diff software/eXist/webapp/mpdl/interface/lt/wordInfo.xql @ 7:5589d865af7a

Erstellung XQL/XSL Applikation
author Josef Willenborg <jwillenborg@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de>
date Tue, 08 Feb 2011 15:16:46 +0100
children d6f528ad5d96
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/software/eXist/webapp/mpdl/interface/lt/wordInfo.xql	Tue Feb 08 15:16:46 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+xquery version "1.0";
+import module namespace mpdl-time = "http://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/ns/mpdl/util/time" at "../../util/time.xql";
+declare namespace request="http://exist-db.org/xquery/request";
+declare namespace xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";
+(: TODO: Verlinkung von lemma, form, weiteren Einheiten in den Infos auf mpdl-proto (HTML und XML) :)
+let $type :=  request:get-parameter("type", "all")
+let $language := request:get-parameter("language", "")
+let $word := request:get-parameter("word", "")
+let $placeHref := request:get-parameter("placeHref", "")
+let $output := request:get-parameter("output", "xml")
+let $currentTimeBegin := util:system-time()
+let $lemmas := mpdltext:get-lemmas-by-form-name($language, $word)
+let $htmlOrderedLemmas := 
+  if (empty($lemmas))
+  then ("no lemmas found for your query")
+  else 
+    for $lemma in $lemmas/lemmas/lemma
+      let $lemmaText := concat($lemma/lemma-name, " (", $lemma/provider, ")")
+      let $orderedFormsStrTmp :=
+        for $form in $lemma/forms/form
+          let $formStr := concat($form/form-name, " (", $form/provider, ")")
+        order by $form/form-name
+        return $formStr
+      let $orderedFormsStr := string-join($orderedFormsStrTmp, ", ")
+      let $remotePerseusLink :=
+        if ($language = "ar" or $language = "la")
+        then concat("http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=", $lemma/lemma-name, "&amp;la=", $language)
+        else if ($language = "el")
+        then concat("http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=", $lemma/lemma-name, "&amp;la=greek")
+        else ""
+      let $lemmaLi := 
+        if ($language = "ar" or $language = "el" or $language = "la")
+        then 
+          <li><b>Lemma: </b>{$lemmaText} (see this entry in <a href="{$remotePerseusLink}">www.perseus.tufts.edu</a>)
+            <ul>{$orderedFormsStr}</ul>
+          </li>
+        else 
+          <li><b>Lemma: </b>{$lemmaText}
+            <ul>{$orderedFormsStr}</ul>
+          </li>
+    order by $lemma/lemma-name
+    return $lemmaLi
+let $xmlOrderedLemmas := 
+  for $lemma in $lemmas/lemmas/lemma
+    let $orderedForms :=
+      for $form in $lemma/forms/form
+      order by $form/form-name
+      return $form
+    let $retLemma := 
+      <lemma>
+        {$lemma/provider}
+        {$lemma/language}
+        {$lemma/lemma-name}
+        <forms size="{$lemma/forms-size}">{$orderedForms}</forms>
+      </lemma>
+  order by $lemma/lemma-name
+  return $retLemma
+let $lemmasStrTmpTmp := 
+  if (empty($lemmas))
+  then ""
+  else 
+    for $lemma in $lemmas/lemmas/lemma
+      let $lemmaStr := $lemma/lemma-name
+    order by $lemma/lemma-name
+    return $lemmaStr
+let $lemmasStrWithoutWord := string-join($lemmasStrTmpTmp, " ")
+let $lemmasStrTmp := 
+  if (not(contains($lemmasStrWithoutWord, $word)))
+  then concat($word, " ", $lemmasStrWithoutWord)  (: also the form itself is added   :)
+  else $lemmasStrWithoutWord
+let $lemmasStr := 
+  if ($language = "de" and (contains($lemmasStrTmp, "ae") or contains($lemmasStrTmp, "oe") or contains($lemmasStrTmp, "ue") or contains($lemmasStrTmp, "ss")))
+  then replace(replace(replace(replace($lemmasStrTmp, "ae", "ä"), "oe", "ö"), "ue", "ü"), "ss", "ß")
+  else $lemmasStrTmp
+let $lemmasStrTokenized := tokenize($lemmasStr, " ")
+let $dictionariesLocal := 
+  if ($type = "all" or $type = "dict")
+  then mpdltext:get-lex-entries-by-lucene-query($language, $lemmasStr)
+  else ()
+let $dictionariesRemoteTmp := 
+  if ($language = "de")
+  then
+    <lexica>
+      <lexicon>
+        <name>dwds</name>
+        <description>Deutsches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache</description>
+      </lexicon>
+    </lexica>
+  else if ($language = "el")
+  then
+    <lexica>
+      <lexicon>
+        <name>slater</name>
+        <description>William J. Slater, Lexicon to Pindar</description>
+      </lexicon>
+    </lexica>
+  else if ($language = "fr")
+  then
+    <lexica>
+      <lexicon>
+        <name>artfl-fr</name>
+        <description>The ARTFL project: Dictionnaires d'autrefois: French dictionaries of the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries</description>
+      </lexicon>
+      <lexicon>
+        <name>artfl-fr-en</name>
+        <description>The ARTFL project: French - English dictionary</description>
+      </lexicon>
+    </lexica>
+  else if ($language = "la")
+  then
+    <lexica>
+      <lexicon>
+        <name>lewis</name>
+        <description>Charlton T. Lewis, an Elementary Latin Dictionary</description>
+      </lexicon>
+    </lexica>
+  else if ($language = "nl")
+  then
+    <lexica>
+      <lexicon>
+        <name>wikiwoordenboek</name>
+        <description>Wiktionary: WikiWoordenboek</description>
+      </lexicon>
+    </lexica>
+  else if ($language = "zh")
+  then
+    <lexica>
+      <lexicon>
+        <name>linyutan</name>
+        <description>Lin Yutang</description>
+      </lexicon>
+    </lexica>
+  else ()
+let $dictionariesRemote := 
+  for $lex in $dictionariesRemoteTmp//lexicon
+    let $lexName := $lex/name
+    let $lexEntries :=  
+      for $l in $lemmasStrTokenized
+        let $lLink := 
+          if ($language = "el")
+          then mpdltext:transcode("unicode", "betacode", $l)
+          else if ($language = "zh")
+          then mpdltext:encode-big5($l)
+          else $l
+        let $repairedEntryContentLink :=
+          if ($lexName = "dwds")
+          then concat("http://beta.dwds.de/?qu=", $l)
+          else if ($lexName = "slater")
+          then concat("http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0072:entry=", $lLink)
+          else if ($lexName = "artfl-fr-en")
+          then concat("http://machaut.uchicago.edu/?resource=frengdict&amp;action=search&amp;french=", $l)
+          else if ($lexName = "artfl-fr")
+          then concat("http://artflx.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/dicos/pubdico1look.pl?strippedhw=", $l)
+          else if ($lexName = "lewis")
+          then concat("http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0060:entry=", $l)
+          else if ($lexName = "wikiwoordenboek")
+          then concat("http://nl.wiktionary.org/wiki/", $l)
+          else if ($lexName = "linyutan")
+          then concat("http://humanum.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/cgi-bin/agrep-lindict?query=", $lLink, "&amp;category=wholerecord")
+          else ""
+        let $lexiconEntry :=
+          <entry>
+            <form>{$l}</form>
+            <content>
+              <xml-valid>true</xml-valid>
+              <original-entry>&lt;original-entry&gt;&lt;/original-entry&gt;</original-entry>
+              <repaired-entry><directLink xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="{$repairedEntryContentLink}">{$l}</directLink></repaired-entry>
+            </content>
+          </entry>
+      return $lexiconEntry
+  return 
+    <lexica>
+      <lexicon>
+        <name>{$lex/name}</name>
+        <description>{$lex/description}</description>
+        <entries>{$lexEntries}</entries>
+      </lexicon>
+    </lexica>
+let $dictionaries := 
+    <result>
+    <lexica>
+      {$dictionariesLocal//lexicon}
+      {$dictionariesRemote//lexicon}
+    </lexica>
+    </result>
+let $retDictionaries := 
+  if (empty($dictionaries))
+  then ()
+  else
+    for $dictionary in $dictionaries/lexica/lexicon
+      let $dictName := $dictionary/name
+      let $dictDescription := $dictionary/description
+      let $dictEntries := $dictionary/entries
+      let $entryDictEntryContent :=
+        for $dictEntry in $dictionary/entries/entry
+          let $dictEntryContent := $dictEntry/content
+          let $dictEntryXmlValid := $dictEntryContent/xml-valid
+          let $dictEntryOriginalContent := $dictEntryContent/original-entry
+          let $dictEntryRepairedContent := $dictEntryContent/repaired-entry
+          let $dictEntryRepairedContentLink := $dictEntryRepairedContent/directLink
+          let $dictEntryForm := 
+            if ($language = "el")
+            then mpdltext:transcode("unicode", "betacode", string($dictEntry/form))
+            else if ($language = "ar")
+            then mpdltext:transcode("unicode", "buckwalter", string($dictEntry/form))
+            else $dictEntry/form
+          let $dictEntryContentParsedTmp := 
+            if ($dictEntryXmlValid = "true" and empty($dictEntryRepairedContentLink))
+            then util:parse($dictEntryRepairedContent)
+            else if ($dictEntryXmlValid = "true" and not(empty($dictEntryRepairedContentLink)) and $output = "html")
+            then <div>External link: <a href="{$dictEntryRepairedContentLink/@xlink:href}">{$dictEntryRepairedContentLink}</a></div>
+            else if ($dictEntryXmlValid = "true" and not(empty($dictEntryRepairedContentLink)) and $output = "xml")
+            then <div>{$dictEntryRepairedContentLink}</div>
+            else <bla><text>[<i>Remark: entry in dictionary has no valid XML, so only the Betacode text version of the entry could be displayed</i>]</text><p></p>{$dictEntryOriginalContent}</bla>
+          let $dictEntryContentParsed := 
+            if ($dictionary/name = "ls" and $output = "html")
+            then <div>{$dictEntryContentParsedTmp}<br/>(external link to <a href="http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0059:entry={$dictEntry/form}">www.perseus.tufts.edu</a>)</div>
+            else if ($dictionary/name = "ls" and $output = "xml")
+            then <div>{$dictEntryContentParsedTmp}<directLink type="simple" xlink:href="http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0059:entry={$dictEntry/form}">www.perseus.tufts.edu</directLink></div>
+            else if ($dictionary/name = "lsj" and $output = "html")
+            then <div>{$dictEntryContentParsedTmp}<br/>(external link to <a href="http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0057:entry={$dictEntryForm}">www.perseus.tufts.edu</a>)</div>
+            else if ($dictionary/name = "lsj" and $output = "xml")
+            then <div>{$dictEntryContentParsedTmp}<directLink type="simple" xlink:href="http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0057:entry={$dictEntryForm}">www.perseus.tufts.edu</directLink></div>
+            else if ($dictionary/name = "autenrieth" and $output = "html")
+            then <div>{$dictEntryContentParsedTmp}<br/>(external link to <a href="http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0073:entry={$dictEntryForm}">www.perseus.tufts.edu</a>)</div>
+            else if ($dictionary/name = "autenrieth" and $output = "xml")
+            then <div>{$dictEntryContentParsedTmp}<directLink type="simple" xlink:href="http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0073:entry={$dictEntryForm}">www.perseus.tufts.edu</directLink></div>
+            else if ($dictionary/name = "buckwalter" and $output = "html")
+            then <div>{$dictEntryContentParsedTmp}<br/>(external link to <a href="http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:2002.02.0014:entry={$dictEntryForm}">www.perseus.tufts.edu</a>)</div>
+            else if ($dictionary/name = "buckwalter" and $output = "xml")
+            then <div>{$dictEntryContentParsedTmp}<directLink type="simple" xlink:href="http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:2002.02.0014:entry={$dictEntryForm}">www.perseus.tufts.edu</directLink></div>
+            else if ($dictionary/name = "salmone" and $output = "html")
+            then <div>{$dictEntryContentParsedTmp}<br/>(external link to <a href="http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:2002.02.0005:entry={$dictEntryForm}">www.perseus.tufts.edu</a>)</div>   
+            else if ($dictionary/name = "salmone" and $output = "xml")
+            then <div>{$dictEntryContentParsedTmp}<directLink type="simple" xlink:href="http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:2002.02.0005:entry={$dictEntryForm}">www.perseus.tufts.edu</directLink></div>
+            else $dictEntryContentParsedTmp
+          let $liDictEntryContentParsed := 
+            if ($output = "html")
+            then <li>{($dictEntryContentParsed)}</li>
+            else if ($output = "xml")
+            then <entry>{($dictEntryContentParsed)}</entry>
+            else ()
+        return $liDictEntryContentParsed
+      let $dictLi := 
+        if ($output = "html")
+        then 
+          <li><b>{$dictDescription}</b>
+            <ul>{$entryDictEntryContent}</ul>
+          </li>
+        else if ($output = "xml")
+        then 
+          <dictionaryEntries>
+          <dictionary>
+            <name>{$dictName}</name>
+            <description>{$dictDescription}</description>
+            <entries>{$entryDictEntryContent}</entries>
+          </dictionary>
+          </dictionaryEntries>
+        else ()
+    return $dictLi
+let $wikiArticles := 
+  if (empty($lemmas))
+  then ()
+  else 
+    for $l in $lemmasStrTokenized
+      let $wikiHref1 := concat("http://", $language, ".wikipedia.org/wiki/", $l)
+      let $wikiHref2 := concat("http://", $language, ".wikipedia.org/wiki/index.php?search=", $l)
+      let $wikiArticle := 
+        if ($output = "html")
+        then <li><b>Article: </b>External link: <a href="{$wikiHref1}">{$l}</a> (or search for <a href="{$wikiHref2}">{$l})</a></li>
+        else if ($output = "xml")
+        then
+          <article>
+            <name>{$l}</name>
+            <directLink xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="{$wikiHref1}"/>
+            <searchLink xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="{$wikiHref2}"/>
+          </article>
+        else ()
+    return $wikiArticle
+let $places := 
+  if ($placeHref != "" and $output = "html")
+  then <li><b>Place: </b>External link: <a href="{$placeHref}">{$word}</a></li>
+  else if ($placeHref != "" and $output = "html")
+  then
+      <place>
+        <name>{$word}</name>
+        <directLink xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="{$placeHref}"/>
+      </place>
+  else ()
+let $dict := 
+  if (not(empty($retDictionaries)) and ($type = "all" or $type = "dict") and $output = "html")
+  then 
+    <p>
+      <h3>Dictionary</h3>
+      <ul>{$retDictionaries}</ul>
+    </p>
+  else if (empty($retDictionaries) and ($type = "all" or $type = "dict") and $output = "html")
+  then
+    <p>
+      <h3>Dictionary</h3>
+      <ul>No information available</ul>
+    </p>
+  else if (not(empty($retDictionaries)) and ($type = "all" or $type = "dict") and $output = "xml")
+  then $retDictionaries
+  else ()
+let $morph := 
+  if (not(empty($htmlOrderedLemmas)) and ($type = "all" or $type = "morph") and $output = "html")
+  then 
+    <p>
+      <h3>Morphology</h3>
+      <ul>{$htmlOrderedLemmas}</ul>
+    </p>
+  else if (empty($htmlOrderedLemmas) and ($type = "all" or $type = "morph") and $output = "html")
+  then
+    <p>
+      <h3>Morphology</h3>
+      <ul>No information available</ul>
+    </p>
+  else if (not(empty($htmlOrderedLemmas)) and ($type = "all" or $type = "morph") and $output = "xml")
+  then <morphologyEntries>{$xmlOrderedLemmas}</morphologyEntries>
+  else if ($type = "morph" and $output = "string")
+  then $lemmasStrWithoutWord
+  else ()
+let $wiki := 
+  if (not(empty($wikiArticles)) and ($type = "all" or $type = "wiki") and $output = "html")
+  then 
+    <p>
+      <h3>Wikipedia</h3>
+      <ul>{$wikiArticles}</ul>
+    </p>
+  else if (not(empty($wikiArticles)) and ($type = "all" or $type = "wiki") and $output = "xml")
+  then <wikiEntries>{$wikiArticles}</wikiEntries>
+  else ()
+let $place := 
+  if (not(empty($places)) and ($type = "all" or $type = "place") and $output = "html")
+  then 
+    <p>
+      <h3>Place</h3>
+      <ul>{$places}</ul>
+    </p>
+  else if (not(empty($places)) and ($type = "all" or $type = "place") and $output = "xml")
+  then <placeEntries>{$places}</placeEntries>
+  else ()
+let $currentTimeEnd := util:system-time()
+let $neededTime := mpdl-time:duration-as-ms($currentTimeEnd - $currentTimeBegin)
+let $declare := 
+  if ($output = "html" or $output = "string")
+  then util:declare-option("exist:serialize", "method=html media-type=text/html omit-xml-declaration=no indent=yes encoding=utf-8")
+  else util:declare-option("exist:serialize", "method=xml media-type=text/xml omit-xml-declaration=no indent=yes encoding=utf-8")
+let $queryResultHeaderStr := <h2>Word information for: {$word}</h2>
+let $commentExternalLinks := 
+   "[* no guarantee for external links]"
+let $retXmlResult :=
+  <word>
+    <form>{$word}</form>
+    <provider>Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin</provider>
+    {$morph}
+    {$dict}
+    {$wiki}
+    {$place}
+  </word>
+let $retHtmlResult :=
+  <html>
+  <head>
+  <title>Mpdl: word information</title>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+  <table align="right" valign="top">
+    <td>[<i>This is a MPDL language technology service</i>] <a href="../../info.xql?info=wordInfo" onclick="window.open(&quot;../../info.xql?info=wordInfo&quot;, &quot;InfoWindow&quot;, &quot;menubar=no,width=800,height=600,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes&quot;);return false"><img src="../../images/info.png" valign="bottom" width="15" height="15" border="0" alt="MPDL language technology service"/></a></td>
+  </table>
+  <p/>
+  {$queryResultHeaderStr}
+  {$morph} 
+  {$dict} 
+  {$wiki} 
+  {$place} 
+  {$commentExternalLinks} 
+  <hr/>
+  <p/>
+  Elapsed time: {$neededTime} ms, see the <a href="/exist/xquery.xml">XQuery documentation</a> and the <a href="wordInfo.xql?_source=yes">XQuery source</a> of this page, if you find a bug <a href="https://itgroup.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de:8080/tracs/mpdl-project-software/newticket">let us know</a>
+  </body>
+  </html>
+let $retResult :=
+  if ($output = "html")
+  then $retHtmlResult 
+  else if ($type = "morph" and $output = "string")
+  then $morph
+  else $retXmlResult
+return $retResult
\ No newline at end of file