view software/eXist/mpdl-modules/src/de/mpg/mpiwg/berlin/mpdl/escidoc/ @ 14:5df60f24e997

diverse Fehlerbehebungen
author Josef Willenborg <>
date Mon, 29 Aug 2011 17:40:02 +0200
parents 408254cf2f1d
line wrap: on
line source


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Cookie;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Header;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.cookie.CookiePolicy;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.cookie.CookieSpec;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.DeleteMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PutMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpMethodParams;


public class ESciDocRestSession {
  private static String CONTENT_ENCODING = "utf-8";
  private static String STAGE_PATH = "/st/staging-file";
  private static String LINE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("line.separator");
  private static Pattern PATTERN_XML_BASE_ATTRIBUTE = Pattern.compile("xml:base=\"([^\"]*)\"");
  private static Pattern PATTERN_XLINK_HREF_ATTRIBUTE = Pattern.compile("xlink:href=\"([^\"]*)\"");
  private String protocol = "http";
  private String host = "";
  private int port = 8080;
  private String contentModelId;  
  private String contextId;
  private HttpClient httpClient;
  private String cookieId;
  public static ESciDocRestSession getInstance(String cookieId) throws ApplicationException {
    ESciDocRestSession instance = new ESciDocRestSession();
    instance.protocol = "http"; = MpdlConstants.MPDL_ESCIDOC_HOST_NAME;
    instance.port = MpdlConstants.MPDL_ESCIDOC_PORT;
    instance.contentModelId = MpdlConstants.MPDL_ESCIDOC_CMM_ID;
    instance.contextId = MpdlConstants.MPDL_ESCIDOC_CONTEXT_ID;
    instance.cookieId = cookieId;
    instance.httpClient = new HttpClient();
    return instance;

  public static String login(String userName, String pw) throws ApplicationException {
    String protocol = "http";
    String host = MpdlConstants.MPDL_ESCIDOC_HOST_NAME;
    int port = MpdlConstants.MPDL_ESCIDOC_PORT;
    String cookieId = null;
    try {
      String frameworkUrl = protocol + "://" + host + ":" + port;
      HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
      client.getHostConfiguration().setHost(host, port, "http");
      PostMethod login = new PostMethod( frameworkUrl + "/aa/j_spring_security_check");
      login.addParameter("j_username", userName);
      login.addParameter("j_password", pw);

      CookieSpec cookiespec = CookiePolicy.getDefaultSpec();
      Cookie[] logoncookies = cookiespec.match(host, port, "/", false, client.getState().getCookies());
      Cookie sessionCookie = logoncookies[0];
      PostMethod postMethod = new PostMethod("/aa/login");
      postMethod.addParameter("target", frameworkUrl);
      Header headers[] = postMethod.getResponseHeaders();
      for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; ++i) {
        if ("Location".equals(headers[i].getName())) {
          String location = headers[i].getValue();
          int index = location.indexOf('=');
          Base64 base64 = new Base64();
          String locationTemp = location.substring(index + 1, location.length());
          cookieId = new String(base64.decode(locationTemp.getBytes()));
      // if login is possible but the grants are not enough
      if (cookieId != null) {
        ESciDocRestSession session = getInstance(cookieId);
        String grantAdminHref = session.getGrantHrefByUserNameAndRoleName(userName, "escidoc:role-system-administrator");
        if (grantAdminHref == null)
          cookieId = "-10";
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new ApplicationException(e);
    return cookieId;

  // validation service of eSciDoc    // TODO not implemented yet
  public void validate(String pid, MetadataRecord mdRecord, String srcUrl) throws ApplicationException {
    Component component = new Component("valid", "public", "any fulltext", "text/xml", srcUrl, "internal-managed");
    ArrayList<Component> components = new ArrayList<Component>();
    Item xmlTemplate = new Item(contextId, pid, mdRecord, contentModelId, components);
    String itemXmlStr = xmlTemplate.toXmlString();
    String uri = "/validation/rest/validateItemXmlBySchema";
    HttpMethodParams parameter = new HttpMethodParams();
    parameter.setParameter("validation-point", "");  // None (Pick the validation schema from the context provided with the item)
    parameter.setParameter("validation-schema", "");  // None (Default)
    String valAnswer = performPostRequest(uri, itemXmlStr, parameter);
  public String getCookieId() {
    return cookieId;  
  public void openContext(String contextId) throws ApplicationException {
    String contextXmlStr = getContextById(contextId);
    Date lastModificationDate = getLastModificationDate(contextXmlStr);
    String lastModificationDateStr = XmlUtil.getInstance().toXsDate(lastModificationDate);
    String bodyContentStr = "<param last-modification-date=\"" + lastModificationDateStr + "\"/>";
    String uri = "/ir/context/" + contextId + "/open";
    performPostRequestByBody(uri, bodyContentStr);
  public String createContext(String organizationalUnit, String name, String description, String type) throws ApplicationException {
    Context xmlTemplate = new Context(organizationalUnit, name, description, type);
    String bodyContentXmlStr = xmlTemplate.toXmlString();
    String contextXmlStr = performPutRequestByBody("/ir/context", bodyContentXmlStr);
    String contextId = getFirstContextId(contextXmlStr);
    return contextId;
  public String getContextById(String contextId) throws ApplicationException {
    String bodyContent = "<param><filter><id>" + contextId + "</id></filter></param>";
    String requestUrlStr = "/ir/contexts/filter";
    String resultXmlStr = performPostRequestByBody(requestUrlStr, bodyContent);
    return resultXmlStr;
  public void grant(String userName, String roleName) throws ApplicationException {
    String grantXmlStr = null;
    String userId = null;
    String internalRoleName = null;
    if (roleName != null && roleName.equals("admin")) {
      internalRoleName = "escidoc:role-system-administrator";
      userId = getUserId(userName);
      Grant grant = new Grant(userName, userId, "System-Administrator", "/aa/role/" + internalRoleName);
      grantXmlStr = grant.toXmlString();
    String grantHref = getGrantHrefByUserNameAndRoleName(userName, internalRoleName);
    if (grantHref == null || grantHref.equals(""))
      performPutRequestByBody(userId + "/resources/grants/grant", grantXmlStr);
  public String getGrantHrefByUserNameAndRoleName(String userName, String roleName) throws ApplicationException {
    String resultXmlStr = null;
    String fullUserId = getUserId(userName);  // // e.g. userId=/aa/user-account/escidoc:22650
    if (fullUserId != null) {
      int userIdIndex = fullUserId.lastIndexOf("/");
      if (userIdIndex != -1) {
        String userId = fullUserId.substring(userIdIndex + 1);
        String filterUserName = "<filter name=\"\">" + userId + "</filter>"; // e.g. userId=escidoc:22650
        String filterRoleName = "<filter name=\"\">" + roleName + "</filter>";  // e.g. roleName=escidoc:role-system-administrator
        String bodyContent = "<param>" + filterUserName + filterRoleName + "</param>";  
        String requestUrlStr = "/aa/grants/filter";
        resultXmlStr = performPostRequestByBody(requestUrlStr, bodyContent);
        resultXmlStr = getFirstGrantId(resultXmlStr);
    return resultXmlStr;
  public String getGrantsByUserName(String userName) throws ApplicationException {
    String resultXmlStr = null;
    String fullUserId = getUserId(userName);  // // e.g. userId=/aa/user-account/escidoc:22650
    if (fullUserId != null) {
      int userIdIndex = fullUserId.lastIndexOf("/");
      if (userIdIndex != -1) {
        String userId = fullUserId.substring(userIdIndex + 1);
        String filterUserName = "<filter name=\"\">" + userId + "</filter>"; // e.g. userId=escidoc:22650
        String bodyContent = "<param>" + filterUserName + "</param>";  
        String requestUrlStr = "/aa/grants/filter";
        resultXmlStr = performPostRequestByBody(requestUrlStr, bodyContent);
    return resultXmlStr;
  public String createContainer(String pid, MetadataRecord mdRecord) throws ApplicationException {
    Container xmlTemplate = new Container(contentModelId, contextId, pid, mdRecord);
    String bodyContentXmlStr = xmlTemplate.toXmlString();
    String containerXmlStr = performPutRequestByBody("/ir/container", bodyContentXmlStr);
    String containerId = getFirstContainerId(containerXmlStr);
    return containerId;
  public Container createContainerInContainer(String pid, MetadataRecord mdRecord, String containerId) throws ApplicationException {
    Container xmlTemplate = new Container(contentModelId, contextId, pid, mdRecord);
    String bodyContentXmlStr = xmlTemplate.toXmlString();
    String uri = containerId + "/create-container";
    String containerXmlStr = performPostRequestByBody(uri, bodyContentXmlStr);
    String retContainerId = getFirstContainerId(containerXmlStr);
    Date lastModificationDate = getLastModificationDate(containerXmlStr);
    Container container = new Container(retContainerId, lastModificationDate);
    return container;
  public Item createItemInContainer(String containerId, String pid, MetadataRecord mdRecord, ArrayList<Component> components) throws ApplicationException {
    Item xmlTemplate = new Item(contextId, pid, mdRecord, contentModelId, components);
    String bodyContentXmlStr = xmlTemplate.toXmlString();
    String uri = containerId + "/create-item";
    String itemXmlStr = performPostRequestByBody(uri, bodyContentXmlStr);
    String itemId = getFirstItemId(itemXmlStr);
    Date lastModificationDate = getLastModificationDate(itemXmlStr);
    Item item = new Item(itemId, lastModificationDate);
    return item;
  public Item createItemInContainer(String containerId, String itemXmlStr) throws ApplicationException {
    String uri = containerId + "/create-item";
    String retItemXmlStr = performPostRequestByBody(uri, itemXmlStr);
    String itemId = getFirstItemId(retItemXmlStr);
    Date lastModificationDate = getLastModificationDate(retItemXmlStr);
    String validStatus = ""; // TODO 
    String visibility = ""; // TODO
    String contentCategory = ""; // TODO
    String mimeType = ""; // TODO
    String url = getFirstComponentId(retItemXmlStr);
    String storage = ""; // TODO
    Component component = new Component(validStatus, visibility, contentCategory, mimeType, url, storage);
    Item item = new Item(itemId, lastModificationDate);
    return item;
  public void submitContainer(String containerId, Date lastModificationDate, String comment) throws ApplicationException {
    String uri = containerId + "/submit";
    String dateStr = XmlUtil.getInstance().toXsDate(lastModificationDate);
    String xmlStr = "<param last-modification-date=\"" + dateStr + "\"><comment>" + comment + "</comment></param>";
    performPostRequestByBody(uri, xmlStr);
  public void submitItem(String itemId, Date lastModificationDate, String comment) throws ApplicationException {
    String uri = itemId + "/submit";
    String dateStr = XmlUtil.getInstance().toXsDate(lastModificationDate);
    String xmlStr = "<param last-modification-date=\"" + dateStr + "\"><comment>" + comment + "</comment></param>";
    performPostRequestByBody(uri, xmlStr);
  public Date addMembers(String containerId, Date lastModificationDate, ArrayList<String> memberIds) throws ApplicationException {
    if (containerId == null || lastModificationDate == null || memberIds == null)
      return null;
    String dateStr = XmlUtil.getInstance().toXsDate(lastModificationDate);
    String membersXmlStr = "<param last-modification-date=\"" + dateStr + "\">";
    for (int i=0; i< memberIds.size(); i++) {
      String memberId = memberIds.get(i);
      membersXmlStr = membersXmlStr + "<id>" + "escidoc:" + memberId +"</id>";
    membersXmlStr += "</param>";
    String lastModDateXmlStr = performPostRequestByBody(containerId + "/members/add", membersXmlStr);
    Date lastModDate = getLastModificationDate(lastModDateXmlStr);
    return lastModDate;
  public Date removeMembers(String containerId, Date lastModificationDate, ArrayList<String> memberIds) throws ApplicationException {
    if (containerId == null || lastModificationDate == null || memberIds == null)
      return null;
    String dateStr = XmlUtil.getInstance().toXsDate(lastModificationDate);
    String membersXmlStr = "<param last-modification-date=\"" + dateStr + "\">";
    for (int i=0; i< memberIds.size(); i++) {
      String memberId = memberIds.get(i);
      // if memberId is a full id and contains non digits they will be removed: e.g. /ir/item/escidoc:4711 will be replaced by 4711
      if (! memberId.matches("[0-9]+")) {
        memberId = memberId.replaceAll("[^0-9]+", "");
      membersXmlStr = membersXmlStr + "<id>" + "escidoc:" + memberId +"</id>";
    membersXmlStr += "</param>";
    String lastModDateXmlStr = performPostRequestByBody(containerId + "/members/remove", membersXmlStr);
    Date lastModDate = getLastModificationDate(lastModDateXmlStr);
    return lastModDate;
  public Item createItem(String pid, MetadataRecord mdRecord, ArrayList<Component> components) throws ApplicationException {
    Item xmlTemplate = new Item(contextId, pid, mdRecord, contentModelId, components);
    String xmlStr = xmlTemplate.toXmlString();
    String itemXmlStr = performPutRequestByBody("/ir/item", xmlStr);
    String itemId = getFirstItemId(itemXmlStr);
    Date lastModificationDate = getLastModificationDate(itemXmlStr);
    Item item = new Item(itemId, lastModificationDate);
    return item;
  public Date updateItem(String itemId, Date lastModificationDate, String pid, MetadataRecord mdRecord, ArrayList<Component> components) throws ApplicationException {
    if (itemId == null || lastModificationDate == null)
      return null;
    Item xmlTemplate = new Item(contextId, pid, mdRecord, contentModelId, components);
    String xmlStr = xmlTemplate.toXmlString();
    String itemXmlStr = performPutRequestByBody(itemId, xmlStr);
    Date newVersionDate = getVersionDate(itemXmlStr);
    return newVersionDate;
  public void deleteItem(String itemId) {
    if (itemId != null) {
  public void deleteContainer(String containerId) {
    if (containerId != null) {
  public Date getContainerLastModificationDate(String containerId) throws ApplicationException {
    Date lastModificationDate = null;
    String resultXmlStr = getContainer(containerId);
    if (resultXmlStr != null) {
      lastModificationDate = getLastModificationDate(resultXmlStr);
    return lastModificationDate;

  public String getContainer(String containerId) throws ApplicationException {
    String resultXmlStr = null;
    if (containerId != null) {
      resultXmlStr = performGetRequest(containerId);
    return resultXmlStr;

  public String getItem(String itemId) throws ApplicationException {
    String resultXmlStr = null;
    if (itemId != null) {
      resultXmlStr = performGetRequest(itemId);
    return resultXmlStr;
  public void saveComponentContentToLocalFile(String componentContentId, String localFileName) throws ApplicationException {
    if (componentContentId != null) {
      performGetRequestToLocalFile(componentContentId, localFileName);
  public String getUserId(String userName) throws ApplicationException {
    String userId = null;
    if (userName != null) {
      String userNameAccessStr = userName + ",uid=" + userName + ",ou=users,dc=wisges,dc=rz-berlin,dc=mpg,dc=de";
      String resultXmlStr = performGetRequest("/aa/user-account/" + userNameAccessStr);
      userId = getFirstUserId(resultXmlStr);
    return userId;
  public String getUser(String userName) throws ApplicationException {
    String resultXmlStr = null;
    if (userName != null) {
      String userNameAccessStr = userName + ",uid=" + userName + ",ou=users,dc=wisges,dc=rz-berlin,dc=mpg,dc=de";
      resultXmlStr = performGetRequest("/aa/user-account/" + userNameAccessStr);
    return resultXmlStr;
  public String getAllUsers() throws ApplicationException {
    String bodyContent = "<param><filter></filter></param>";
    String requestUrlStr = "/aa/user-accounts/filter";
    String resultXmlStr = performPostRequestByBody(requestUrlStr, bodyContent);
    return resultXmlStr;
  public String getMembersByContainerIdAndFilter(String containerId, String filter) throws ApplicationException {
    String bodyContent = "<param><filter></filter></param>";
    if (filter != null)
      bodyContent = "<param>" + filter + "</param>";
    String requestUrlStr = containerId + "/members/filter";
    String resultXmlStr = performPostRequestByBody(requestUrlStr, bodyContent);
    return resultXmlStr;

  public String getAllItems() throws ApplicationException {
    String bodyContent = "<param><filter></filter></param>";
    String requestUrlStr = "/ir/items/filter";
    String resultXmlStr = performPostRequestByBody(requestUrlStr, bodyContent);
    return resultXmlStr;
  private String getContainerByEXistId(String existId) throws ApplicationException {
    String bodyContent = "<param><filter name=\"/md-records/md-record/metadata/exist-identifier\">" + existId + "</filter></param>";  // e.g. existId = /echo/la/alvarus_1509_lat_V40_10.xml
    String requestUrlStr = "/ir/containers/filter";
    String resultXmlStr = performPostRequestByBody(requestUrlStr, bodyContent);
    return resultXmlStr;
  public String getContainerIdByEXistId(String existId) throws ApplicationException {
    String containerXmlStr = getContainerByEXistId(existId);
    String eScidDocContainerId = null;
    if (containerXmlStr != null && containerXmlStr != "") {
      eScidDocContainerId = getFirstContainerId(containerXmlStr);
    return eScidDocContainerId;
  public String getItemByPid(String pid) throws ApplicationException {
    String bodyContent = "<param><filter name=\"/properties/pid\">" + pid + "</filter></param>";  
    String requestUrlStr = "/ir/items/filter";
    String resultXmlStr = performPostRequestByBody(requestUrlStr, bodyContent);
    return resultXmlStr;
  public String uploadFileToESciDocStageArea(String filePath) throws ApplicationException {
    StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
    try {
      URL createUrl = new URL(protocol + "://" + host + ":" + port + STAGE_PATH);
      HttpURLConnection uploadConnection = (HttpURLConnection) createUrl.openConnection();
      uploadConnection.setRequestProperty("Cookie", "escidocCookie=" + cookieId);
      // open POST Request
      OutputStream out = uploadConnection.getOutputStream();
      // access binary content
      InputStream in = new FileInputStream(filePath);
      // write template to POST Request
      byte[] bytes = new byte[4096];
      int l =;
      while (l > -1) {
        out.write(bytes, 0, l);
        l =;
      // connect response reader
      BufferedReader createdReader = null;
      String contentEncoding = uploadConnection.getContentEncoding();
      if (contentEncoding == null) {
        contentEncoding = CONTENT_ENCODING;
      createdReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(uploadConnection.getInputStream(), contentEncoding));
      // read response
      String line = createdReader.readLine();
      while (line != null) {
        line = createdReader.readLine();
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new ApplicationException(e);
    String stageUrl = obtainResourceHref(result.toString());
    return stageUrl;
  public String getPid() throws ApplicationException {
    return "mpiwg:47114711";    // TODO
    try {
      XmlRpcClientConfigImpl config = new XmlRpcClientConfigImpl();
      XmlRpcClient client = new XmlRpcClient();
      String zopeUrlStr = "";
      config.setServerURL(new URL(zopeUrlStr + "/idGenerator"));
      Object[] params = new Object[]{};
      String pid = (String) client.execute("generateId", params);
      return pid;
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
      throw new ApplicationException(e);
    } catch (XmlRpcException e) {
      throw new ApplicationException(e);

  public ArrayList<String> getContainerIds(String xmlStr) throws ApplicationException {
    NamespaceContext nsContext = getNsContext();
    XmlUtil xmlUtil = XmlUtil.getInstance();
    ArrayList<String> containerIds = xmlUtil.evaluateToStringArray(xmlStr, "//srel:container/@xlink:href", nsContext);
    return containerIds;
  public ArrayList<String> getContainerTitles(String xmlStr) throws ApplicationException {
    NamespaceContext nsContext = getNsContext();
    XmlUtil xmlUtil = XmlUtil.getInstance();
    ArrayList<String> containerTitles = xmlUtil.evaluateToStringArray(xmlStr, "//srel:container/@xlink:title", nsContext);
    return containerTitles;
  public String getLatestVersionId(String xmlStr) throws ApplicationException {
    NamespaceContext nsContext = getNsContext();
    XmlUtil xmlUtil = XmlUtil.getInstance();
    String id = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "//prop:latest-version/@xlink:href", nsContext);
    return id;
  public String getFirstUserId(String xmlStr) throws ApplicationException {
    NamespaceContext nsContext = getNsContext();
    XmlUtil xmlUtil = XmlUtil.getInstance();
    String id = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "//user-account:user-account/@xlink:href", nsContext);
    return id;
  public String getFirstGrantId(String xmlStr) throws ApplicationException {
    NamespaceContext nsContext = getNsContext();
    XmlUtil xmlUtil = XmlUtil.getInstance();
    String g = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "//grants:grant/@xlink:href", nsContext);
    return g;
  public String getFirstContextId(String xmlStr) throws ApplicationException {
    NamespaceContext nsContext = getNsContext();
    XmlUtil xmlUtil = XmlUtil.getInstance();
    String id = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "//context:context/@xlink:href", nsContext);
    return id;
  public String getFirstContainerId(String xmlStr) throws ApplicationException {
    NamespaceContext nsContext = getNsContext();
    XmlUtil xmlUtil = XmlUtil.getInstance();
    String id = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "//container:container/@xlink:href", nsContext);
    return id;
  public String getFirstItemId(String xmlStr) throws ApplicationException {
    NamespaceContext nsContext = getNsContext();
    XmlUtil xmlUtil = XmlUtil.getInstance();
    String id = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "//escidocItem:item/@xlink:href", nsContext);
    return id;
  public String getFirstStageAreaURL(String xmlStr) throws ApplicationException {
    NamespaceContext nsContext = getNsContext();
    XmlUtil xmlUtil = XmlUtil.getInstance();
    String eSciDocStageAreaUrl = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "//escidocComponents:content/@xlink:href", nsContext);
    return eSciDocStageAreaUrl;
  public String getFirstComponentId(String xmlStr) throws ApplicationException {
    NamespaceContext nsContext = getNsContext();
    XmlUtil xmlUtil = XmlUtil.getInstance();
    String componentId = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "//escidocComponents:content/@xlink:href", nsContext);
    return componentId;
  public String getFirstEXistId(String xmlStr) throws ApplicationException {
    NamespaceContext nsContext = getNsContext();
    XmlUtil xmlUtil = XmlUtil.getInstance();
    String id = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "/escidocItem:item/escidocMetadataRecords:md-records/escidocMetadataRecords:md-record/metadata/mpiwg:exist-identifier", nsContext);
    return id;
  public MetadataRecord getFirstMdRecord(String xmlStr) throws ApplicationException {
    NamespaceContext nsContext = getNsContext();
    XmlUtil xmlUtil = XmlUtil.getInstance();
    String id = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "/escidocItem:item/escidocMetadataRecords:md-records/escidocMetadataRecords:md-record/metadata/dc:identifier", nsContext);
    String language = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "/escidocItem:item/escidocMetadataRecords:md-records/escidocMetadataRecords:md-record/metadata/dc:language", nsContext);
    String creator = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "/escidocItem:item/escidocMetadataRecords:md-records/escidocMetadataRecords:md-record/metadata/dc:creator", nsContext);
    String title = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "/escidocItem:item/escidocMetadataRecords:md-records/escidocMetadataRecords:md-record/metadata/dc:title", nsContext);
    String type = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "/escidocItem:item/escidocMetadataRecords:md-records/escidocMetadataRecords:md-record/metadata/dc:type", nsContext);
    String rights = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "/escidocItem:item/escidocMetadataRecords:md-records/escidocMetadataRecords:md-record/metadata/dc:rights", nsContext);
    String dateStr = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "/escidocItem:item/escidocMetadataRecords:md-records/escidocMetadataRecords:md-record/metadata/dc:date", nsContext);
    Date date = new Date(dateStr);
    String license = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "/escidocItem:item/escidocMetadataRecords:md-records/escidocMetadataRecords:md-record/metadata/mpiwg:license", nsContext);
    String accessRights = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "/escidocItem:item/escidocMetadataRecords:md-records/escidocMetadataRecords:md-record/metadata/mpiwg:accessRights", nsContext);
    String mediaType = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "/escidocItem:item/escidocMetadataRecords:md-records/escidocMetadataRecords:md-record/metadata/mpiwg:mediaType", nsContext);
    String existId = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "/escidocItem:item/escidocMetadataRecords:md-records/escidocMetadataRecords:md-record/metadata/mpiwg:exist-identifier", nsContext);
    MetadataRecord mdRecord = new MetadataRecord(id, language, creator, title, null, null, type, rights, date);  // TODO vervollständigen, testen
    return mdRecord;
  public Date getVersionDate(String xmlStr) throws ApplicationException {
    NamespaceContext nsContext = getNsContext();
    XmlUtil xmlUtil = XmlUtil.getInstance();
    String dateStr = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "//version:date", nsContext);
    Date lastModificationDate = xmlUtil.toDate(dateStr);
    return lastModificationDate;
  public Date getLastModificationDate(String xmlStr) throws ApplicationException {
    NamespaceContext nsContext = getNsContext();
    XmlUtil xmlUtil = XmlUtil.getInstance();
    String dateStr = xmlUtil.evaluateToString(xmlStr, "//*/@last-modification-date", nsContext);
    Date lastModificationDate = xmlUtil.toDate(dateStr);
    return lastModificationDate;

  private String obtainResourceHref(String xml) {
    // base
    String base = "";
    Matcher baseMatcher = PATTERN_XML_BASE_ATTRIBUTE.matcher(xml);
    if (baseMatcher.find()) {
      base =;
    // href
    String href = null;
    Matcher hrefMatcher = PATTERN_XLINK_HREF_ATTRIBUTE.matcher(xml);
    if (hrefMatcher.find()) {
      href =;
    } else {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can not obtain href for resources without xlink:href attribute.");
    return base + href;
  private String performPostRequestByBody(String requestUrlStr, String bodyContent) throws ApplicationException {
    String resultStr = null;
    try {
      String urlStr = protocol + "://" + host + ":" + port + requestUrlStr;
      PostMethod method = new PostMethod(urlStr);
      method.setRequestHeader("Cookie", "escidocCookie=" + cookieId);
      if (bodyContent != null) {
      byte[] responseBody = method.getResponseBody();
      resultStr = new String(responseBody, "utf-8");
    } catch (HttpException e) {
      throw new ApplicationException(e);      
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new ApplicationException(e);      
    return resultStr; 

  // TODO
  private String performPostRequest(String requestUrlStr, String bodyContent, HttpMethodParams parameter) throws ApplicationException {
    String resultStr = null;
    try {
      String urlStr = protocol + "://" + host + ":" + port + requestUrlStr;
      PostMethod method = new PostMethod(urlStr);
      method.setRequestHeader("Cookie", "escidocCookie=" + cookieId);
      if (bodyContent != null) {
      if (parameter != null) {
      byte[] responseBody = method.getResponseBody();
      resultStr = new String(responseBody, "utf-8");
    } catch (HttpException e) {
      throw new ApplicationException(e);      
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new ApplicationException(e);      
    return resultStr; 

  private String performPutRequestByBody(String requestName, String bodyContent) {
    String resultStr = null;
    try {
      String urlStr = protocol + "://" + host + ":" + port + requestName;
      PutMethod method = new PutMethod(urlStr);
      method.setRequestHeader("Cookie", "escidocCookie=" + cookieId);
      if (bodyContent != null) {
      byte[] responseBody = method.getResponseBody();
      resultStr = new String(responseBody, "utf-8");
    } catch (HttpException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    return resultStr; 

  private void performDeleteRequest(String requestName) {
    try {
      String urlStr = protocol + "://" + host + ":" + port + requestName;
      DeleteMethod method = new DeleteMethod(urlStr);
      method.setRequestHeader("Cookie", "escidocCookie=" + cookieId);
    } catch (HttpException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {

  private String performGetRequest(String requestName) {
    String resultStr = null;
    try {
      String urlStr = protocol + "://" + host + ":" + port + requestName;
      GetMethod method = new GetMethod(urlStr);
      method.setRequestHeader("Cookie", "escidocCookie=" + cookieId);
      byte[] responseBody = method.getResponseBody();
      resultStr = new String(responseBody, "utf-8");
    } catch (HttpException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    return resultStr;

  private void performGetRequestToLocalFile(String requestName, String localFileName) throws ApplicationException {
    try {
      String urlStr = protocol + "://" + host + ":" + port + requestName;
      GetMethod method = new GetMethod(urlStr);
      method.setRequestHeader("Cookie", "escidocCookie=" + cookieId);
      InputStream responseBodyInputStream = method.getResponseBodyAsStream();
      FileUtil.getInstance().saveInputStreamToLocalFile(responseBodyInputStream, localFileName);
    } catch (HttpException e) {
      throw new ApplicationException(e);      
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new ApplicationException(e);      

  public static NamespaceContext getNsContext() {
    NamespaceContext nsContext = new NamespaceContext() {
      public String getNamespaceURI(String prefix) {
        String uri;
        if (prefix.equals("xlink"))
          uri = "";
        else if (prefix.equals("escidocItem"))
          uri = "";
        else if (prefix.equals("user-account"))
          uri = "";
        else if (prefix.equals("grants"))
          uri = "";
        else if (prefix.equals("context"))
          uri = "";
        else if (prefix.equals("container"))
          uri = "";
        else if (prefix.equals("escidocMetadataRecords"))
          uri = "";
        else if (prefix.equals("escidocComponents"))
          uri = "";
        else if (prefix.equals("prop"))
          uri = "";
        else if (prefix.equals("struct-map"))
          uri = "";
        else if (prefix.equals("version"))
          uri = "";
        else if (prefix.equals("srel"))
          uri = "";  
        else if (prefix.equals("xml"))
          uri = "";
        else if (prefix.equals("dc"))
          uri = "";
        else if (prefix.equals("mpiwg"))
          uri = "";
          uri = null;
        return uri;
      public String getPrefix(String uri) {
        if (uri.equals(""))
          return "xlink";
        else if (uri.equals(""))
          return "escidocItem";
        else if (uri.equals(""))
          return "user-account";
        else if (uri.equals(""))
          return "grants";
        else if (uri.equals(""))
          return "context";
        else if (uri.equals(""))
          return "container";
        else if (uri.equals(""))
          return "escidocMetadataRecords";
        else if (uri.equals(""))
          return "escidocComponents";
        else if (uri.equals(""))
          return "prop";
        else if (uri.equals(""))
          return "struct-map";
        else if (uri.equals(""))
            return "version";
        else if (uri.equals(""))
          return "srel";
        else if (uri.equals(""))
          return "xml";
        else if (uri.equals(""))
          return "dc";
        else if (uri.equals(""))
          return "mpiwg";
          return null;

      public Iterator getPrefixes(String namespace) {
        return null;
    return nsContext;    