diff software/eXist/webapp/mpdl/doc/doc-operation-result.xql @ 7:5589d865af7a

Erstellung XQL/XSL Applikation
author Josef Willenborg <jwillenborg@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de>
date Tue, 08 Feb 2011 15:16:46 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/software/eXist/webapp/mpdl/doc/doc-operation-result.xql	Tue Feb 08 15:16:46 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+xquery version "1.0";
+import module namespace mpdl-time = "http://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/ns/mpdl/util/time" at "../util/time.xql";
+declare namespace file = "http://exist-db.org/xquery/file";
+declare namespace request="http://exist-db.org/xquery/request";
+declare namespace session="http://exist-db.org/xquery/session";
+declare namespace util = "http://exist-db.org/xquery/util";
+declare namespace xmldb = "http://exist-db.org/xquery/xmldb";
+let $login := xmldb:authenticate("xmldb:exist:///db", "admin", "")
+let $operation := request:get-parameter("operation", "")
+let $docBase := request:get-parameter("docBase", "")
+let $language := request:get-parameter("language", "")
+let $fileName := request:get-parameter("fileName", "")
+let $eSciDocCookieId := session:get-attribute("eSciDocCookieId")
+let $srcLocalFileName := request:get-uploaded-file-name("srcLocalFileName")
+let $srcExistUploadFileJavaObject := request:get-uploaded-file("srcLocalFileName")
+let $srcExistUploadFileName := string(<b>{$srcExistUploadFileJavaObject}</b>)
+let $srcExistUploadFileUrl := concat("file://", $srcExistUploadFileName)
+let $reqSrcUrl := request:get-parameter("srcUrl", "")
+let $srcUrl :=
+  if ($reqSrcUrl = '')
+  then $srcExistUploadFileUrl
+  else $reqSrcUrl
+let $error :=
+  if ($eSciDocCookieId = '' or empty($eSciDocCookieId))
+  then <bla>No login context available. Please <a href="login.xql">login</a> before you do an operation</bla>
+  else if(($operation = 'create' or $operation = 'update') and ($srcUrl = ''))
+  then "please specify your source"
+  else if(($operation = 'create' or $operation = 'update' or $operation = 'delete') and ($fileName = ''))
+  then "please specify your destination document name"
+  else "no"
+let $jobId := 
+  if($error = 'no' and ($operation = 'create' or $operation = 'update'))
+  then mpdldoc:do($operation, $srcUrl, $srcLocalFileName, $docBase, $language, $fileName, $eSciDocCookieId)
+  else if($error = 'no' and ($operation = 'delete'))
+  then mpdldoc:do($operation, 'empty', 'empty', $docBase, $language, $fileName, $eSciDocCookieId)
+  else ()
+let $redirectUrl := <a href="../scheduler/get-jobs.xql?id={$jobId}">here</a>
+let $resultHtml := 
+  if ($error = 'no')
+  then <div>See the status of your document operation {$redirectUrl}</div>
+  else <div><b>Error in your document operation:</b> {$error}</div> 
+let $title := "MPDL: eXist/eSciDoc document management"
+  <h1>{$title}</h1>
+  {$resultHtml} 
+  <br/>
+  <br/>
+  <br/>
+  <hr/>
+  Back to <a href="doc-operation.xql">document operation page</a>, see the <a href="doc-operation-result.xql?_source=yes">XQuery source</a> of this page, if you find a bug <a href="https://itgroup.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de:8080/tracs/mpdl-project-software/newticket">let us know</a>
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