view @ 58:ea3972762520 vendor release

first import
author casties
date Thu, 17 Jun 2004 17:58:42 +0200
parents 30497c6a3eca
children 1a51f94d5dbd
line wrap: on
line source

# SAX handler for harvestmeta

package HarvestmetaHandler;

use strict;

use base qw(XML::SAX::Base);

use lib '/usr/local/mpiwg/archive';
use MPIWGStor;

my @currElemPath;
my $currElem;
my $currText;
my $currAttrib;
my @elements;
sub getData {
    return @elements;

sub start_document {
    my ($self, $doc) = @_;
    # process document start event
    #logger('DEBUG', "startdoc: $self, $doc");
    @currElemPath = ();
    $currElem = "";
    $currText = "";
    $currAttrib ="";
    @elements = ();

sub start_element {
    my ($self, $el) = @_;
    # process element start event
    #logger('DEBUG', "startelem: $self, $el");
    # check if the last element needs to be finished
    if ($currElem) {
	my $elem = join "/", @currElemPath;
	push @elements, [$elem, "", $currAttrib];
    # element name is either LocalName or Name
    my $name = $$el{'LocalName'};
    $name = $$el{'Name'} unless ($name);
    #logger('DEBUG', "  name: $name");
    # assemble attributes string
    $currAttrib ="";
    foreach $a (values %{$$el{'Attributes'}}) {
	my $n = $$a{'LocalName'};
	$n = $$a{'Name'} unless ($n);
	my $v = $$a{'Value'};
	$currAttrib .= "$n=\"$v\" ";
    # start element name
    push @currElemPath, $name;
    $currElem = $name;
    $currText = "";

sub end_element {
    my ($self, $el) = @_;
    # process element end event
    #logger('DEBUG', "endelem: $self, $el");
    # check element name
    my $name = $$el{'LocalName'};
    $name = $$el{'Name'} unless ($name);
    my $lastag = $currElemPath[$#currElemPath];
    if ($lastag ne $name) {
	logger('ERROR', "closing tag '$lastag' doesn't match '$name'!");
    # assemble element path
    my $elem = join "/", @currElemPath;
    # strip whitespace from element content
    $currText =~ s/^\s*//;
    $currText =~ s/\s*$//;
    if ($currText) {
	# put pair in elements array
	push @elements, [$elem, $currText, $currAttrib];
	#logger('DEBUG', "  elem: $elem = $currText");
    # end element name
    pop @currElemPath;
    $currElem = "";
    $currText = "";
    $currAttrib ="";

sub characters {
    my ($self, $char) = @_;
    # process character data event
    #logger('DEBUG', "characters: $self, $char");
    # add to current content
    $currText .= $$char{'Data'};
    #logger('DEBUG', " Text: $currText");
