("regexReplace", $("#smartRegexPopUpSelectTag").val());
+	$('#smartRegexShowDiv').append(newdiv);
+	replaceSmartClose();
+$(document).on("click", '#smartRegexShowDiv > span', function (e) {
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').css("display", "block");
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').css("background-color", "White");
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').css("width", "400px");
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').css("height", "300px");
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').css("top", "100px");
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').css("left", "-200px");
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').css("border", "1px solid black");
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').css("padding", "5px");
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpDiv').attr("editID", $(this).attr("id"));
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpName').val($(this).html());
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpText').val($(this).attr("regexText"));
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpSelectTag').val($(this).attr("regexReplace"));
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpAdd').attr("disabled", "disabled");
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpEdit').attr("disabled", false);
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpDel').attr("disabled", false);
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpBack').attr("disabled", false);
+	$('#smartRegexPopUpFor').attr("disabled", false);
+function smartRegexEmpty() {
+	$('#smartRegexShowDiv').html("");
+function replaceSmartRun() {
+	var replaceSmartRegexString = "";
+	var replaceSmartReplaceString = "";
+	var count=1;
+	$('#smartRegexShowDiv').children('span').each(function () {
+		replaceSmartRegexString += "(" + $(this).attr("regexText") + ")";
+		if ( $(this).attr("regexReplace") == "notag" ) {
+			replaceSmartReplaceString += "$" + count;
+		} else {
+			replaceSmartReplaceString += "<" + $(this).attr("regexReplace") + ">" + "$" + count + "</"+ $(this).attr("regexReplace") +">";
+		}
+		count++;
+	});
+	//alert(replaceSmartRegexString);
+	//alert(replaceSmartReplaceString);
+	saveUndoText();
+	var el = document.getElementById("editable-area");
+	var str="" + el.innerHTML;
+	alert( "Tagged "+str.match(new RegExp(replaceSmartRegexString, "g")).length+" entities!" );
+	el.innerHTML = str.replace(new RegExp(replaceSmartRegexString, "g"), replaceSmartReplaceString);
+function replaceSmartRunSpace() {
+	var replaceSmartRegexString = "";
+	var replaceSmartReplaceString = "";
+	var count=1;
+	$('#smartRegexShowDiv').children('span').each(function () {
+		//alert($(this).attr("regexText"));
+		replaceSmartRegexString += "(" + $(this).attr("regexText") + ")(○*)";
+		if ( $(this).attr("regexReplace") == "notag" ) {
+			replaceSmartReplaceString += "$" + count;	
+		} else {
+			replaceSmartReplaceString += "<" + $(this).attr("regexReplace") + ">" + "$" + count + "</"+ $(this).attr("regexReplace") +">";
+		}
+		count++;
+		replaceSmartReplaceString += "$" + count;
+		count++;
+	});
+	//alert(replaceSmartRegexString);
+	//alert(replaceSmartReplaceString);
+	saveUndoText();
+	var el = document.getElementById("editable-area");
+	var str="" + el.innerHTML;
+	alert( "Tagged "+str.match(new RegExp(replaceSmartRegexString, "g")).length+" entities!" );
+	el.innerHTML = str.replace(new RegExp(replaceSmartRegexString, "g"), replaceSmartReplaceString);
+function smartRegexSave() {
+	var x;
+	var name=prompt("Please enter this Regex name",RegexLoadedName);
+	if (name!=null){
+		$.ajax({
+			url : 'save_regex.php',
+			async : false,
+			type : 'POST',
+			data : 'text='+encodeURIComponent($('#smartRegexShowDiv').html())+'&filename='+name
+		}).done(function(result) {
+			alert("Saved!");
+		});
+	}
+function smartRegexLoad() {
+	$('#load_regex_div').html("");
+	$('#load_regex_div').css("display", "block");
+	$('#load_regex_div').css("border", "1px solid black");
+	$('#load_regex_div').css("background-color", "White");
+	$('#load_regex_div').css("width", "200px");
+	$('#load_regex_div').css("height", "150px");
+	$('#load_regex_div').css("top", "100px");
+	$('#load_regex_div').css("left", "-200px");
+	var newselect = document.createElement("select");
+	newselect.id = "loadRegexSelect";
+	$.ajax({
+		type: 'GET', 
+		url: 'load_regex.php',
+		dataType: 'json',
+		success: function (data) { 
+			$.each(data, function(index, element) {
+				newselect.innerHTML += "<option value=\""+index+"\">"+index+"</option>\n";
+				//alert(index);
+				//alert(element);
+				var newdiv = document.createElement("div");
+				$(newdiv).css("display", "none");
+				$(newdiv).html(element);
+				$(newdiv).attr("id", "div_"+index);
+				$('#load_regex_div').append(newdiv);
+			});
+		}
+	});
+	$('#load_regex_div').append(newselect);
+	var newbutton = document.createElement("button");
+	$(newbutton).html("Load");
+	$(newbutton).attr("onclick", "loadRegexAdd()");
+	$('#load_regex_div').append(newbutton);
+	var newbutton = document.createElement("button");
+	$(newbutton).html("Close");
+	$(newbutton).attr("onclick", "$('#load_regex_div').css(\"display\", \"none\");");
+	$('#load_regex_div').append(newbutton);
+var RegexLoadedName = "";
+function loadRegexAdd() {
+	RegexLoadedName = $('#loadRegexSelect').val();
+	var divName = "div_"+$('#loadRegexSelect').val();
+	$('#smartRegexShowDiv').html( $('#'+divName).html() );
+	$('#load_regex_div').css("display", "none");
+$(document).on("change", '#smartRegexPopUpSelectWord', function (e) {
+	foreach ( $wordlistArray as $wordlistValue ) {
+		echo "if ( $('#smartRegexPopUpSelectWord').val() == \"".$wordlistValue[0]."\") {";
+		echo "$('#smartRegexPopUpText').val(\"".$wordlistValue[2]."\");";
+		echo "}";
+	}
+<table width="1250" border="1">
+	<tr>
+		<td width="980">
+			<div id="editable-area" class="area"><?php echo $stringInput; ?></div>
+		</td>
+		<td width="270" valign="top">
+			<div id="follow-scroll" style="position:absolute; width: 220" width="220">
+				<div id="load_regex_div" style="position: absolute; display: none"></div>
+				<div id="smartRegexPopUpDiv" style="position: absolute; display: none">
+					Name: <input id="smartRegexPopUpName"></input><br><br>
+					Word List: 
+					<select id="smartRegexPopUpSelectWord">
+					<option value="NULL" selected>無</option>
+					<?php
+						foreach ( $wordlistArray as $wordlistValue ) {
+							echo "<option value=\"".$wordlistValue[0]."\">".$wordlistValue[1]."</option>\n";
+						}
+					?>
+					</select>
+					<br>
+					OR (USE "|" TO SEPARATE WORDS):<br>
+					<TEXTAREA id="smartRegexPopUpText" COLS=30 ROWS=4></TEXTAREA><br><br>
+					Tag:
+					<select id="smartRegexPopUpSelectTag">
+					<?php
+						foreach ( $taglistArray as $taglistValue ) {
+							echo "<option value=\"".$taglistValue[2]."\">".$taglistValue[1]."</option>\n";
+						}
+					?>
+					<option value="NOTAG">不標記</option>
+					</select><br>
+					<button id="smartRegexPopUpAdd" onclick="replaceSmartAdd()" style="height: 30px; width: 50px">Add</button>
+					<button id="smartRegexPopUpEdit" onclick="replaceSmartEdit()" style="height: 30px; width: 50px">Edit</button>
+					<button id="smartRegexPopUpDel" onclick="replaceSmartDel()" style="height: 30px; width: 50px">Delete</button>
+					<button id="smartRegexPopUpBack" onclick="replaceSmartBack()" style="height: 30px; width: 50px"><<</button>
+					<button id="smartRegexPopUpFor" onclick="replaceSmartFor()" style="height: 30px; width: 50px">>></button>
+					<button onclick="replaceSmartClose()" style="height: 30px; width: 50px">Close</button>
+				</div>
+				<form action="javascript:void(0);">
+					<fieldset>
+						<legend>Replace By <i><b>Smart Regex</b></i>©:</legend>
+						<div id="smartRegexShowDiv"></div><br>
+						<button onclick="smartRegexNew()" style="height: 30px; width: 220px">Add Regex Group</button></br>
+						<button onclick="replaceSmartRun()" style="height: 30px; width: 220px">Run</button></br>
+						<button onclick="replaceSmartRunSpace()" style="height: 30px; width: 220px">Run(Allow space between Group)</button></br>
+						<button onclick="smartRegexSave()" style="height: 30px; width: 70px">Save</button>
+						<button onclick="smartRegexLoad()" style="height: 30px; width: 70px">Load</button>
+						<button onclick="smartRegexEmpty()" style="height: 30px; width: 70px">Clear</button></br>
+					</fieldset>
+					<fieldset>
+						<legend>Tag by rule:</legend>
+						<button onclick="tagNameWithLastName()" style="height: 30px; width: 220px">Tag Word Begin With Surname</button></br>
+						<button onclick="tagNameWithLastName2()" style="height: 30px; width: 170px">Tag Word Begin With</button><input type="text" size="2" id="surname"></br>
+						<!--<button onclick="tagTime()" style="height: 30px; width: 220px">Tag Time</button></br>-->
+						<!--<button onclick="tagBiogAddr()" style="height: 30px; width: 220px">Tag BiogAddr</button></br>-->
+						<button onclick="Undo()" style="height: 30px; width: 220px" id="buttonUndo" disabled="true">Undo</button>
+					</fieldset>
+					<fieldset>
+						<legend>Edit:</legend>
+						<!--<button onclick="cleanUpTextArea()" style="height: 30px; width: 220px">Reform the text</button></br>-->
+						<button onclick="saveText()" style="height: 30px; width: 220px">Save the text</button></br>
+						<button onclick="editText()" id="editTextId" style="height: 30px; width: 220px">Edit the text</button></br>
+						</br>
+						<button onclick="window.open('edit_wordlist.php')" style="height: 30px; width: 220px">Manage Word List</button></br>
+						<button onclick="window.open('edit_taglist.php')" style="height: 30px; width: 220px">Manage Tag List</button></br>
+					</fieldset>
+					<fieldset>
+						<legend>Export:</legend>
+						Page: <input type="text" size="5" id="exportPageStart">to<input type="text" size="5" id="exportPageEnd"><br>
+						<button onclick="exportPage()" style="height: 30px; width: 220px">Export</button></br>
+						<button onclick="exportAll()" style="height: 30px; width: 220px">Export All</button></br>
+					</fieldset>
+					<fieldset>
+						<legend>Replace By <i><b>Regex</b></i>:</legend>
+						Regex: <input type="text" size="30" id="regexText"></br>
+						Replace: <input type="text" size="30" id="replaceText"><br>
+						<button onclick="replaceSmartRegex()">Replace!</button>
+					</fieldset>
+				</form>
+			</div>
+		</td>
+	</tr>