view js/utils.js @ 122:a36bb5a48af4 extractapp tip

1. remove redundancy server side code. 2. All pop up sub-windows are made with dialog component of bootstrap v3.3.2
author Calvin Yeh <>
date Thu, 28 Sep 2017 22:26:48 +0200
parents 886f43b26ee2
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line source

 * Utilities
 * Author: Stefan Petre
(function($) {
	getPosition : function(e, forceIt)
		var x = 0;
		var y = 0;
		var es =;
		var restoreStyles = false;
		if (forceIt && jQuery.curCSS(e,'display') == 'none') {
			var oldVisibility = es.visibility;
			var oldPosition = es.position;
			restoreStyles = true;
			es.visibility = 'hidden';
			es.display = 'block';
			es.position = 'absolute';
		var el = e;
		if (el.getBoundingClientRect) { // IE
			var box = el.getBoundingClientRect();
			x = box.left + Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollLeft, document.body.scrollLeft) - 2;
			y = + Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollTop, document.body.scrollTop) - 2;
		} else {
			x = el.offsetLeft;
			y = el.offsetTop;
			el = el.offsetParent;
			if (e != el) {
				while (el) {
					x += el.offsetLeft;
					y += el.offsetTop;
					el = el.offsetParent;
			if (jQuery.browser.safari && jQuery.curCSS(e, 'position') == 'absolute' ) {
				x -= document.body.offsetLeft;
				y -= document.body.offsetTop;
			el = e.parentNode;
			while (el && el.tagName.toUpperCase() != 'BODY' && el.tagName.toUpperCase() != 'HTML') 
				if (jQuery.curCSS(el, 'display') != 'inline') {
					x -= el.scrollLeft;
					y -= el.scrollTop;
				el = el.parentNode;
		if (restoreStyles == true) {
			es.display = 'none';
			es.position = oldPosition;
			es.visibility = oldVisibility;
		return {x:x, y:y};
	getSize : function(e)
		var w = parseInt(jQuery.curCSS(e,'width'), 10);
		var h = parseInt(jQuery.curCSS(e,'height'), 10);
		var wb = 0;
		var hb = 0;
		if (jQuery.curCSS(e, 'display') != 'none') {
			wb = e.offsetWidth;
			hb = e.offsetHeight;
		} else {
			var es =;
			var oldVisibility = es.visibility;
			var oldPosition = es.position;
			es.visibility = 'hidden';
			es.display = 'block';
			es.position = 'absolute';
			wb = e.offsetWidth;
			hb = e.offsetHeight;
			es.display = 'none';
			es.position = oldPosition;
			es.visibility = oldVisibility;
		return {w:w, h:h, wb:wb, hb:hb};
	getClient : function(e)
		var h, w;
		if (e) {
			w = e.clientWidth;
			h = e.clientHeight;
		} else {
			var de = document.documentElement;
			w = window.innerWidth || self.innerWidth || (de&&de.clientWidth) || document.body.clientWidth;
			h = window.innerHeight || self.innerHeight || (de&&de.clientHeight) || document.body.clientHeight;
		return {w:w,h:h};
	getScroll : function (e)
		var t=0, l=0, w=0, h=0, iw=0, ih=0;
		if (e && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'body') {
			t = e.scrollTop;
			l = e.scrollLeft;
			w = e.scrollWidth;
			h = e.scrollHeight;
		} else  {
			if (document.documentElement) {
				t = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
				l = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
				w = document.documentElement.scrollWidth;
				h = document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
			} else if (document.body) {
				t = document.body.scrollTop;
				l = document.body.scrollLeft;
				w = document.body.scrollWidth;
				h = document.body.scrollHeight;
			if (typeof pageYOffset != 'undefined') {
				t = pageYOffset;
				l = pageXOffset;
			iw = self.innerWidth||document.documentElement.clientWidth||document.body.clientWidth||0;
			ih = self.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight||0;
		return { t: t, l: l, w: w, h: h, iw: iw, ih: ih };
	getMargins : function(e, toInteger)
		var t = jQuery.curCSS(e,'marginTop') || '';
		var r = jQuery.curCSS(e,'marginRight') || '';
		var b = jQuery.curCSS(e,'marginBottom') || '';
		var l = jQuery.curCSS(e,'marginLeft') || '';
		if (toInteger)
			return {
				t: parseInt(t, 10)||0,
				r: parseInt(r, 10)||0,
				b: parseInt(b, 10)||0,
				l: parseInt(l, 10)
			return {t: t, r: r,	b: b, l: l};
	getPadding : function(e, toInteger)
		var t = jQuery.curCSS(e,'paddingTop') || '';
		var r = jQuery.curCSS(e,'paddingRight') || '';
		var b = jQuery.curCSS(e,'paddingBottom') || '';
		var l = jQuery.curCSS(e,'paddingLeft') || '';
		if (toInteger)
			return {
				t: parseInt(t, 10)||0,
				r: parseInt(r, 10)||0,
				b: parseInt(b, 10)||0,
				l: parseInt(l, 10)
			return {t: t, r: r,	b: b, l: l};
	getBorder : function(e, toInteger)
		var t = jQuery.curCSS(e,'borderTopWidth') || '';
		var r = jQuery.curCSS(e,'borderRightWidth') || '';
		var b = jQuery.curCSS(e,'borderBottomWidth') || '';
		var l = jQuery.curCSS(e,'borderLeftWidth') || '';
		if (toInteger)
			return {
				t: parseInt(t, 10)||0,
				r: parseInt(r, 10)||0,
				b: parseInt(b, 10)||0,
				l: parseInt(l, 10)||0
			return {t: t, r: r,	b: b, l: l};
	traverseDOM : function(nodeEl, func)
		nodeEl = nodeEl.firstChild;
			EYE.traverseDOM(nodeEl, func);
			nodeEl = nodeEl.nextSibling;
	getInnerWidth :  function(el, scroll) {
		var offsetW = el.offsetWidth;
		return scroll ? Math.max(el.scrollWidth,offsetW) - offsetW + el.clientWidth:el.clientWidth;
	getInnerHeight : function(el, scroll) {
		var offsetH = el.offsetHeight;
		return scroll ? Math.max(el.scrollHeight,offsetH) - offsetH + el.clientHeight:el.clientHeight;
	getExtraWidth : function(el) {
			return (parseInt($.curCSS(el, 'paddingLeft'))||0)
				+ (parseInt($.curCSS(el, 'paddingRight'))||0)
				+ (parseInt($.curCSS(el, 'borderLeftWidth'))||0)
				+ (parseInt($.curCSS(el, 'borderRightWidth'))||0);
		return 0;
	getExtraHeight : function(el) {
			return (parseInt($.curCSS(el, 'paddingTop'))||0)
				+ (parseInt($.curCSS(el, 'paddingBottom'))||0)
				+ (parseInt($.curCSS(el, 'borderTopWidth'))||0)
				+ (parseInt($.curCSS(el, 'borderBottomWidth'))||0);
		return 0;
	isChildOf: function(parentEl, el, container) {
		if (parentEl == el) {
			return true;
		if (!el || !el.nodeType || el.nodeType != 1) {
			return false;
		if (parentEl.contains && !$.browser.safari) {
			return parentEl.contains(el);
		if ( parentEl.compareDocumentPosition ) {
			return !!(parentEl.compareDocumentPosition(el) & 16);
		var prEl = el.parentNode;
		while(prEl && prEl != container) {
			if (prEl == parentEl)
				return true;
			prEl = prEl.parentNode;
		return false;
	centerEl : function(el, axis)
		var clientScroll = EYE.getScroll();
		var size = EYE.getSize(el);
		if (!axis || axis == 'vertically')
					top: clientScroll.t + ((Math.min(clientScroll.h,clientScroll.ih) - size.hb)/2) + 'px'
		if (!axis || axis == 'horizontally')
					left: clientScroll.l + ((Math.min(clientScroll.w,clientScroll.iw) - size.wb)/2) + 'px'
if (!$.easing.easeout) {
	$.easing.easeout = function(p, n, firstNum, delta, duration) {
		return -delta * ((n=n/duration-1)*n*n*n - 1) + firstNum;