view @ 60:5bee75ca9eb3 default tip

added old that was not in CVS.
author casties
date Thu, 16 Mar 2017 18:29:58 +0100
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use XML::LibXML;

use lib '/usr/local/mpiwg/archive';
use MPIWGStor;

# make output unbuffered

# program version
my $version = "0.1.2 (24.7.2008 ROC)";
my $help = 
"use: makemeta-quantum [options] file.xml
  -debug  show debugging info
  -dry-run  simulate, dont'do anything
  -online-mode  mode for creating online/permanent files
  -online-base=dir  base directory for online ids (for online mode)
  -access=free  adds free access tag (use access=mpiwg for restricted access)
logger("INFO", "makemeta-quantum $version");

# mappings

# generic mappings at top level
my %gen_map = (
    'Language' => 'meta/lang'
# sub type switch tag
my %type_map = (
    'Index_Meta_Type' => 'meta/bib@type'
# sub type mappings
# Correspondence (748)
# Other Archival Material (4)
# Published (11)
# Published Document (10)
# Unpublished Writing (1373)
my %subtype_map = (
    'Correspondence' => {
	'_name' => 'correspondence',
        'Document_Subtype' => 'meta/bib/type',
	'Author' => 'meta/bib/author',
	'Person_to' => 'meta/bib/recipient',
	'Title' => 'meta/bib/title',
	'Date_range_from' => 'meta/bib/date',
	'Date_range_to' => 'meta/bib/date-range-end',
	'Date_original_form' => 'meta/bib/date-original',
	'Place_From' => 'meta/bib/place',
	'First_lines' => 'meta/bib/incipit',
        'Call_number' => 'meta/bib/signature',
        'Call_number_original' => 'meta/bib/call-number',
        'Holding_institution' => 'meta/bib/holding-library',
        'Keywords' => 'meta/bib/description'
    'Published' => {
	'_name' => 'manuscript',
        'Document_Subtype' => 'meta/bib/type',
	'Author' => 'meta/bib/author',
	'Title' => 'meta/bib/title',
	'Date_range_from' => 'meta/bib/date',
	'Date_range_to' => 'meta/bib/date-range-end',
	'Date_original_form' => 'meta/bib/date-original',
	'Place_From' => 'meta/bib/location',
	'First_lines' => 'meta/bib/incipit',
        'Call_number' => 'meta/bib/signature',
        'Call_number_original' => 'meta/bib/call-number',
        'Holding_institution' => 'meta/bib/holding-library',
        'Keywords' => 'meta/bib/description'
    'Published Document' => {
	'_name' => 'manuscript',
        'Document_Subtype' => 'meta/bib/type',
	'Author' => 'meta/bib/author',
	'Title' => 'meta/bib/title',
	'Date_range_from' => 'meta/bib/date',
	'Date_range_to' => 'meta/bib/date-range-end',
	'Date_original_form' => 'meta/bib/date-original',
	'Place_From' => 'meta/bib/location',
	'First_lines' => 'meta/bib/incipit',
        'Call_number' => 'meta/bib/signature',
        'Call_number_original' => 'meta/bib/call-number',
        'Holding_institution' => 'meta/bib/holding-library',
        'Keywords' => 'meta/bib/description'
    'Unpublished Writing' => {
	'_name' => 'manuscript',
        'Document_Subtype' => 'meta/bib/type',
	'Author' => 'meta/bib/author',
	'Title' => 'meta/bib/title',
	'Date_range_from' => 'meta/bib/date',
	'Date_range_to' => 'meta/bib/date-range-end',
	'Date_original_form' => 'meta/bib/date-original',
	'Place_From' => 'meta/bib/location',
	'First_lines' => 'meta/bib/incipit',
        'Call_number' => 'meta/bib/signature',
        'Call_number_original' => 'meta/bib/call-number',
        'Holding_institution' => 'meta/bib/holding-library',
        'Keywords' => 'meta/bib/description'
# language element
my $lang_field = 'Language';
# languages to iso codes
my %lang_map = (
    'German' => 'de',
    'English' => 'en',
    'Italian' => 'it',
    'French' => 'fr',
    'Latin' => 'la',
    'Japanese' => 'ja',
    'Dutch' => 'nl',
    'Spanish' => 'es',
    'Swedish' => 'sv'
# storage fields
my $online_url_field = 'URL';
my $online_path_field = 'Path_images';
my $id_field = 'ID';

# internal parameters

# storage
my $lib_online_dir = '/mpiwg/online';
my $lib_digilib_path = 'permanent';

# read command line parameters
my $args = MPIWGStor::parseargs;
if (! scalar(%$args)) {
    print $help, "\n";
    exit 1;

# debug level
$debug = (exists $$args{'debug'}) ? $$args{'debug'} : 0;

# simulate action only
my $dry_run = (exists $$args{'dry-run'}) ? $$args{'dry-run'} : 0;
logger('DEBUG', "dry-run: $dry_run");

# use online mode
my $online_mode = (exists $$args{'online-mode'}) ? $$args{'online-mode'} : 0;
logger('DEBUG', "online_mode: $online_mode");
# online base dir
my $online_base_dir = (exists $$args{'online-base'}) ? $$args{'online-base'} : "/mpiwg/online";
logger('DEBUG', "online_base_dir: $online_base_dir");
# create texttool tag
my $texttool = (exists $$args{'texttool'}) ? $$args{'texttool'} : 1;
logger('DEBUG', "texttool: $texttool");
# image dir for texttool
my $texttool_img_dir = "pageimg";
# fulltext directory pattern for texttool
my $texttool_fulltext_glob = "fulltext-*/*.xml";
# pagebreak tag for texttool
my $texttool_pb_tag = "pb";
# xslt for texttool
my $texttool_xslt = "/mpiwg/online/permanent/echo/quantum_project/hr-ms/schlick_correspondence.xsl";
# digiliburlprefix
my $texttool_dlurlprefix = "";

# access type
my $access_type = (exists $$args{'access'}) ? $$args{'access'} : "";

# index.meta namespace (not really implemented!)
my $namespace = "";

my $xml_changed = 0;
my $errcnt = 0;
my $warncnt = 0;
my $filecnt = 0;

# check parameters that were passed to the program
my $infile = $$args{'path'};
if (! $infile) {
    logger("ABORT", "no input file given!");
    exit 1;
# strip double slashes
$infile = sstrip($infile, 1);
if (! -f $infile) {
    logger("ABORT", "input file \'$infile\' doesn't exist!");
    exit 1;

# subroutines

sub find_online_path {
    my ($input_node) = @_;
    my $online_path = sstrip($input_node->findvalue("fm:$online_path_field"));
    my $id = sstrip($input_node->findvalue("fm:$id_field"));
    # try online_base_dir + online_path first
    if (($online_base_dir)&&($online_path)) {
	my $dir = sstrip("$online_base_dir/$online_path", 1);
        $dir =~ s/\/index.meta//;
        if ( -d $dir ) {
            return $dir;
        } else {
            logger('ERROR', "online path '$dir' not found! ($id)");
    logger('ERROR', "online path not found! ($id)");

# $dir = find_online_dir($input_node, $base_dir, $page_dir)
# Takes the path from the $online_url_field of the $input_node document
# and looks in the directory $base_dir for it. Strips $page_dir from the end.
# Returns the directory path sans $base_dir if it exists
sub find_online_dir {
    my ($input_node, $base_dir, $page_dir) = @_;
    $base_dir = $lib_online_dir unless ($base_dir);

    my $online_url = $input_node->findvalue("fm:$online_url_field");
    logger('DEBUG', "checking URL: $online_url");
    my $online_dir;
    if ($online_url =~ /fn=permanent\/(.+)/) {
	# new style digilib URL
	$online_dir = $1;
    } elsif ($online_url =~ /\?([^\+]+)\+/) {
	# old style digilib URL
	$online_dir = $1;
    #logger('DEBUG', "online_dir1: $online_dir");
    if ($online_dir) {
	$online_dir =~ s/\/$//; # strip ending slashes
	if ($page_dir) {
	    # strip page_dir
	    $online_dir =~ s/\/${page_dir}$//;
	#logger("DEBUG", "dir: $base_dir/$online_dir");
	if (-d "$base_dir/$online_dir") {
	    logger('DEBUG', "directory $base_dir/$online_dir exists");
	    return $online_dir;

sub convert_bib {
    my ($input_node, $index_root, $index_doc) = @_;
    my $cnt = 0;
    my $type = "";
    my $type_path = "";

    # process general stuff first
    foreach my $n ($input_node->getChildNodes()) {
	my $name = $n->nodeName();
	my $val = $n->textContent();
	#logger('DEBUG', "  NODE: $name = '$val'");
	if (exists $gen_map{$name}) {
	    # is a general field
	    if ($name eq $lang_field) {
		# language field -> convert to iso code
		if (exists $lang_map{$val}) {
		    $val = $lang_map{$val};
		} else {
		    logger('WARNING', "unknown language: $val! ignoring...");
	    create_element_path($gen_map{$name}, $index_root, $namespace)
	} elsif (exists $type_map{$name}) {
	    # is a type field
	    $type_path = $type_map{$name};
	    $type = $val;
	    # check with known types
	    if (exists $subtype_map{$val}) {
		my $indextype = $subtype_map{$val}->{'_name'};
		create_element_path("$type_path=$indextype", $index_root, $namespace);
	    } else {
		logger('ERROR', 'unknown bib type $val! skipping...');
		return 0;
    # process sub type fields
    if ($type) {
	foreach my $n ($input_node->getChildNodes()) {
	    my $name = $n->nodeName();
	    my $val = $n->textContent();
	    #logger('DEBUG', "  NODE: $name = '$val'");
	    if (exists $subtype_map{$type}->{$name}) {
		create_element_path($subtype_map{$type}->{$name}, $index_root, $namespace)
    return $cnt;

sub process_all_fm_entries {
    my ($input_root) = @_;
    my $cnt = 0;

    foreach my $n ($input_root->findnodes('fm:ROW')) {
	logger('INFO', "processing entry $cnt ...");

sub process_fm_entry {
    my ($input_node) = @_;
    my $index_doc = XML::LibXML::Document->createDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
    my $index_root = $index_doc->createElementNS($namespace, 'resource');
    $index_root->addChild($index_doc->createAttributeNS($namespace, 'version', '1.1'));
    $index_root->addChild($index_doc->createAttributeNS($namespace, 'type', 'MPIWG'));
    my $derived_from = "";

    # try to find the document directory
    my $doc_dir = "";
    if ($online_mode) {
	$doc_dir = find_online_path($input_node);
	#$derived_from = find_arch_dir($input_node);
    if (! (($doc_dir) && (-d $doc_dir))) {
	logger('ERROR', "document directory not found! skipping...");

    # add standard stuff to index.meta
    my ($docname, $docpath) = split_file_path($doc_dir);
    # name and date
    create_text_path('name', $docname, $index_root, $namespace);
    create_text_path('archive-path', $doc_dir, $index_root, $namespace);
    create_text_path('archive-creation-date', stime(time), $index_root, $namespace);
    create_text_path('creator', 'quantum-history group', $index_root, $namespace);
    create_text_path('description', 'a scanned document', $index_root, $namespace);
    # media
    create_text_path('media-type', 'image', $index_root, $namespace);
    create_text_path('meta/content-type', 'scanned document', $index_root, $namespace);
    # derived-from
    if ($derived_from) {
       create_text_path('derived-from/archive-path', $derived_from, $index_root, $namespace);
    # access
    if ($access_type) {
	if ($access_type eq "free") {
	    create_element_path('meta/access-conditions/access@type=free', $index_root, $namespace);
	} else {
	    my $acc_tag = create_element_path('meta/access-conditions/access@type=institution', $index_root, $namespace);
	    create_text_path('name', $access_type, $acc_tag, $namespace);
    # texttool tag with image dir
    if ($texttool) {
        create_text_path('meta/texttool/display', 'yes', $index_root, $namespace);
	if ( -d "$doc_dir/$texttool_img_dir" ) {
	    create_text_path('meta/texttool/image', $texttool_img_dir,$index_root, $namespace);
	} else {
            logger('WARNING', "page image directory missing!");
        # check for fulltext
        my @ftds = glob "$doc_dir/$texttool_fulltext_glob";
        if (@ftds) {
            @ftds = sort @ftds;
            my $ftd = $ftds[$#ftds];
	    create_text_path('meta/texttool/text', $ftd, $index_root, $namespace);
            if (scalar @ftds > 1) {
                logger('WARNING', "more than one fulltext! Chose ${ftd}.");
            create_text_path('meta/texttool/pagebreak', $texttool_pb_tag, $index_root, $namespace);
            create_text_path('meta/texttool/xslt', $texttool_xslt, $index_root, $namespace);
            #create_text_path('meta/texttool/digiliburlprefix', $texttool_dlurlprefix, $index_root, $namespace);

    # convert bib entries
    my $cnt = convert_bib($input_node, $index_root, $index_doc);
    if ($cnt == 0) {
	# error or nothing to convert
	logger('ERROR', "no bibliographic metadata!");

    # write new index.meta file
    if ($dry_run) {
	logger('DEBUG', "would write $doc_dir/index.meta");
	logger('DEBUG', $index_doc->toString(1));
    } else {
	write_xml($index_doc, "$doc_dir/index.meta");


# Main

# load filemaker xml dump
my ($input_doc, $input_root) = read_xml($infile);
# set namespace prefix
my $fm_namespace = $input_root->namespaceURI();
$input_root->setNamespace($fm_namespace, 'fm', 1);


logger("INFO", "$filecnt files written");
logger("INFO", "$warncnt warnings");
logger("INFO", "$errcnt errors");
if ($errcnt > 0) {
    logger("ABORT", "there were errors!");
    exit 1;
} else {
    logger("DONE", "done something successfully!");