view software/eXist/mpdl-modules/src/de/mpg/mpiwg/berlin/mpdl/lt/analyzer/lang/MpdlNormalizerLexIT.lex @ 14:5df60f24e997

diverse Fehlerbehebungen
author Josef Willenborg <>
date Mon, 29 Aug 2011 17:40:02 +0200
parents 1ec29fdd0db8
line wrap: on
line source

 * Normalization rules for Italian text
 * [this is a JFlex specification]
 * Wolfgang Schmidle 
 * version 2011-07-12



%class MpdlNormalizerLexIT
%type java.lang.String

// Italian: it, ita


	private static final int CONS = 1;
	private static final int VOWEL = 2;
	private int cv = 0;  // consonant = 1, vowel = 2, everything else = 0

	private String original = "";
	private String normalized = "";
	private int problem = 0;
	private void add (String norm) {
		original += yytext(); 
		normalized += norm;

	private static final String LB = "[\u002d\u00ad] ";

Vowel = [AEIOUaeiouÆæęàèòùœ]
Cons = [BCDFGHKLMNPQRSTVWXZbcdfghklmnpqrstvwxzſß]
LR = [lLrR]

hyphen = [\u002d\u00ad]  // hyphen and soft hyphen
LB = {hyphen} \u0020
lb = ({hyphen} \u0020)?

END = \n

prefixCons = (in{lb}ter | per | ſu{lb}per | ſer)



À { add("Á"); }
È { add("É"); }
Ì { add("Í"); }
Ò { add("Ó"); }
Ù { add("Ú"); }
à { add("á"); }
è { add("é"); }
ì { add("í"); }
ò { add("ó"); }
ù { add("ú"); }



ſ { cv = CONS; add("s"); }
ß { cv = CONS; add("ss"); }
æ { cv = VOWEL; add("ae"); }
Æ { cv = VOWEL; add("AE"); }
œ { cv = VOWEL; add("oe"); }
Π{ cv = VOWEL; add("OE"); }

ij { cv = VOWEL; add("ii"); }

tio { cv = VOWEL; add("zio"); }
TIO { cv = VOWEL; add("ZIO"); }

// h-Regeln aus Arboreal:
^ ha / {END} { add(yytext()); }
^ hai / {END} { add(yytext()); }
^ han{lb}no / {END} { add(yytext()); }
^ ho / {END} { add(yytext()); }
^ h { add(""); }

// u/v rules are taken from MpdlNormalizerLexLA.lex

// 1. rules for u --> v

^ {prefixCons} / {lb} { cv = VOWEL; add(yytext().replace("ſ", "s")); }

^ [uU] / {Vowel} { cv = VOWEL; add(yytext().replaceAll("u", "v").replaceAll("U", "V")); }

[uU] / {Vowel} { 
		switch(cv) {
			case VOWEL: add(yytext().replace("u", "v").replace("U", "V")); break;
			default: cv = VOWEL; add(yytext()); break;

// 2. rules for v --> u

qv { cv = CONS; add("qu"); }  // the replaced v still counts as consonant
Qv { cv = CONS; add("Qu"); }
QV { cv = CONS; add("QU"); }

{LR} [vV] { 
		switch(cv) {
			case CONS: add(yytext().replace("v", "u").replace("V", "U")); break;
			default: cv = CONS; add(yytext()); break;

v / {lb} {Cons} { cv = CONS; add("u"); }
V / {lb} {Cons} { cv = CONS; add("U"); }

// 3. override default rule for .

{Vowel} { cv = VOWEL; add(yytext()); }
{Cons} { cv = CONS; add(yytext()); }
@ { problem = 1; cv = 0; add(yytext()); }
{LB} { add(yytext()); }
. { cv = 0; add(yytext()); } 


<DISP> {

{END} {
		switch (problem) {
			case 1: return original;
			default: return normalized;

<DICT> {

{END} {
		switch (problem) {
			case 1: return "";
			default: return normalized.replaceAll(LB, "");


{END} {
		switch (problem) {
			case 1: return original;
			default: return normalized.replaceAll(LB, "").toLowerCase();


- die Routine wird wortweise aufgerufen, mit einem \n am Ende des Strings
- Zeilenumbrüche innerhalb des Wortes sind als hyphen/soft hyphen plus space markiert


IT: all these rules are taken from Arboreal; do we need them all?
IT: richtig? vollständig?
IT: Sind die u/v-Regeln wirklich genau wie in LA ? insbesondere: gleiche Vokal-Klasse?
IT: Änderungen in den lateinischen u/v-Regeln übernehmen?
IT: italienische Beispielwörter für die u/v-Regeln angeben
IT: Brauchen wir die Gravis-Regeln aus Arboreal in DICT wirklich?
IT: wenn ja: gehört À --> Á etc. in die Wörterbuch-Schicht? Und einschränken auf letzte Silbe?
IT: ist prefixCons = (inter | per | ſuper | ſer) auch für Italienisch gültig?
