view readme.txt @ 21:c805470cefee

Remove bootstrap.TaggingText UI layout modification
author Zoe Hong <>
date Tue, 24 Feb 2015 16:09:59 +0100
parents b12c99b7c3f0
line wrap: on
line source

interface/						local monographs editing
	check_sections.php				find wrongly segmented sections
	check_sections_details.php			re-segment a section, should be mainly accessed from check_sections.php
							if to be accessed directly, book id and overlapping threshold (i.e. count) should be given in the url
							e.g. check_sections_details.php?book_id=12345&count=5

	insert_new_columns_into_books/			parsing book information from other resources and the results
		insert_new_columns_into_books.php	parse the book information from localmonographs.xml and insert the result into database
		localmonographs.xml			additional book information
		localmonographs.txt			the txt version of additional book information

		get_data_from_sinica.php		parse the book information from the website of sinica and write to files stored under data_from_sinica/
		parse_data_from_sinica.php		concatenate all the csv from 01-71.csv
		analyze_data_from_sinica.php            Count the # of books of each source
		data_from_sinica/			csv files storing book information, encoding in utf8 and big5 (originally encoded format)
							column_name.csv contains the mapping between column name and source
							all_data.csv contains all the data concatenated from 01-71.csv

	search.php					search for keywords
	search_locust_temple.php			search for keywords and mark the results with tags if they match the locust-temple-related syntax
	search_function.php				included by search.php and search_losuct_temple.php and providing common functions used by these two programs
	search_results/					all the results from search*.php will be exported to html format and stored in this folder

map/							data visualization
	map.php						loads a predefined csv, overlay, and map file and visualize using sebastian's library
							use ?mode=1 to change the layout
	about.php					the introduction to the program map.php, included by map.php
	WindowWidget.*					javascript class enabling windows within the html document
	images/						images used by map.php
	datasets/					datasets, i.e. csv files used by map.php

	coordinates/					contains programs getting coordinates of each local monograph from CHGIS
		1820_1911/                              The gis data of china in 1820 and 1911, input of get_coordinates_from_chgis.php
		csv_files/                              The raw data of the results from get_coordinates_from_chgis.php
		get_coordinates_from_chgis.php          The the coordinates of each local monograph listed in local_monographs_list.txt from CHGIS and write the results to csv files under csv_files/. Use the parameter list=176 to change the input to local_monographs_list_176.txt, i.e. get_coordinates_from_chgis.php?list=176

		local_monographs_list.txt               list of 1824 local monographs, input for get_coordinates_from_chgis.php
		local_monographs_list_176.txt           list of 176 local monographs, input for get_coordinates_from_chgis.php
		local_monographs_coordinates.html       list of 1824 local monographs and their coordinate information, output of get_coordinates_from_chgis.php
		local_monographs_176_coordinates.html   list of 176 local monographs and their coordinate information, output of get_coordinates_from_chgis.php

		map_input_files/                        the copy of the files under csv_files/ as the input for map.php
		map.php                                 draw the coordinates of the book list on the map
		map.js                                  the javascript file for map.php
		map.css                                 the css file for map.css		

		provincial_capital_coordinates.php      insert the provincial capital coordinates into datasbase and list all the local monographs along with their provincial capital coordinates
		provincial_capital_coordinates.txt      input for provincial_capital_coordinates.php
		provincial_capital_coordinates.csv      output of provincial_capital_coordinates.php

geotemco/						library by sebastian