view software/mpdl-services/mpiwg-mpdl-xml-web/WebContent/index.html @ 19:4a3641ae14d2

author Josef Willenborg <>
date Wed, 09 Nov 2011 15:32:05 +0100
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Max Planck Institute for the History of Science - Mpdl: XML Services</title>
<h2>Max Planck Institute for the History of Science - Mpdl: XML Services</h2>
<p>Available Services</p>

  <li><b>Url: /mpiwg-mpdl-xml-web/transform/Transform</b>
      <li>Request parameters
          <li>srcUrl (required)
              <li>url of the Xml source document</li>
          <li>xslUrl (required)
              <li>url of the Xsl document which does the transformation of the Xml document</li>
          <li>parameters (optional)
              <li>parameters separated with blanks (e.g. "yourParam1=yourValue1 yourParam2=yourValue2")</li>
              <li>default: no parameters</li>
          <li>outputProperties (optional)
              <li>output properties separated with blanks (e.g. "encoding=utf-8 indent=yes")
                  <li>default: "method=xml indent=yes media-type=text/xml encoding=utf-8"</li>
      <li>Response output
          <li>transformed Xml document</li>
          <li>Example: <a href="transform/Transform?srcUrl=">Generate ids incrementally for sentences in example document</a></li>

  <li><b>Url: /mpiwg-mpdl-xml-web/transform/GetFragment</b>
      <li>Request parameters
          <li>docId (required)
              <li>document identifier of the Xml source document (e.g. "/tei/la/Test_1789.xml")</li>
          <li>ms1Name (required)
              <li>starting milestone element name (e.g. "pb")</li>
          <li>ms1Pos (required)
              <li>starting milestone position (e.g. "13")</li>
          <li>ms2Name (required)
              <li>ending milestone element name (e.g. "pb")</li>
          <li>ms2Pos (required)
              <li>ending milestone position (e.g. "14")</li>
      <li>Response output
          <li>fragment between the two milestones in the Xml document</li>
          <li>Example: <a href="transform/GetFragment?docId=/tei/en/Test_1789.xml&ms1Name=pb&ms1Pos=2&ms2Name=pb&ms2Pos=3">get the fragment between the second and the third page break</a></li>

  <li><b>Url: /mpiwg-mpdl-xml-web/xquery/XQuery</b>
      <li>Request parameters
          <li>inputString or srcUrl (required)
                  <li>XML string</li>
                  <li>source URL of XML document</li>
          <li>xquery (required)
              <li>XQuery (or XPath) source code which should be executed</li>
      <li>Response output
          <li>XML result of the XQuery</li>
          <li>Example: <a href="xquery/XQuery?srcUrl=">XPath: all sentences of example document</a></li>