diff DESpecs/DESpecs_text.tex @ 10:d7b79f6537bb

Version vom 2009-02-14
author Klaus Thoden <kthoden@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de>
date Thu, 02 May 2013 11:08:12 +0200
parents 2531dd8fe4ba
children f9a6b8344c3a
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/DESpecs/DESpecs_text.tex	Thu May 02 11:04:30 2013 +0200
+++ b/DESpecs/DESpecs_text.tex	Thu May 02 11:08:12 2013 +0200
@@ -1,587 +1,2077 @@
 %!TEX TS-program = xelatex 
 %!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode 
 %!TEX root = ../DESpecs.tex
+\section{File Conventions}
+\label{section file conventions}
+Save the text in plain text format (§.txt§) with Unicode §utf-8§ encoding. If the text is saved in more than one file, number the parts, for example §Euclid_part_001.txt§, §Euclid_part_002.txt§, and so on. Create a §zip§ archive from all files.
+We will also need the list of unknown characters (see \sect{section unknown characters}). If the list is handwritten, scan it and save it as PDF file. 
+\section{General Markup}
+Type the entire contents of one page, then go on to the next page. Do not mix the contents of different pages.
+\subsubsection{Page Breaks, Page Numbers and Running Heads}
+\label{section page breaks}
+Page breaks are marked by §<pb>§. If the page has a page number, type it within the §<pb>§ tag, e.g. §<pb 6>§. Type the page number exactly as it appears in the book. If there is a running head on the page, it is marked by §<rh>§ and §</rh>§. Type the running head immediately after the §<pb>§ tag. 
+Insert a blank line before each §<pb>§ tag. 
+The position of the page number, e.g. at the top or bottom of the page, will not be encoded. Type the §<pb>§ and §<rh>§ tags before you type any content of the page. Do not type spaces within words. If there is a horizontal line below the running head, do not type it.
+\begin{sampleImage}[1: \, arabic page number]{montag_mark_pagenumber_runninghead.jpg}
+\bold{<pb} 2\bold{><rh>}GEOMET. ELEMENT. EVCLIDIS\bold{</rh>} \\
+$unt ӕquales. 16 Et hic quidem punctus, centrum circuli dicitur.\bold{</p>} \\
+For §$§ and §æ§ see \sect{section characters to be typed directly}. For ligatures, e.g. {\fontspec[Ligatures=Rare]{Hoefler Text} ct}, see \sect{section latin ligatures}. §</p>§ marks the end of a paragraph (\sect{section paragraphs}). For spaces before and after punctuation marks see \sect{section latin punctuation}.
+The §<p>§ for the beginning of the paragraph is on the previous page. 
+\begin{sampleImage}[2: \, roman page number]{montag_roemische_seitenzahl}
+\bold{<pb} vij\bold{><rh>_}PREFACE.\bold{_</rh>}
+For §_ _§ see \sect{section italics}.
+\subsubsection{Catchwords and Signatures}
+\label{section catchwords and signatures}
+Do not type catchwords or signatures.
+In most cases, catchwords and signatures are at the bottom of the page.
+The left rectangle contains the signature (§Ec 2§) and the right rectangle the catchword (§Volo§).
-Type the the entire content of one page, then go on to the next page. Do not mix the content of two pages.
+\subsection{Text Blocks}
+Type a return after each line of the printed page.
+Do not insert a space at the end of the line. 
+\label{section headings}
+Headings are marked by §<h>§ and §</h>§.
+All headings are tagged in the same way, regardless of the font size. Do not type spaces within words. If the text is centered, this will not be encoded.
+\bold{<h>}EUCLIDIS \\
+LIBER DECIMUS.\bold{</h>}
+or alternatively, if you are unsure whether each line is a separate heading:
+\bold{<h>}EUCLIDIS\bold{</h>} \\
+\bold{<h>}ELEMENTORUM\bold{</h>} \\
+\bold{<h>}LIBER DECIMUS.\bold{</h>}
-\section{Structural Markup}
+\label{section paragraphs}
+Paragraphs are marked by §<p>§ and §</p>§.
+Make sure that for each §<p>§ there is a corresponding §</p>§ somewhere.
+If the first line of the paragraph is indented, this will not be encoded. If the text is centered, this will not be encoded either.
+%A change in the font style, for example a line in italics, may indicate a new paragraph. TODO: Probably this rule will not apply very often. Leave it out? Put it somewhere else? (it occurs in the example in \sect{Structural markup general example})
-\subsection{Pages, page numbers, running heads}
+\untranscribedText \\
+\bold{<p>}Secunda cau$a e$t, quia quoduis graue corpus, aut per naturam, aut per vim mo- \\
+tum, rectitudinem itineris naturaliter appetat, quod clarè cogno$cere po$$umus, \\
+proijciendo lapides funda, & circunducentes brachium, nam funes tanto maius \\
+pondus acquirunt, & manum tanto magis onerant, quanto velocius voluitur funda, \\
+& incitatur motus, quod ab appetitu naturali in$ito ei corpori per lineã rectam pro- \\
+grediendi procedit. Vnde fit, vt pondus circunferentiæ ip$ius rotæ, tanto facilius cir- \\
+cunuoluatur, & ex $eip$o tanto longiori tempore moueatur, quanto longius di$tat à \\
+centro, cum eius iter tanto minus $it curuum. Hanc igitur ob cau$am, rota, quanto \\
+maior erit, eiu$\bs´q; pondus tanto magis vicinum circunferentiæ, tanto magis durabit \\
+impetus motus a$$umptus.\bold{</p>} \\
+For  §à§ and §ã§ see \sect{section characters to be typed directly}. For  §\´q§ see \sect{section other diacritics}. See also the example in \sect{Structural markup general example}.
+Headings (\sect{section headings}) are marked by §<h>§~§</h>§ instead of §<p>§~§</p>§. Block quotations  (\sect{section block quotations}) are marked by §<q>§~§</q>§ instead of §<p>§~§</p>§. The §<p>§ and §</p>§ tags should not be used in marginal notes (\sect{section marginal notes}) or footnotes (\sect{section footnotes}). 
+\subsubsection{Block Quotations}
+\label{section block quotations}
-Page breaks are marked by <pb>. If the page has a page number, it is written within the <pb> tag. If there is a running head on the page, it is marked by <rh> and </rh>. Type it immediately after the <pb> tag. 
+A block quotation is marked by §<q>§ and §</q>§. Do not type repeating quotation symbols.
+The §<q>§ and §</q>§ replace the §<p>§ and §</p>§ tags.
+\bold{<p>}Nec non vbi ita inquit.\bold{</p>}\\
+\bold{<q>}Et $i (modo credimus) vnum\\
+I$$e diem $ine Sole ferunt, incendia lumen\\
+\bold{<p>}Quod autem à Patre in$truatur etiam de cur$u annuali,\\
+videbitur vbi ita dicit.\bold{</p>}\\
+\bold{<q>}Nitor in aduer$um, nec me, qui cætera vincit.\\
+Impetus, & rapido contrarius euehor orbi.\bold{</q>} \\
+\bold{<p>}Et vbi ita loquitur.\bold{</p>}
+%\bold{<q>}Lucifer, & cœli $tatione novui$$imus exit.\bold{</q>} \\
+%\bold{<p>}Nec non vbi ita inquit.\bold{</p>}\\
+%\bold{<q>}Et $i (modo credimus) vnum\\
+%I$$e diem $ine Sole ferunt, incendia lumen\\
+%\bold{<p>}Quod autem à Patre in$truantur etiam de cur$u annuali,\\
+%videbitur vbi dicit.\bold{</p>}\\
+%\bold{<q>}Nitor in aduer$um, nec me, qui cætera vincit.\\
+%Impetus, & rapido contrarius euehor orbi.\bold{</q>} \\
+%\bold{<p>}Et vbi ita loquitur.\bold{</p>}\\
+%\bold{<q>}For$itan & lucos illic, vrbes\bs'q; Deorum.\bold{</q>} \\
+For inline quotations within a paragraph, type the quotation marks exactly as they appear in the text.
+If you can identify a paragraph as a footer, use §<h>§ and §</h>§ instead of §<p>§ and §</p>§.
+§<h>§ and §</h>§ is the tag for headings (\sect{section headings}).
+%TODO proofread
+\bold{<p>}\someText \\
+quem quidem tractatum cum quibu$dam alijs meis $peculationibus in lucem prode\\
+re cupio, $i fieri poterit, antequam ad directionem mei Horo$copi cum corpore\\
+Martis An\li{ae}ret\li{ae} perueniam, qu\li{ae} quidem directio circa annum mille$imum quin-\\
+gente$imum nonage$imum $ecundum eueniet.\bold{</p>}\\
+For §{ae}§ see \sect{section latin ligatures}.
+\label{section columns}
+Columns are marked by §<col>§ and §</col>§. Assign a number to each column and type it in the §<col>§ tag.
+Type the §<col>§ and §</col>§ tags on separate lines.
+\htsc{Example 1: \, a real page} &&& \htsc{Example 2: \, how to type columns} \\
+\includegraphics[scale=0.6]{wholepagecolumns2}  &&
+\multicolumn{2}{l}{\includegraphics[scale=0.63]{three_columns}} \\
+\parbox[t]{4.5cm}{\small \vspace{1mm}
+\notTranscribed \\[2mm]
+Note that the page number and the running head are not part of a column.}
+\parbox[t]{4cm}{ \vspace{-3mm}
+\bold{<col 1>} \\
+\bold{<p>}This is one \\ column ...\bold{<p>} \\
+\bold{</col>} \\ 
+\bold{<col 2>} \\
+\bold{<p>}This is \\ another \\ column.\bold{<p>} \\
+\bold{</col>} \\ 
+\bold{<col 3>} \\
+\bold{<p>}And there \\ might be \\ yet another \\ column.\bold{<p>} \\
+\bold{</col>} \\
+If there is no running text in the columns, they may be not be separate columns, but a table (\sect{section tables}). If in doubt, check the example there.
+\label{section tables}
+\label{section tables overview}
+%\bold{<toc it>} \\
+%\bold{_}CH\bold{<sc>}APITRE\bold{</sc>} I.\bold{_} Où l'on en$eigne comme $e fait la pou$$ée des \\
+%\bold{#} Voutes, & où l'on raporte quelques principes tirés de la mé- \\
+%\bold{#} canique pour en faciliter l'intelligence \bold{#} 2 \\
+%\bold{_}C\bold{<sc>}HAP\bold{</sc>}. II. \bold{_}De la maniere de calculer l'épai$$eur des Pié-droits \\
+%\bold{#} des Voutes en plain ceintre pour e$tre en équilibre par leur ré- \\
+%\bold{#} $i$tance avec la pou$$ée qu'ils ont à $oútenir. \bold{#} 10 \\
+%\bold{</toc>} \\
+A transcription of this table can be found in \sect{section large vertical table elements}.
+In the context of tables, the term “column” refers to a vertical division in the table. The usage is different from the usage in \sect{section columns}. To avoid confusion, we will use the terms “table column” and “text column” in this section.
+\subsubsection{Basic Rule}
+\label{section tables basic rule}
+A table is marked by §<tb>§ and §</tb>§. Use §#§ as cell separators. Type a return after each row. Do not type horizontal or vertical lines or large horizontal or vertical braces.
+Type the §<tb>§ and §</tb>§ tags on separate lines. Do not treat the table columns as text columns (\sect{section columns}), i.e. do not type a whole column before you go on to the next column. If the whole table is in italics (\sect{section italics}), indicate this in the §<tb>§ tag, i.e. §<tb it>§.
+\bold{<tb it>} \\
+\bold{<col 1>} \\
+Pag. \bold{#} Lin. \bold{#} Errata \bold{#} Correcta \\
+3 \bold{#} 29 \bold{#} æqualis \bold{#} æquali \\
+8 \bold{#} 35 \bold{#} maius \bold{#} maior \\
+9 \bold{#} 15 \bold{#} in vnitate $uperficialis, erit ac \bold{#} in vnitate $upreficialis erit, ac \\
+11 \bold{#} 1 \bold{#} proueuiens \bold{#} prouenientem \\
+\someText \\
+\bold{</col>} \\
+\bold{<col 2>} \\
+Pag. \bold{#} Lin. \bold{#} Errata \bold{#} Correcta \\
+158 \bold{#} 26 \bold{#} ver$a \bold{#} ver$am \\
+158 \bold{#} 26 \bold{#} $it \bold{#} $int \\
+162 \bold{#} 22 \bold{#} cindenda \bold{#} $cindenda \\
+163 \bold{#} 7 \bold{#} oppo$itus \bold{#} oppo$itum \\
+\someText \\
+\bold{</col>} \\
+%If you are unsure whether the table consists of independent columns or not, use cell separators instead:
+If you are unsure whether the table in the example is divided into two text columns or not, use cell separators instead of §<col>§ tags:
+\bold{<tb it>} \\
+Pag. \bold{#} Lin. \bold{#} Errata \bold{#} Correcta \bold{#} Pag. \bold{#} Lin. \bold{#} Errata \bold{#} Correcta \\
+3 \bold{#} 29 \bold{#} æqualis \bold{#} æquali \bold{#} 158 \bold{#} 26 \bold{#} ver$a \bold{#} ver$am \\
+8 \bold{#} 35 \bold{#} maius \bold{#} maior \bold{#} 158 \bold{#} 26 \bold{#} $it \bold{#} $int \\
+\untranscribedText \\
+For §it§ see \sect{section italics}. The symbol §#§ is also used to mark large spaces in table-like structures (see \sect{section table-like structures}).
+\subsubsection{Large Horizontal Table Elements}
+\label{section large horizontal table elements}
+% (Column, row, field, cell, part. It would make sense to reserve the word “column” for normal columns, especially since the first example of a table now consists of two columns. Change the example back to two tables? Use table columns versus (text) columns? Or change the word? Table element $\to$ table cell, table cell $\to$ table column/row/part.)
+Rule 1: In the case of a table element that horizontally spans more than one table cell, repeat the symbol §#§ before the table element for each cell spanned by the element, e.g. §####§ for an element spanning four cells. 
-The position of the page number on the page will not be encoded.
-A blank line may be inserted before the <pb> tag. 
-Type the <pb> and <rh> tags before you type any content of the page.
-Do not type spaces within words.
-If there is a horizontal line below the running head, do not type it.
+Do not type spaces between the §#§ symbols in this case. This rule applies even if the spanning element is the first element in a table row.
+In all other cases there should be a space before and after each §#§ symbol.
+Rule 2: Within table cells, if text is broken into separate lines, do not type a return after the lines. Instead, type §\\§ to separate the lines.
+Rule 3: If a table element spans the whole table width, type it as header/footer with §<h> </h>§ (without §#§, and do not use §\\§, but new lines).
+%\begin{example}[: \, Ghetaldi p. 79]
+%find shorter example, and include image!
+%\bold{<tb>} \\
+%\bold{#######} Tabula ad inueniendam qualitatem \bold{\bs\bs} Auri, ex grauitate quam ha- \bold{\bs\bs} bet in aere & aqua. \\
+%Qualitas Auri. \bold{#} Grauitas Auri in aere. \bold{####} Grauitas Auri in Aqua. \bold{#} Mi$t\~u ex Arg. \bold{\bs\bs} & ære. \\
+%Part. \bold{#} Lib. \bold{#} Vnc. \bold{#} Scrup. \bold{#} Gran. \bold{#} Num. Fract. \bold{#} Part. \\
+%24 \bold{#} 1 \bold{#} 11. \bold{#} 8. \bold{#} 20. \bold{#} 372 \bold{#} 0 \\
+%23 \bold{#} 1 \bold{#} 11. \bold{#} 8. \bold{#} 5. \bold{#} 765 \bold{#} 1 \\
+%\someText \\
+%1 \bold{#} 1 \bold{#} 10. \bold{#} 18. \bold{#} 16. \bold{#} 576 \bold{#} 23 \\
+%0 \bold{#} 1 \bold{#} 10. \bold{#} 18. \bold{#} 1. \bold{#} 969 \bold{#} 24 \\
+%Part. \bold{#} Lib. \bold{###} Communis Denomin. fract. \bold{#} 1767 \bold{#} Part. \\
+%\bold{</tb>} \\
+%\bold{<tb>} \\
+%\bold{###} Tabella Partis pro \bold{\bs\bs} portionalis Deno- \bold{\bs\bs} minatorum Auri. \\
+%Pars proportio \bold{\bs\bs} nalis Auri in \bold{\bs\bs} partibus. 24. \bold{##} Differ\~etia Gra \bold{\bs\bs} uitatum Auri \bold{\bs\bs} in aqua. \\
+%Part. \bold{#} Gran. \bold{#} Num: Fract. \\
+%1 \bold{#} 0. \bold{#} 1088 \\
+%2 \bold{#} 1. \bold{#} 409 \\
+%\someText \\
+%23 \bold{#} 14. \bold{#} 286 \\
+%24 \bold{#} 14. \bold{#} 1374 \\
+%Part. \bold{##} Denom. Fract. com. \bold{\bs\bs} 1767 \\
+%\bold{</tb>} \\
+\bold{<tb>} \\
+\bold{<h>}Tabula ad inueniendam qualitatem \\
+Auri, ex grauitate quam ha- \\
+bet in aere & aqua.\bold{</h>}  \\
+Qualitas \bold{\bs\bs} Auri. \bold{#} Grauitas Auri \bold{\bs\bs} in aere. \bold{####} Grauitas ... aqua. \bold{#} Mi$t\~u ... ære. \\
+Part. \bold{#} Lib. \bold{#} Vnc. \bold{#} Scrup. \bold{#} Gran. \bold{#} Num. Fract. \bold{#} Part. \\
+24 \bold{#} 1 \bold{#} 11. \bold{#} 8. \bold{#} 20. \bold{#} 372 \bold{#} 0 \\
+23 \bold{#} 1 \bold{#} 11. \bold{#} 8. \bold{#} 5. \bold{#} 765 \bold{#} 1 \\
+\someText \\
+\bold{</tb>} \\
+\bold{<tb>} \\
+\bold{<h>}Tabella Partis pro \\
+portionalis Deno- \\
+minatorum Auri.\bold{</h>} \\
+Pars proportio \bold{\bs\bs} nalis Auri in \bold{\bs\bs} partibus. 24. \bold{##} Differ\~etia ... aqua. \\
+Part. \bold{#} Gran. \bold{#} Num: Fract. \\
+1 \bold{#} 0. \bold{#} 1088 \\
+2 \bold{#} 1. \bold{#} 409 \\
+\someText \\
+\bold{</tb>} \\
+%Qualitas \bold{\bs\bs} Auri. \bold{#} Grauitas Auri \bold{\bs\bs} in aere. \bold{####} Grauitas Auri in aqua. \bold{#} Mi$t\~u ex Arg. \bold{\bs\bs} & ære. \\
+%Pars proportio \bold{\bs\bs} nalis Auri in \bold{\bs\bs} partibus. 24. \bold{##} Differ\~etia Gra \bold{\bs\bs} uitatum Auri \bold{\bs\bs} in aqua. \\
+\subsubsection{Large Vertical Table Elements}
+\label{section large vertical table elements}
+%Rule 2: If a table cell spans more than one row, type its complete content in the first row and mark it as an empty cell in the remaining rows. In the first row, type §\\§ to separate the lines of text.
+Rule 4: If a table element vertically spans more than one cell, type its content in its uppermost cell. 
+%Mark each cell that belongs to the table element by §\\§ at the end.
+%If the text in one cell continues in a cell below, type §\\§ at the end.
+Mark each additional cell that belongs to this table element by~§"§.
+\bold{<tb>} \\
+Diametri \bold{\bs\bs} magnitu- \bold{\bs\bs} do. \bold{####} Aureæ $pheræ \bold{\bs\bs} grauitas. \\
+\bold{" #} Lib. \bold{#} Vn. \bold{#} Scru. \bold{#} Gra. \\
+\bold{\{} 1/4 \bold{\}}  \bold{#} 0 \bold{#} 0 \bold{#} 2 \bold{#} \bold{\{} 29/37 \bold{\}} \\
+\bold{\{} 1/2 \bold{\}}  \bold{#} 0 \bold{#} 0 \bold{#} 16 \bold{#} 6 \bold{\{} 10/37 \bold{\}} \\
+\bold{\{} 3/4 \bold{\}}  \bold{#} 0 \bold{#} 2 \bold{#} 6 \bold{#} 21 \bold{\{} 6/37 \bold{\}} \\
+1 \bold{#} 0 \bold{#} 5 \bold{#} 10  \bold{#} 2 \bold{\{} 6/37 \bold{\}}  \\
+\bold{</tb>} \\
+For fractions such as §{ 1/4 }§ see \sect{section fractions}.
+%Still use §\\§ to separate the lines of text within a cell.
+%Make sure that the entire content of each table element is typed.
+%or: in any row, i.e. where it makes sense, similar to marginal notes?
+%Type the marginal note on separate lines, starting after the line it is closest to. 
+% (Is this rule too complex? Or: Will we be inundated with incorrect applications of this rules?)
+%(replace this by a real example as soon as we know what we want!)
+%%A & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{E1} & B \\
+%%\cline{1-1} \cline{3-3}
+%%C1 & E2 & D \\
+%%%\cline{1-1} \cline{3-3}
+%%C2 & E3 &  \\
+%%<tb> \\
+%%A # E1 \bs\bs E2 \bs\bs E3 # B \\
+%%C1 \bs\bs C2 # # D \\
+%%# # \\
+%%</tb> \\
+%%A & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & B \\
+%%\cline{1-1} \cline{3-3}
+%%C1 & $\frac{E1}{E2}$ & D \\
+%%%\cline{1-1} \cline{3-3}
+%%C2 & E3 &  \\
+%A & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & B \\
+%\cline{1-1} \cline{3-3}
+%C1 & ${E1 \atop E2}$ & D \\
+%%\cline{1-1} \cline{3-3}
+%C2 & E3 &  \\
+%%\bold{<tb>} \\
+%%A \bold{#} \bold{#} B \\
+%%C1 \bold{\bs\bs} C2 \bold{#} E1 \bold{\bs\bs} E2 \bold{#} D \\
+%%\bold{#} \bold{#} \\
+%%\bold{</tb>} \\
+%%How about this?
+%%\bold{<tb>} \\
+%%A \bold{#} \bold{#} B \\
+%%C1 \bold{\bs\bs} \bold{#} E1 \bold{\bs\bs} E2 \bold{\bs\bs} \bold{#} D \\
+%%C2 \bold{#} E3 \bold{#} \\
+%%\bold{</tb>} \\
+%\bold{<tb>} \\
+%A \bold{#} E1 \bold{\bs\bs} E2 \bold{\bs\bs} E3 \bold{#} B \\
+%C1 \bold{\bs\bs} C2 \bold{# " #} D \\
+%\bold{" # " # "} \\
+%\bold{</tb>} \\
+%%Or even this?
+%%\bold{<tb>} \\
+%%A \bold{#} \bold{\bs\bs} \bold{#} B \\
+%%C1 \bold{\bs\bs} \bold{#} E1 \bold{\bs\bs} \bold{#} D \\
+%%C2 \bold{#} E2 \bold{#} \\
+%%\bold{</tb>} \\
+%If the columns contain running text, they may not be a table, but text columns (\sect{section columns}). If in doubt, check the example there.
+If the table elements vertically span the whole table and contain running text, they may not be table elements, but text columns (\sect{section columns}). If in doubt, check the example there.
+% Probably even more examples of tables and non-tables, for instance the ones from the “Special Instructions for Tables”. MH: wird zu lang
+% Rule about large curly braces? MH: nein
+%\subsection{specific types of tables}
+\subsection{Table-Like Structures}
+\label{section table-like structures}
+\label{section indexes}
+An index is marked by §<ind>§ and §</ind>§. Use §#§ for large spaces. Type a return after each row. 
+%If you can identify a table as an index, mark it by §<ind>§ and §</ind>§. Use §#§ as separator between text and reference.
+% Ob sie für jede Seite einen getrennten Index machen, sollen sie slebst entscheiden.
+\bold{<ind it>} \\
+Caterpillars \bold{#} \bold{_}153\bold{_} \\
+Cements that grow hard \bold{#} \bold{_}183\bold{_} \\
+Chalk, a good compo$t, \bold{_}122, 123\bold{_}. Good for \\
+\bold{#} Pa$ture, as well as for Arable \bold{#} \bold{_}ibid\bold{_}. \\
+Chameleons, \bold{_}80\bold{_}. Their nouri$hment, \bold{#} \bold{_}ibid\bold{_}. \\
+\bold{#} A fond Tradition of them \bold{#} \bold{_}ibid\bold{_}. \\
+Within a structure in italics, the §_ _§ denote single words in upright type (see also \sect{section italics}).
+\bold{<ind>} \\
+\bold{<col 1>} \\
+\someText \\
+Diligenz $overchia, quale. \bold{#} 49 \\
+Diminuzione di gro$$ozze, come deb- \\
+\bold{#} ba condur$i. \bold{#} 56 \\
+\bold{_}Diocleziano\bold{_} . Sue Terme. \bold{#} 51 \\
+\someText \\
+\bold{</col>} \\
+\bold{<col 2>} \\
+\someText \\
+Errori di que$to genere, cagione di \\
+\bold{#} tutti gli errori. \bold{#} 18. 19 \\
+\bold{#} Provvedimenti dei Romani con- \\
+\bold{#} tro a que$ti errori. \bold{#} 19 \\
+\someText \\
+\bold{</col>} \\
+\bold{</ind>} \\
+\subsubsection{Tables of Contents}
+\label{section tables of contents}
+A table of contents is marked by §<toc>§ and §</toc>§. Use §#§ for large spaces.
+%, for example between section names and page numbers. 
+Type a return after each row. 
+%If you can identify a table as a table of contents, mark it by §<toc>§ and §</toc>§. Use §#§ as separator between section names and page numbers.
+%(How toc's can be recognized?)
+\bold{<toc it>} \\
+Cap. 1. \bold{#} De Chorographia generatim: quid $it, & que ad eam In-\\
+\bold{#} strumenta poti{$s}imùm requi$ita, \bold{#} pag 1. \\
+II. \bold{#} De In$trumenti fabricâ, \bold{#} 2 \\
+III. \bold{#} De Triangulis, omnium dimen$ionum fundamento, \bold{#} 5 \\
+\someText \\
+\bold{<toc it>} \\
+\bold{_}CH\bold{<sc>}APITRE\bold{</sc>} I.\bold{_} Où l'on en$eigne comme $e fait la pou$$ée des \\
+\bold{#} Voutes, & où l'on raporte quelques principes tirés de la mé- \\
+\bold{#} canique pour en faciliter l'intelligence \bold{#} 2 \\
+\bold{_}C\bold{<sc>}HAP\bold{</sc>}. II. \bold{_}De la maniere de calculer l'épai$$eur des Pié-droits \\
+\bold{#} des Voutes en plain ceintre pour e$tre en équilibre par leur ré- \\
+\bold{#} $i$tance avec la pou$$ée qu'ils ont à $oútenir. \bold{#} 10 \\
+\bold{</toc>} \\
+\subsubsection{Large Spaces}
+%Do not type dots or lines that only serve as placeholders. 
+If a normal paragraph contains at least one large space, mark the paragraph by §#§ (i.e. §<p #>§) and mark each large space in the paragraph by §#§.
+Before you use §<p #>§, make sure the paragraph is not part of a table, an index or a table of contents. In some texts the spaces after periods (“.”) is slightly larger than normal spaces; do not mark this.
+\bold{<p #>} \\
+\someText \\
+extrema ad axes \bold{#} angulorum, continent autem hunc propo$itiones \\
+ferè exi$tentes vna multa, & varia theoremata, & linearum, & $uperficie- \\
+rum, & $olidorum omnia $imul vna demon$tratione, & quæ nondum de- \\
+mon$trata $unt, & quæ \bold{#} & in duodecimo libro horum elemento- \\
+\someText \\
+\bold{</p>} \\
+%\subsubsection{Tables of Contents}
+%%A table of contents marked by §<toc>§ and §</toc>§. Use §#§ as separator between section names and page numbers. Type a return after each row. 
+%If you can identify a table as a table of contents, mark it by §<toc>§ and §</toc>§. Use §#§ as separator between section names and page numbers.
+%(How toc's can be recognized?)
+%%An index is marked by §<ind>§ and §</ind>§. Use §#§ as separator between text and reference. Type a return after each row. 
+%If you can identify a table as an index, mark it by §<ind>§ and §</ind>§. Use §#§ as separator between text and reference.
+%Oder: large spaces in the text, statt die Bestandteile genau anzugeben.
+%(How indexes can be recognized?)
+%\subsubsection{Other Structures With Leading}
+%Introduce a generic tag for leading: §<lead> # </lead>§ or so.
+%Does that make sense? Up to now, I did not explain leading, but they were supposed to grasp the concept through the examples. Here I would have to explain it. 
+%Alternative: Section “Leading”, where leading is explained, with example. Then: toc's and indexes.
+%One (weird) example would be Biancani 1635, p.195.
+%Another semi-weird example: modern-style quotations. Alternatively in the block quotation section, or no rule at all.
+%Do we need a rule for lists? I guess not; in European texts it can either be typed as normal text, or it is a table, or it is a structure with leading. “Lists” would be a nice section title than “Other Structures With Leading”, though. But would it fit?
+Handwritten notes (\sect{section handwritten notes}) are not transcribed. 
+\subsubsection{Marginal Notes}
+\label{section marginal notes}
+A note in the left margin is marked by §<mgl> </mgl>§, and a note in the right margin is marked by §<mgr> </mgr>§. Type the marginal note on separate lines, starting after the line it is closest to. 
+Do not mark paragraphs within a marginal note, i.e. do not use §<p> </p>§.
+For anchored marginal notes see \sect{section anchored marginal notes}.
+\begin{sampleImage}[1: \, marginal notes in the left and right margins]{montag_mark_marginalnote_coimbricenses_232}
+\begin{sampleImage}[2: \, transcribing a marginal note]{mkbsp_marginalnote_big_benedetti.jpg}
+Si ad aliquã rectã lineã * compare\bs\tld{}t parallelogrãm\bs\tld{}u, defici\bs\tld{}es forma\\
+\bold{<mgr>}παραβληθῆ, \bold{_}ap\bold{_} \\
+\bold{_}ponatur, appli-\bold{_} \\
+quadrata, ip$um cõparat\bs\tld{}u æqu\bs\tld{}u e$t ei quod (cõtine\bs\tld{}t) $ub $egm\bs\tld{}etis\\
+rect\li{ae} line\li{ae}, qu\li{ae} ex ip$a cõparatione $unt facta.
+\label{section footnotes}
+Footnotes are marked by §<fn>§ and §</fn>§. Type the footnote where it appears on the page. Insert the footnote symbol or number in the §<fn>§ tag. The corresponding footnote symbol in the main text is marked by §<n>§. Insert the footnote symbol or number in the §<n>§ tag.
+Ignore the superscript of the footnote symbol. Use §<n>§ in the main text only if you can identify the symbol as a footnote symbol and if there is a corresponding §<fn> </fn>§ tag somewhere. Do not mark paragraphs within a footnote, i.e. do not use §<p> </p>§. Do not type horizontal lines.
+\begin{tabelle}[: \, common footnote symbols]
+\begin{tabular}{llcccccc} \\
+symbol && * & † & ‡ & \§ & ‖ & ¶ \\[2mm]
+Unicode &&  \xs{U+002A} & \xs{U+2020} & \xs{U+2021} &\xs{U+00A7} & \xs{U+2016} & \xs{U+00B6} \\
+\bold{<col 1>} \\
+\bold{<h><n} *\bold{>} LEMMA.\bold{</h>}\\
+\bold{<p>}Si fuerint tres rectæ lineæ in ratione aliqua,\\
+erit ut prima ad tertiam ita rectangulum conten-\bold{</col>}\\
+\bold{<col 2>} \\
+\bold{<h>}* ΛΗΜΜΑ.\bold{</h>} \\
+\bold{<p>}Εὰν ὦ\li{στι} τρ\li{εῖ}ς εὐθ\li{εῖ}\li{αι} \li{ἐν} λόγῳ \li{τι}νὶ, ἔ\li{σται} ὡς \\
+ἡ \li{πρ}ώ\li{τη} \li{πρ}ὸς τ\li{ὴν} τ\li{ρί}\li{την} \li{οὕ}τως \li{τὸ} \li{ὑπὸ} τῆς\bold{</col>}\\
+\bold{<fn} *\bold{>}Lemma hoc non agno$cunt \bold{_}Codd. MSS.\bold{_</fn>}
+For Greek ligatures see \sect{section greek ligatures}.
+If the footnote continues on the next page, close the first part with §</fn>§ before you go on to the next page. Mark the second part on the next page with new §<fn> </fn>§ tags.
+\subsubsection{Anchored Marginal Notes}
+\label{section anchored marginal notes}
+An anchored marginal note is marked by §<mgl> </mgl>§ or §<mgr> </mgr>§ according to its position and typed on separate lines starting after the line it is closest to (just like a normal marginal note). In addition, the anchor is treated like a footnote symbol, i.e. it is marked by §<n>§ in the main text and it is typed inside the §<mgl>§ or §<mgr>§ tag.
+\begin{sampleImage}{montag_mark_anchor_marg_} % Euclid of Clavius 1607, p.795
+\bold{<p it>}\someText \\
+circumferentiam datæ rectæ A, æqualem e$$e. Cùm enim $it, vt E,\\
+ad A, ita B D, ad F G; hoc est, \bold{<n} a\bold{>} ita tota diameter circuli B C, ad\\
+\bold{<mgr} a\bold{>}15.\\
+totam diametrum circuli F H: Sit autem vt diameter ad diametrum,\\
+ita circumferentia B C, ad circumferentiam F H, vt Pappus demon- \\
+\label{section anchored comments}
+\subsection{Printed Images}
+Treat handwritten figures in the same way as handwritten notes (\sect{section handwritten notes}), i.e. simply mark them by §<hd>§.
+\label{section figures}
+Where a figure occurs in the text, type §<fig>§ on a separate line. If you can identify a caption of the figure, mark it by §<cap> </cap>§. Additional text that describes parts of the figure is marked by §<desc> </desc>§. Use a single §<var> </var>§ tag for variable names and numbers. Type a closing §</fig>§ tag on a separate line after all §<cap>§, §<desc>§ and §<var>§ tags.
+Type all §<cap>§, §<desc>§ and §<var>§ tags, in this order, on separate lines. 
+%Type the caption on a separate line after <fig>. 
+A figure may have more than one description. 
+%Type each description on a separate line after <fig> and <cap>. 
+If the same description is repeated in a figure, type it only once. 
+%If the caption or a description is vertical, ignore this and type it as normal horizontal text. 
+Separate the variable names and numbers in the §<var> </var>§ by spaces.
+%If there are variable names or numbers in the figure, type them all in a single §<var> </var>§ tag.
+Type §<fig/>§ instead of §<fig>§ and §</fig>§ to mark simple figures without §<cap>§, §<desc>§ or §<var>§ tags.
+%(The rule that a caption may be typed above or below the §<fig>§ tag has disappeared.)
+%(§</fig>§ makes sense only if there is at least one §<cap>§, §<desc>§ or §<var>§, so it would sometimes be used and sometimes not. Is this really a good idea? Check if there was any confusion with complex figures!)
+\begin{sampleImageSmall}[1: \, a simple figure without caption, descriptions or variables]{width=7cm}{fig_sans_3}
+\bold{<p>}\someText \\
+montre que vous placeriéz en cette façon \\
+$ur une boule.\bold{</p>} \\
+\bold{<fig/>} \\
+\bold{<p>}Sous cette \bold{_}cornée\bold{_}, e$t \bold{_}l'iris\bold{_}, autre membrane, \\
+\someText\bold{<p>} \\
+\begin{sampleImageSmall}[2: \, a figure with a caption]{width=12cm}{montag_imagewcaption}
+\bold{<p>}\someText \\
+$e$quipedem, circumagito, ut altera pars æquè cale$cat ab igni.\bold{</p>}\\
+\bold{<fig>} \\
+\bold{<cap it>}Paruus Vncus ferreus.\bold{</cap>}\\
+\bold{</fig>} \\
+\bold{<p>}Præterea $i quando mi$tura $atis plumbi non habuerit, addito cum forci \\
+\begin{sampleImage}[3: \, figures with variables]{imageleftandright_4}
+\bold{<h it>}Euclid. ex Zamb. Theorema 68. Propo$itio 92.\bold{</h>} \\
+\bold{<p>}Si areola comprehen$a fuerit $ub rationali & apotome $ecunda\\
+quæ areolam pote$t, mediæ apotome e$t prima.\bold{</p>} \\
+\bold{<fig>} \\
+\bold{<var>}λ @ ο @ ν @ σ ξ χ @ τ μ\bold{</var>} \\
+\bold{</fig>} \\
+\bold{<p it>_}THEON\bold{_} ex Zãb. Areola nãq; α β, \\
+\bold{<var>}α @ @ ζ @ γ @ @ @ @\bold{</var>} \\
+\bold{</fig>} \\
+cõpreh\bs\tld{}edatur $ub ratiõali α γ, \& 2 a- \\
+potome α δ. Dico \li{quod} quæ α β, arcolam\\
+pote$t, mediæ apotome e$t prima. E$to\\
+enim (p 79 decimi) ip$i α δ cõgru\bs\tld{}es δ\\
+\begin{sampleImageSmall}[4: \, figure with descriptions and variables]{width=8cm}{voltaire_156}
+\bold{<fig>} \\
+\bold{<desc>}Violet\bold{</desc>} \\
+\bold{<desc>}Pourpre\bold{</desc>} \\
+\bold{<desc>}Bleu\bold{</desc>} \\
+\bold{<desc>}Verd\bold{</desc>} \\
+\bold{<desc>}Jaune\bold{</desc>} \\
+\bold{<desc>}Orange\bold{</desc>} \\
+\bold{<desc>}Rouge\bold{</desc>} \\
+\bold{<var>}A B C\bold{</var>} \\
+\bold{</fig>} \\
+\subsubsection{Drop Caps}
+\label{section drop caps}
+Type a drop cap as an ordinary capital letter. 
+Do not use a §<fig>§ tag (\sect{section figures}) for ornamental drop caps.
+\begin{sampleImage}[1: \, a simple drop cap]{montag_mark_dropcap_unorna}
+\bold{<p>}FErunt Ari$tipp\bs~u tempe$tate maris ad incognita littora delatum, cum in are-\\
+na vidi$$et qua$dã figuras geometricas delineatas exultant\bs\tld{}e l\li{ae}titia dixi$$e: Hæc\\ 
+\begin{sampleImage}[2: \, an ornamental drop cap]{montag_mark_dropcap_orna}
+\bold{<p>}LV\bold{<sc>}MEN\bold{</sc>} Lunæ etiam $i $it lumen reflexum Solis ab ip$a Luna, ab ea tamen\\
+non ita reflectitur, vt à $uperficie polita $peculi, c\bs\tld{}u eius luminis tantã quã\\
+titatem $uper ip$um corpus lunare videamus, & eo modo terminatã quo\\
+con$picimus. per $e lumen, cau$a oculi e$t effectum, per accidens autem\\
+puta quod vis. Terra deinde nunquam lunari lumine (quãuis $olaris reflexio exi$tat)\\ 
+§<sc>§ marks small caps; see \sect{section small caps}. See also the example in \sect{Structural markup general example}.
+\subsection{Handwritten Notes}
+\label{section handwritten notes}
+Handwritten notes are marked by §<hd>§. Do not type the note itself.
+Type §<hd>§ on a separate line, after the line of the main text the note is closest to. 
+\begin{sampleImage}[1: \, a handwritten note]{bsp_handwrittenmargin_2}
+h. $upponendo igitur in puncto. g. pondus, aut virtutem mouentem unius libræ, & in\\
+h. duarum librarum, ab$q; dubio hæ duæ uirtutes in huiu$modi di$tantijs à centro\\
+\li{ae}quales inuic\bs\tld{}e er\bs\tld{}ut, ob rationes prioribus capitibus iam allatas, & $tatera orizontalis\\
+manebit. Vnde clarum erit, \li{quod} quæuis etiam exigua virtus adiuncta ip$i. g. mouebit\\
+$tateram extra orizontalem $itum. Nunc $i puncto. i. ex æquo medio inter. g. et. K.
+\begin{sampleImage}[2: \, a handwritten note with a drawing]{mkbsp_handdrawing_euclid_515.jpg}
+ctè iuncta ad obtu$um angul\bs\tld{}u, à perp\bs\tld{}ediculari extrà depreh\bs\tld{}editur.\bold{</p>}\\
+Example 2 contains a signature and a catchword (\sect{section catchwords and signatures}), which are ignored.
+\subsection{Unreadable Text}
+\label{section unreadable text}
+\subsubsection{Characters You are Unsure About}
+\label{section characters you are unsure about}
+If you are not sure about a character, type §<?>§ after it. If you are unsure about a whole paragraph, type §<?>§ directly after the §<p>§ tag, i.e. §<p><?>§. A completely unreadable character is typed as §@§. If it is unclear how many characters are unreadable, use §<gap>§ instead of §@§.
+Use one §@§ for each unreadable character, e.g. §unr@@dable§. If in doubt, use §<gap>§, e.g. §unr<gap>dable§. If you are unsure about a group of characters, for example a whole word, do not type §<?>§ repeatedly for every character, e.g. type §word<?>§ rather than §w<?>o<?>r<?>d<?>§.
+\begin{sampleImage}[1: \, a stain]{bsp_gaptag_circumcised} 
+d & f ad quadratum f, ergo di$iunctim erit quadratum \bold{@} ad\\
+quadratum f, ergo b ad e $icut d ad f, item per æquam pro-\\ 
+\begin{sampleImage}[2: \, a paper crease]{mkbsp_helptag.jpg}
+fe$$ore: cui acceptum feras quicquid hîc aut ad Gr\li{ae}cum exem\bold{<?>}plar, aut alio-\\
+qui doctè re$titutum uideris. Adiecimus Phænomena, S\bold{@}ecularia, Pro-\\
+theoriam Marini, & Data, argumentorum $imilitudine ind\bold{<?>}ucti. Quum\li{\bs´que}
+For unknown rather than unreadable characters please refer to \sect{section unknown characters}. 
+\subsubsection{Unknown Characters}
+\label{section unknown characters}
+If there is an unknown character in the text, add it to the numbered list of unknown characters. From then on, type its number whenever it occurs in the text, e.g. §<001>§.
+Before you create a number for an unknown character, first check whether \\
+(1)~it is a known ligature (Latin: \sect{section latin ligatures}, Greek: \sect{section greek ligatures}), \\
+(2)~it is a known symbol (appendix \ref{appendix list of all symbols}), \\
+(3)~it is in the list of characters to be typed directly (\sect{section characters to be typed directly}), \\
+(4)~there is a standard for typing it (\sect{section other diacritics}), or \\
+(5)~it is already on the list of unknown characters.
+ \end{clarification}
+If the character is indeed unknown: Assign the number §<001>§ to the first unknown character, §<002>§ to the second unknown character, and so on. Do not assign the same number twice. Use this number to type the unknown character. Always use the same number if the same unknown character occurs again. 
+Make sure that for a given text there is a single list containing all unknown characters, and that everyone uses this list. When the text is sent back to us, we will need a copy of this list. (See also \sect{section file conventions}.)
+For unreadable rather than unknown characters please refer to \sect{section characters you are unsure about}.
+\subsubsection{Obvious Mistakes in the Text}
+\label{section obvious mistakes}
+If you have reason to believe that there is a mistake in the text, use §<!>§. 
+Do not silently correct the mistake.
+\begin{example}[$\!$: \, wrong numbering of anchored marginal notes]
+\bold{<mgl} a\bold{>} ... \bold{</mgl>} \\
+\bold{<mgl} b\bold{>} ... \bold{</mgl>} \\
+\bold{<mgl} c\bold{>} ... \bold{</mgl>} \\
+\bold{<mgl} e\bold{><!>} ... \bold{</mgl>} \\
+\section{Latin Alphabet}
+\label{section latin general}
+\label{section latin punctuation}
+Type a space after the punctuation marks § . , : ; ! ?§ \quad 
+Type a space before the opening brackets § ( [ § and after the closing brackets  § ) ] §
+Ignore superfluous and missing spaces before and after punctuation marks and brackets.
+\begin{sampleImage}[1: \, normal punctuation marks]{montag_punctuation}
+\bold{<p>}Exempli gratia, $umemus quadratum. 3. $cilicet 9. quod in $ummam cum qua-\\
+drato. 4. colligemus, nempè. 16. erit\bs'q; quadratum. 25. & ita quadratum. 6. hoc e$t.\\
+36. collectum cum quadrato. 8. nempè. 64. efficiet quadratum. 100. ita etiam qua-\\
+dratum. 9. hoc e$t. 81. coniunctum quadrato. 12. nempè. 144. producet quadra- \\
+\begin{sampleImage}[2: \, unusual punctuation marks]{punktuation_2}
+$cindendus pannus uel tela: num id $ine cultro uel forfice faciet? num con-\\
+$uet ullam ue$tem $ine acu? ne populus quidem tran$marinus pennarum\\
+contextu corporis tegumentum faciet $ine \li{ij}$dem in$trumentis, nec pel-\\ 
+\label{section hyphens}
+If the line ends with a hyphen, type it.
+Hyphens at the end of a line can have different shapes. Always type a normal hyphen § - § regardless of its actual shape in the text. %Do not insert a space at the end of the line. 
+\begin{sampleImage}[1: \, normal hyphen]{hyphen_normal} 
+Oportet autem arcum in maiore circulo datum non e$-
+\begin{sampleImage}[2: \, slanted hyphen]{montag_hyphen_single_slanted} 
+æqualia. 4 Et $i ab inæqualibus æqualia demas, quæ relinquun-
+\begin{sampleImage}[3: \, slanted double hyphen]{hyphen_doppelt_schraeg} 
+\label{section dashes}
+Type the en dash – and the em dash — directly as Unicode characters.
+The en dash – (U+2013) is longer than the normal hyphen. The em dash — (U+2014) is longer than the hyphen and the en dash.
+\subsubsection{Characters to be Typed Directly}
+\label{section characters to be typed directly}
+If a character with diacritics can be easily typed and encoded as a single Unicode character, type it directly.
+\begin{liste}[: \, characters that can be typed directly]
+\begin{longtable}[l]{c@{ }lc@{ }lc@{ }lc@{ }lc@{ }lc@{ }l}
+\multicolumn{12}{l}{\s Characters with acute accent} \\[2mm]
+á & \xs{(U+00E1)} & é & \xs{(U+00E9)} & í & \xs{(U+00ED)} & ó & \xs{(U+00F3)} & ú & \xs{(U+00FA)} && \\
+Á & \xs{(U+00C1)} & É & \xs{(U+00C9)} & Í & \xs{(U+00CD)} & Ó & \xs{(U+00D3)} & Ú & \xs{(U+00DA)} && \\ 
+\multicolumn{12}{l}{\s Characters with grave accent} \\[2mm]
+à & \xs{(U+00E0)} & è & \xs{(U+00E8)} & ì & \xs{(U+00EC)} & ò & \xs{(U+00F2)} & ù & \xs{(U+00F9)} && \\
+À & \xs{(U+00C0)} & È & \xs{(U+00C8)} & Ì & \xs{(U+00CC)} & Ò & \xs{(U+00D2)} & Ù & \xs{(U+00D9)} && \\ 
+\multicolumn{12}{l}{\s Characters with circumflex accent} \\[2mm]
+â & \xs{(U+00E2)} & ê & \xs{(U+00EA)} & î & \xs{(U+00EE)} & ô & \xs{(U+00F4)} & û & \xs{(U+00FB)} && \\
+Â & \xs{(U+00C2)} & Ê & \xs{(U+00DA)} & Î & \xs{(U+00CE)} & Ô & \xs{(U+00D4)} & Û & \xs{(U+00DB)} && \\ 
+\multicolumn{12}{l}{\s Characters with umlaut/diaeresis} \\[2mm]
+ä & \xs{(U+00E4)} & ë & \xs{(U+00EB)} & ï & \xs{(U+00EF)} & ö & \xs{(U+00F6)} & ü & \xs{(U+00FC)} & ÿ & \xs{(U+00FF)} \\
+Ä & \xs{(U+00C4)} & Ë & \xs{(U+00CB)} & Ï & \xs{(U+00CF)} & Ö & \xs{(U+00D6)} & Ü & \xs{(U+00DC)} & Ÿ & \xs{(U+0178)} \\ 
+\multicolumn{12}{l}{\s Characters with tilde} \\[2mm]
+ã & \xs{(U+00E3)} & õ & \xs{(U+00F5)} & ñ & \xs{(U+00F1)} &&& \\
+Ã & \xs{(U+00C3)} & Õ & \xs{(U+00D5)} & Ñ & \xs{(U+00D1)} &&& \\ 
+\multicolumn{12}{l}{\s Characters with cedilla} \\[2mm]
+ç & \xs{(U+00C7)} &&&&& \\
+Ç & \xs{(U+00E7)} \\ 
+\multicolumn{12}{l}{\s Common ligatures} \\[2mm]
+æ & \xs{(U+00C6)} & œ & \xs{(U+0153)} \\
+Æ & \xs{(U+00E6)} & Œ & \xs{(U+0152)} \\
+Type the character ſ (i.e. long s) as §$§.
+The small letter i sometimes occurs without the dot above. Type it as a normal §i§. 
+\begin{sampleImageSmall}[$\!\!$: \, long s, dotless i]{height=8mm}{dotlessi_euclidclavius_13}
+o$tendit \\
+For the ligature §$t§ see \sect{section latin ligatures}.
+\subsubsection{Other Diacritics}
+\label{section other diacritics}
+If a character cannot be typed directly but is a combination of a known character and a known diacritic, type \bs\,, then the diacritic, then the character.
+Use this method only if the character is not in the list in \sect{section characters to be typed directly}.
+\begin{tabelle}[: \, how to type diacritics]
+\begin{tabular}{@{}ccc@{ }ccc@{}ccccc@{}}
+&& circum- & umlaut/ && &&& dot\\
+acute & grave & flex & diaeresis & tilde & cedilla &&& above & macron & breve \\[1mm]
+\hline &&&& &&&& \\
+\'q & \`q &  \^q & \"q & \~q & {\fontspec{Helvetica}{\c{e}}} &&& {\fontspec{Helvetica}{\.a}} & q̄ & ĕ \\[2mm]
+§\'q§ & §\`q§ & §\^q§ & §\"q§ & §\~q§ & §\,e§ &&& §\.a§ & §\=q§ & §\-e§ \\ \\
-<pb 2><rh>GEOMET. ELEMENT. EVCLIDIS</rh> \\
-sunt ӕquales. 16 Et hic quidem punctus, centrum circuli dicitur. \\
+\k{e} (e with ogonek) and \r{q} (q with ring) are treated as ligatures; see \sect{section latin ligatures}.
+\subsection{Type Styles}
+\label{section italics}
-Headings are marked by <h> and </h>.
+Use underscores §_ _§ to mark the beginning and end of words or whole lines in italics. Encode only up to a few lines of text this way. A whole paragraph in italics is marked by §it§ in the §<p>§ tag, i.e. §<p it>§.
-All headings are tagged in the same way, regardless of the font size. ($\to$ maybe different rules for specific books). Do not type spaces within words.
+This applies not only to paragraphs (\sect{section paragraphs}), but also to tables (\sect{section tables}), i.e. §<tb it>§, and pages (\sect{section page breaks}), i.e. §<pb it>§. If you use §it§, do not mark the lines with additional §_ _§ to indicate italics. However, within a §<p it>§ paragraph you can use §_ _§ to mark single words in upright type (see §_THEON_§ in example 2 in \sect{section figures}).
+C\bold{<sc>}AMPANI\bold{</sc>} \bold{_}annotatio\bold{_}. Habito minimo, $i cura e$t
+\subsubsection{Bold Face}
+\label{section bold face}
+Use §<bf> </bf>§ to mark bold face.
+This is a \textbf{bold}  statement.
+This is a \bold{<bf>}bold\bold{</bf>} statement.
+\subsubsection{Small Caps}
+\label{section small caps}
+If you can identify capital letters as small caps, use §<sc> </sc>§. 
+%If the font size of the small caps differs from the rest of the paragraph, ignore this.
+\bold{<p>}C\bold{<sc>}AMPANVS\bold{</sc>}. Sit datus trigonus\\
+a: cui nos uolumus æquum quadra-\\
+tum de$cribere. De$ignabo $uperfici\bs\tld{}e \\
+\someText\bold{</p>} \\
+\subsubsection{Subscript and Superscript}
+\label{section subscript and superscript}
+Use §<_>§ and §</_>§ for subscript. Use §<^>§ and §</^>§ for superscript.
+\begin{example}[1: \, subscript]
+Assume that a$_1$ is negative.
+Assume that a\bold{<_>}1\bold{</_>} is negative.
+\begin{example}[2: \, superscript]
+The square x$^2$ is always non-negative.
+The square x\bold{<^>}2\bold{</^>} is always non-negative.
+Please be sure to distinguish between subscript and superscript.
+Numbers or other symbols in superscript may indicate a footnote (\sect{section footnotes}). Check whether there is a corresponding footnote somewhere.
+\subsubsection{Underlines and Overlines}
+\label{section underlines and overlines}
+Underlines, i.e. lines below characters or words, are marked by §<ul> </ul>§. 
+Overlines, i.e. lines above characters or words, are marked by §<ol> </ol>§. 
+% Examples (from the Formax questions: Cavalieri 1653: Special instruction was to use §{ 00 / }§ (p.0157) and §{ / 1 }§ (p.0354); now we tell them to use §<ol>§ and §<ul>§. But would this really be a good idea in a situation as in Cavalieri? The idea of overlines and underlines is that the letters look normal and there is simply a line added above or below the letters. In Cavalieri, however, the lines make the characters move up or down. $\to$ still a Special Instruction, and not a good example here.)
+\begin{example}[1: \, underlines]
+In this sentence, \underline{two words} are underlined.
+In this sentence, \bold{<ul>}two words\bold{</ul>} are underlined. \\
+\begin{sampleImageSmall}[2: \, overlines]{height=8mm}{overlines}
+\bold{<ol>}DE\bold{</ol><^>}3\bold{</^>} ad \bold{<ol>}AC\bold{</ol><^>}3\bold{</^>}, ita Cohærentia \\
+% Real overlines are rare in normal text. 
+In mathematical formulas, an overline may also indicate a root (see \sect{section roots}).
+\subsubsection{Text in Red}
+\label{section text in red}
+Text in red is marked by §<red>§ and §</red>§. 
+\bold{<h it><red>}OMNES PERSPICVIS DEMONSTRA-\bold{</red>} \\
+tionibus, accuratí$que $choli\li{is} illu$trati: nunc quartò editi, \\
+ac multarum rerum acce\li{$s}ione post primam \\
+editionem locupletati.\bold{</h>} \\
+\subsubsection{Vertical Text}
+Type vertical text as you would type horizontal text. The vertical text is not explicitly marked as such.
+For an example of vertical text see the example in \sect{section large horizontal table elements}.
+\subsection{Latin Ligatures}
+\label{section latin ligatures}
+Resolve easy ligatures silently. Resolve difficult ligatures too, but type §{§ and §}§ around them.
+Do not resolve æ and œ (see \sect{section characters to be typed directly}).
+\begin{liste}[ 1: \, easy ligatures]
+upright & \lig{ff} & \lig{fi} & \lig{fl} & \lig{ffi} & \lig{ffl} & \lig{ſſ} & \lig{ſi} & \lig{ſſi} & \lig{ſt} & \lig{st} & {\fontspec[Ligatures=Rare]{Hoefler Text} \Large ct} \\[2mm] % siehe fontspec.pdf, Abschnitt "Ligatures"
+italics & \lig{\textit{ff}} & \lig{\textit{fi}} & \lig{\textit{fl}} & \lig{\textit{ffi}} & \lig{\textit{ffl}} & \lig{\textit{ſſ}} & \lig{\textit{ſi}} & \lig{\textit{ſſi}} & \lig{\textit{ſt}} & \lig{\textit{st}} & {\fontspec[Ligatures=Rare]{Hoefler Text} \Large \textit{ct}} \\[2mm] % siehe fontspec.pdf, Abschnitt "Ligatures"
+& §ff§ & §fi§ & §fl§ & §ffi§ & §ffl§ & §$$§ & §$i§ & §$$i§ & §$t§ & §st§ & §ct§ \\ \\ 
+\begin{liste}[ 2: \, difficult letter ligatures]
+\includegraphics[height=8mm]{ij_ligatur} & §{ij}§ &&
+\includegraphics[height=8mm]{is_ligature} & §{is}§ &&
+%\includegraphics[height=8mm]{ss_ligature} &
+{\Large ß} & \textit{\Large ß} & §{$s}§ 
+\\ \\
+\begin{liste}[ 3: \, difficult complex ligatures]
+\includegraphics[height=8mm]{eogonek} & §{ae}§ \\ \\
+\includegraphics[height=8mm]{colnr} & §{con}§ 
+\\ \\
+\includegraphics[height=8mm]{q3} & §{que}§ 
+\includegraphics[height=8mm]{q3tilde} & §{quam}§ 
+\includegraphics[height=8mm]{qmitslash} & §{quis}§ 
+\includegraphics[height=8mm]{qmitkreis} & §{quo}§ 
+\\ \\
+\includegraphics[height=8mm]{p} & §{pro}§ 
+\\ \\
+\includegraphics[height=8mm]{longs_p_slash} & §{secundu}§ 
+\\ \\
+\begin{example}[1: \, words containing easy ligatures]
+\includegraphics[height=8mm]{neulig_fi} \quad
+\includegraphics[height=8mm]{neulig_st} \quad
+$cientificè     \bold{_}stater\bold{_}     effectibus
-or alternatively, if you are unsure whether each line is a separate heading:
+\includegraphics[height=8mm]{bsp_ligst_benedetti_13} \quad
+\includegraphics[height=8mm]{neulig_longsi} \quad
+\includegraphics[height=8mm]{bsp_ligss_benedetti_13} \quad
-<h>EUCLIDIS</h> \\
-<h>ELEMENTORUM</h> \\
+po$teris        occa$ione          e$$e     Sereni$$imo
+\begin{example}[2: \, words containing difficult ligatures]
-Paragraphs are marked by <p> and </p>.
-If the first line of the paragraph is indented, this will not be encoded.
-See also the example in section \ref{Structural markup general example}.
-Columns are marked by <col> and </col>. The columns on a page are numbered from left to right.
+\includegraphics[height=8mm]{neulig_que} \quad
+\includegraphics[height=8mm]{duoque} \quad
+\includegraphics[height=8mm]{neulig_quod} \quad
+\includegraphics[height=8mm]{queogonek} \quad
+\includegraphics[height=8mm]{continuo} \quad
+\includegraphics[height=8mm]{probo} \quad
-<col 1>This is one \\
-column ...</col> \\ \\
-<col 2>This is \\
-another \\
-column.</col> \\ \\
-<col 3>And there \\
-might be \\
-yet another \\
-column.</col> \\
+utriu$\li{que}    duo'\li{que}   \li{quo}d  qu\li{ae}    \li{con}tinuo      \li{pro}bo   \li{secundu}m
-%\subsection{Blank lines} 
-%Do not insert blank lines. (Or: You can insert blank lines? An explicit "do not insert" rule will probably be ignored anyway?
+\section{Greek Alphabet}
-\subsection{Marginal notes}
+Type Greek characters directly as Unicode characters. 
+Type characters with diacritics as precomposed characters from the Unicode Greek Extended block, i.e. §ἀ§ as the Unicode character U+1F00, etc.
+\label{section greek punctuation}
-A marginal note is marked by <mg> and </mg>. It should be typed in separate lines, after the line it is the closest to. 
+The rules for Latin punctuation apply. In addition, type the mid-dot §·§ directly.
+For the Latin punctuation see \sect{section latin punctuation}.
+The mid-dot §·§ (Greek ano teleia) has the Unicode codepoint U+0387. 
+\subsection{Greek Ligatures}
+\label{section greek ligatures}
+Resolve letter variations silently. Resolve all ligatures and type §{§ and §}§ around them. If a ligature contains some diacritics, type them. 
-Indicate the position of the note (left or right): <mg l> or <mg r>. Do not mark paragraphs within a marginal note, i.e. do not use the <p> tag.
+The acute accent above §ι§, e.g. in §{τί}§, may be vertical; in this case type it as an acute accent. In some ligatures the accent is not above the correct character; type the accent above the vowel (§α§, §ε§, §η§, §ι§, §ο§, §υ§, §ω§), e.g. §{μέν}§. In two-letter ligatures of two vowels, type the accent above the second letter, e.g. §{οὕ}§. In some ligatures the accent is not clearly visible; if the resolved version in the list contains an accent, type it. In Greek texts, the circumflex has two shapes (circumflex~§^§ and tilde~§~§); always type it as normal circumflex. Type the end-sigma §ς§ directly, i.e. do not treat it as a letter variation.
-%(The post-processing effort of adjusting marginal notes is small compared to the effort of typing them, so it does not make sense to make this rule too precise or to have complicated rule variations for marginal notes to the left and to the right of the main text. Or does it make sense to say something like: a blank line before/after the marginal note indicates that the note ist to hte right/left of the main text? Or <marginal left>, <marginal right> ? But again: How are the results of two typists compared? Do they know that having the marginal note one line above or below doesn't matter?)
+\newcommand{\phlk}[1]{\textphlk{\LARGE #1}}
+\newcommand{\phlktbl}[1]{\textphlk{\LARGE #1} & §\{#1\}§}
+\begin{liste}[ 1: \, letter variations]
+{\Large ϐ} && {\Large ϖ} && {\fontspec{Rgreekl2} \large õ} \\[2mm] % U+03D0, U+03D6 
+§β§ && §π§ && §τ§ \\[2mm]
+\begin{liste}[ 2: \, two-letter ligatures]
+\phlk{αι} \includegraphics[height=6mm]{ai} §{αι}§ \quad
+\phlk{ἀν}  §{ἀν}§ \quad
+\phlk{αύ} §{αύ}§ \\
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{gE} §{γη}§ \quad
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{gr} §{γρ}§ \quad
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{gO} §{γω}§ \\
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{di_A} §{δί}§ \quad
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{do} §{δο}§ \quad
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{dr} §{δρ}§ \\
+\phlk{ει} \includegraphics[height=6mm]{ei} §{ει}§ \quad
+\phlk{εῖ} \, {\fontspec{Rgreekl2} \Large Ƭ} §{εῖ}§ \quad
+\phlk{εν}  §{εν}§ \quad
+\phlk{ευ} \includegraphics[height=6mm]{eu} §{ευ}§ \\
+\phlk{ην} §{ην}§ \quad
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{En_G} §{ὴν}§ \\
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{tha} §{θα}§ \quad
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{the} §{θε}§ \\
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{ko} §{κο}§ \\
+\phlk{λλ} \includegraphics[height=6mm]{ll} §{λλ}§ \\
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{mo} §{μο}§ \\
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{pa} §{πα}§ \quad
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{po} §{πο}§ \quad
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{p-} §{πτ}§ \\
-\begin{example} (image left marginal note, image right marginal note)
+%\phlk{έξ} \phlk{ἒξ}  §{όξ}§ \quad
+\phlk{όξ} \phlk{ὄξ}  §{όξ}§ \quad
+\phlk{ου} \includegraphics[height=6mm]{ou} §{ου}§ \\
+\phlk{ρί} \includegraphics[height=6mm]{ri} §{ρι}§ \\
+\phlk{σθ}  §{σθ}§ \quad
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{si} §{σι}§ \quad
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{sk} §{σκ}§ \quad
+\phlk{σσ}  §{σσ}§ \quad
+\phlk{στ} \includegraphics[height=6mm]{st} §{στ}§ \quad
+\phlk{σχ} §{σχ}§ \\
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{ta} §{τα}§ \quad
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{te} §{τε}§ \quad
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{ti} §{τι}§ \quad
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{ti_A} §{τί}§ \quad
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{to} §{το}§ \quad
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{tr} §{τρ}§ \\
+\phlk{υν} \includegraphics[height=6mm]{un} §{υν}§ \\
+\phlk{χρ} \includegraphics[height=6mm]{chr} §{χρ}§ \\
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{psi} §{ψι}§ \\
+Some two-letter ligatures have different shapes within a word and as a separate word, e.g. §{εν}§ as a two-letter ligature (table 2) and §{ἐν}§ as a word ligature (table 4).
+\begin{liste}[ 3: \, ligatures of three or more letters]
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{men} §{μεν}§ \quad
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{men_A} §{μέν}§ \\
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{pro} §{προ}§ \\
+\phlk{στί} \includegraphics[height=6mm]{sti} §{στι}§ \quad
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{sto} §{στο}§ \\
+\begin{liste}[ 4: \, word ligatures]
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{apo_SL_G} §{ἀπὸ}§ \\
+\phlk{γάρ} §{γὰρ}§ \\
+\phlk{δια} \includegraphics[height=6mm]{dia_G} §{διὰ}§ \\
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{en_SL} §{ἐν}§ \quad
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{epi_SL_G} §{ἐπὶ}§ \\
+\phlk{καὶ} \includegraphics[height=6mm]{kai_G} \,
+\phlk{κι} \includegraphics[height=6mm]{and} §{καὶ}§ \quad
+\phlk{κατὰ} §{κατὰ}§ \\
+\phlk{μετὰ} \includegraphics[height=6mm]{meta_G} §{μετὰ}§ \\
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{tEn_G} §{τὴν}§ \quad
+\phlk{τῶν} \includegraphics[height=6mm]{tOn_C} §{τῶν}§ \\
+\includegraphics[height=6mm]{upo_SA_G} §{ὑπὸ}§ \\
+\bold{<h>}Πάππ\li{ου} τ\li{οῦ} Αλεξαν\li{δρ}έως Σ\li{υν}α\li{γω}\li{γῆ}ς \\ 
+ἕβ\li{δο}\li{μο}ν.\bold{</h>} \\ 
+\bold{<p>}Πε\li{ρι}έχ\li{ει} δὲ λήμμα\li{τα} τ\li{οῦ} ἀναλυο\li{μέν}\li{ου} \li{τό}\li{πο}υ.\bold{</p>} \\ 
+\bold{<p>}Ο καλ\li{ού}\li{μεν}ος ἀναλυό\li{μεν}ος, Ερμόδωρε \li{τέ}κνον, \\ 
+κα\li{τὰ} σύ\li{λλ}η\li{ψι}ν ἰ\li{δί}α \li{τί}ς ἐ\li{στι}ν ὕλη \li{πα}ρε\li{σκ}\li{ευ}ασ\li{μέν}η, \\
+\li{μετὰ} τ\li{ὴν} \li{τῶν} \li{κο}ινῶν \li{στο}ιχ\li{εί}ων \li{πο}ίη\li{σι}ν, \li{το}ῖς β\li{ου}λομένοις \\ 
+\label{section fraktur}
+\label{section fraktur alphabet}
+%(Note: This font ist Walden's recreation of Breitkopf Fraktur. As soon as I can use it with XeTeX, I will add a second Fraktur/Schwabacher font, probably Unger Fraktur. Variations: slimmer letters, umlaut with normal dots (ö) or lines (ő), proper capital umlauts (Breitkopf uses Ae where the letters are closer than normal A and e, etc.), capital J. Letter variation z with and without closed circle. Or is a second font unnecessary? An alternative would be to include real examples in different Fraktur fonts, for instance in the “alphabet” subsection, or even Special Instructions for \emph{each} text in Fraktur, which only shows a few lines of text plus transcription.)
+Mark single words or lines in Fraktur by §<fr> </fr>§. Mark paragraphs in Fraktur by §<p fr>§. Mark whole pages in Fraktur by §<pb fr>§. If the whole book is in Fraktur or mostly in Fraktur, simply type §<fr>§ at the beginning of the text before the first §<pb>§ tag. Type letters in Fraktur as normal roman characters. 
+\begin{tabelle}[: \, Fraktur alphabet]
+\begin{tabular}{@{}lc@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c@{ }c} \\
+small letters & \fraktur{a} & \fraktur{b} & \fraktur{c} & \fraktur{d} & \fraktur{e} & \fraktur{f} & \fraktur{g} & \fraktur{h} & \fraktur{i} & \fraktur{j} & \fraktur{k} & \fraktur{l} & \fraktur{m} & \fraktur{n} & \fraktur{o} & \fraktur{p} & \fraktur{q} & \fraktur{r} & \fraktur{s <} & \fraktur{t} & \fraktur{u} & \fraktur{v} & \fraktur{w} & \fraktur{x} & \fraktur{y} & \fraktur{z} \\[2mm]
+ & §a§ & §b§ & §c§ & §d§ & §e§ & §f§ & §g§ & §h§ & §i§ & §j§ & §k§ & §l§ & §m§ & §n§ & §o§ & §p§ & §q§ & §r§ & §$§ §s§ & §t§ & §u§ & §v§ & §w§ & §x§ & §y§ & §z§ \\ 
+ \\ 
+capital letters & \fraktur{A} & \fraktur{B} & \fraktur{C} & \fraktur{D} & \fraktur{E} & \fraktur{F} & \fraktur{G} & \fraktur{H} & \fraktur{I} && \fraktur{K} & \fraktur{L} & \fraktur{M} & \fraktur{N} & \fraktur{O} & \fraktur{P} & \fraktur{Q} & \fraktur{R} & \fraktur{S} & \fraktur{T} & \fraktur{U} & \fraktur{V} & \fraktur{W} & \fraktur{X} & \fraktur{Y} & \fraktur{Z} \\[2mm]
+ & §A§ & §B§ & §C§ & §D§ & §E§ & §F§ & §G§ & §H§ & §I§ && §K§ & §L§ & §M§ & §N§ & §O§ & §P§ & §Q§ & §R§ & §S§ & §T§ & §U§ & §V§ & §W§ & §X§ & §Y§ & §Z§ \\ 
+ \\ 
+umlaut \hspace{8mm} & \fraktur{ä} & \fraktur{ö} & \fraktur{ü} & \hspace{30mm} sharp s  & \fraktur{ß} \\[2mm]
+& §ä§ & §ö§ & §ü§ && §ß§ \\[1mm]
+& \xs{U+00E4} & \xs{U+00F6} & \xs{U+00FC} && \xs{U+00DF} \\ \\
+Umlaut may also be indicated by two dots above the letter as in normal roman font: \,\textswab{\Large  "a "o "u}.
+If a paragraph in Fraktur contains single words in roman characters, they are marked by §<rom> </rom>§ (see \sect{section words in roman characters})
+Resolve common Fraktur ligatures silently.
+\begin{tabelle}[: \, common Fraktur ligatures]
+\begin{tabular}{@{}lccccccccccc} \\
+separate & \fraktur{ff} & \fraktur{fi} & \fraktur{fl} & \fraktur{ft} & \fraktur{ss} & \fraktur{sf} & \fraktur{si} & \fraktur{st} & \fraktur{ch} & \fraktur{ck} & \fraktur{tz} \\[2mm]
+ligatures & \fraktur{\tld} & \fraktur{[} & \fraktur{\{} & \fraktur{\_} & \fraktur{\%} & \fraktur{]} & \fraktur{\}} & \fraktur{|} & \fraktur{\#} & \fraktur{\$} & \fraktur{@} \\[2mm]
+ & §ff§ & §fi§ & §fl§ & §ft§ & §$$§ & §$f§ & §$i§ & §$t§ & §ch§ & §ck§ & §tz§ \\ \\ 
+%(Lichtenberg 1803: additional ligature ll would be a Special Instruction)
+%(Does it make sense at all to list additional ligatures, e.g. §{der}§? In the book where it is used it is very common, although the normal §der§ is also used. But I have seen it only in this one book yet. Better as a Special Instruction?)
+\subsection{Punctuation and Hyphens}
+The rules for punctuation, hyphens and dashes in \sect{section latin general} apply.
+The most common hyphen symbol in Fraktur is \fraktur{=}. It is also used in composite words. Do not type a space before or after the hyphen.
+\fraktur{Prie|er {\huge =} Despotie} \qquad \fraktur{.\, ,\, :\, ;\, !\, ?\, ( )}
-main text \\
-<marginal>marginal text\\
-marginal text \\
-marginal text</marginal> \\
-main text
+Prie$ter-De$potie      . , : ; ! ? ( )
-% Would <m> be better than <marginal>? Do they speak English or is an English word just longer to type for them?
+\subsection{Example Transcriptions of Text in Fraktur}
+\bold{<p fr>}Newton hat aber noch mehr entdeckt. Er hat durch Rech- \\
+nungen nachgewie$en, daß man genau aus der Umlaufszeit \\
+eines Planeten bewei$en kann, wie $tark die Anziehungskraft \\
+der Sonne auf ihn wirkt. I$t nämlich die Anziehungskraft \\
+$tark, $o wird $ein Umlauf $chnell $ein; i$t die Anziehungs- \\
+kraft $chwach, $o wird ein Planet lang$amer um die Sonne \\
+laufen.\bold{</p>} \\
+\bold{<p fr>}Der innere we$entliche Unter$chied zwi$chen elektri- \\
+$chen und nicht-elektri$chen Körpern gehört zu den noch \\
+unentdeckten Geheimni$$en der Natur. Nur $oviel i$t \\
+ausgemacht, daß das leitende Vermögen der Körter eini- \\
+germaßen von der Wärme abhängt, oder durch die$elbe \\
+verändert wird. Glas, Harz und viele andere elektrische \\
+Körper werden durch die Hitze in Leiter verwandlet; da \\
+hingegen die Kälte, wenn nur keine Feuchtigkeit dabey \\
+i$t, alle elektri$che Sub$tanzen noch $tärker elektri$ch \\
+macht.\bold{</p>} \\
-Do \emph{not} type handwritten notes.
+\bold{<p fr>}Die weil aber nitt geleich volget wann $ie geberen/ daß $ie auch einerley \\
+thier $eyend/ als in den ro$$en vnd e$$len be$chicht/ wöllen wir l\li{uo}gen ob die \\
+$o gehoren $eind/ etwas verletzet werden/ wie die maul thier. Dañ $ie werden \\
+auß zweyerley arten geboren. Wölche aber wider geberen/ die $eind auß ge \\
+leicher art geboren/ als auß einem hund vnd fuchs. Wir mü$$end auch die \\
+be$ondere würckungen ergründen/ als wann ein hund ein be$ondere nei- \\
+gung z\li{uo} dem menschen/ daß roß hatt $ein be$onder ge$chrey/ der pfauw ri- \\
+chtet $ein $chwantz auff in ein ring/ der men$ch i$t allein mitt vernunfft be- \\
+The last example has a few peculiarities: There is a letter variation of the letter r in “gehoren” in the third line. The text contains both \textswab{\Large  *u} and \textswab{\Large  "u}, which are both transcribed as §ü§, whereas the “u with o above” is transcribed as §{uo}§. The slash “§/§” stands for the comma, thus there is a space after §/§ but no space before §/§ in the transcription.
+%\subsection{Type Styles}
+\label{section sperrung}
-Footnotes are marked by <fn> and </fn>. Type the footnote where it appears on the page. Insert the footnote symbol in the <fn> tag. The corresponding footnote symbol in the main text is marked by <n>. Insert the footnote symbol in the <n> tag.
+Words or groups of words in Sperrung, i.e. words with extra space between each letter, are marked by §<sp> </sp>§. 
-Ignore the superscript of the footnote symbol. Use <n> in the main text only if you can identify the symbol as footnote symbol and if there is a corresponding <fn> tag somewhere. Do not mark paragraphs within a footnote, i.e. do not use the <p> tag. Do not type horizontal lines.
+Do not type the spaces in the words in Sperrung.
-%Example [image]: this word$^1$ has a footnote
-%this word \\
-%<fn 1> footnote text \\
-%footnote text</fn> \\
-%has a footnote \\
-%this word 1 has a footnote \\
-%<fn 1> footnote text \\
-%footnote text</fn> \\
-%Another alternative: Ignore the semantics of the footnote, write the footnote symbol in superscript in the main text, type in the footnote where it occurs on the text?
-%Archimedes (note: <n> vs. <fn> !?)
-%this word...<n 1> has a footnote \\
-%<fn 1> footnote text \\
-%footnote text</fn> \\
-Anchored marginal notes
-(what are common footnote symbols at this that time? Do we need to provide a list with <01> replacements for weird symbols?)
-(Follow the workflow for the mechanics project? <p>text<figure/></p> ??)
-(Does it make sense to make them distinguish between sheer ornaments and figures? Would be easy to distinguish at the post-processing stage.)
-Where the figure occurs, Put a <figure> tag in a separate line.
-images: between paragraphs, between lines of one paragraph, left/middle/center position and the text is floating around it, between two columns (treat as to the right of the left column)?
-text</p> \\
-<figure> \\
+\bold{<p fr>}Das Mei$terwerk, das der Men$ch mit zur Welt bringt, \\
+i$t das \bold{<sp>}Auge\bold{</sp>}; das Kun$twerk, das er dem Auge ähnlich her- \\
+vorbringt, i$t die \bold{<sp>}Kamera-Obscura\bold{</sp>}. Wir wollen $ie nun \\
+beide näher kennen lernen, um $ie vergleichend neben einander \\
+$tellen zu können.\bold{<p fr>}
-text \\
-<figure> \\
-And so on.
-\subsection{Tables and lists}
-\subsection{Catchwords and Signatures}
-Catchwords and signatures at the bottom of the page should not be typed.
-\subsection{Unrecognizable characters}
-Obscure characters: Chinese firm should make list, e.g. <01> etc., use consistently.
-Creases, etc.
-General tag “there is a problem”, applicable to characters, words, paragraphs, or pages. 
-le*t*ter, le*tte*r, *letter*, <p *>, <page *> ? 
-(There is a considerable degree of decision-making involved. Can the versions of two typists still be compared?)
-\section{Positional Markup}
-<lang greek>, etc., for example with latin and greek columns? Or is it easily insertable during post-processing?
-Regardless of the use of spaces in the book, there should be a blank after . , : ; ! ?, but not before. 
-(is it called space or blank? Blank to be confused with blank line?)
-\qquad Word. Word, word: Word; word! Word?
-Parentheses: Word (word word) word [word] word \{word\} word.
-Archimedes: <sub> for subscript, <super> for superscript
+\subsection{Words in Roman Characters}
+\label{section words in roman characters}
-%Line breaks will be typed as such, without additional tags. 
-If the line ends with a hyphen, type it.
+Within a paragraph or whole page in Fraktur, single words in roman characters are marked by  §<rom> </rom>§. A whole paragraph in roman characters is marked by §<p rom>§.
-Hyphens at the end of a line can have different shapes. Always type - regardless of its actual shape.
-Do not insert a space at the end of the line. 
+Words in Greek are not explicitly marked.
-% Do not insert a space at the end. (The idea is that without this rule the results of two different typists will invariably differ. On the other hand, this is easy to normalise in the post-processing stage. How does the Chines firm decide if the results of two typists are the same? A third person compares it and either finds or does not find ay differences? Then this rule would be superfluous and would in fact hinder the workflow.)
-% (is singular "a word separation mark" more clear than plural?)
-Oportet autem arcum in maiore circulo datum non e$-
-rint  ...  cui $u-
+\bold{<p fr>}Blume der Wie$en-Salbei \bold{<rom>}(Salvia \\
+pratensis)\bold{</rom>} $chwach vergrößert.\bold{</p>} \\
-%ticorum facilè principis, primùm ex Campano, deinde ex Theone Grӕco \\
-%cõmentatore, interprete Bartholomӕo Zamberto Veneto, 
-%(Is it asked too much to recognise word separation marks? But then, how should one type an “equality sign in inverse italics”?)
-\subsection{Mathematical symbols and fraction}
-(this is one fraction, i.e. $\frac{1417203}{9999999}$ !)
-\subsection{Latin Alphabet}
-\subsubsection{Characters to be typed directly}
-(from the ECHO data entry specifications)
-ASCII characters should be used with their normal values, except as indicated below. Note that \emph{tilde} (by itself) should be entered directly as \textasciitilde.
-The following characters with diacritics are to be typed directly:
-Characters with acute accent & á é í ó ú & Á É Í Ó Ú \\
-Characters with grave accent & à è ì ò ù & À È Ì Ò Ù \\
-Characters with circumflex accent & â ê î ô û & Â Ê Î Ô Û \\
-Characters with umlaut/diaeresis & ä ë ï ö ü ÿ & Ä Ë Ï Ö Ü Ÿ \\
-Characters with tilde & ã õ ñ & Ã Õ Ñ \\
-Characters with cedilla & ç & Ç \\
-Common ligatures & æ œ & Æ Œ \\
+\subsection{Mathematical Symbols}
+\label{section mathematical symbols}
-(Place this table more prominently? Larger font? Bold face?)
-Owing to the high frequency of “long s” <∫ >, this character should be typed as \$. 
+Type common mathematical symbol directly as Unicode characters.
-long s as \$ or S or (s), as in e\$t, eSt, e(s)t, or directly (Mac German keyboard: ∫ is alt-b)? (version eSt: easy to type; problem with words in caps but this can be disambiguated automatedly; problem with words that start with a capital S)
-[Is there an easy way to type õ (simply tilde-o, just as on a German keyboard)? If not: õ as ~o, or as (o)? This should work well if the typists are careful with the spaces before and after real brackets: e.g. quid(e) versus quid (e).]
-[ӕ as (ae), etc.?]
-(ECHO specifications, continued)
-(Are these instructions intended for Chinese typists or for scholars? If the former, they should be changed or left out. For example, we should know whether their input method supports  the composition of the accent with a certain character.)
+\begin{tabelle}[: \, common mathematical symbols]
+\begin{tabular}{@{}lc@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c} \\
+symbol & ′ & ″ & ± & \unicode{∴} & ° & ∞ & · & ÷ & √ & Ŗ \\[2mm]
+Unicode & \xs{U+2032} & \xs{U+2033} & \xs{U+00B1} & \xs{U+2234} & \xs{U+00B0} & \xs{U+221E} & \xs{U+00F7} & \xs{U+00B7} & \xs{U+221A} & \xs{U+0156} \\[2mm]
-XML Entity notation: Characters that cannot be conveniently be typed may be indicated by means of XML entities. The entities specified in ISO 8879 (see especially isolat1 and isolat2) should be used. More generally, some characters may be entered using conventions specified below:
-For characters with accents enumerated above, if the text input method does not support the composition of the accent with a certain character, entities may be used thus. For instance, the operating system typically makes no provision for allowing the entry of a modified <q> — yet such characters are frequent in Latin materials. They may be typed as (e.g.):
-\qquad \&qacute; \&qgrave; \&quml; \&qtilde; 
-The ampersand (\&) must be entered as the entity \&amp; to avoid confusion with its use in entitites.
+Type the Greek punctuation mark §·§ directly as Unicode character U+0387 (see \sect{section greek punctuation}).
-Encode italics for words and whole lines with /.../. Example:
-text /text/ text
-/text text text/
+\label{section fractions}
-/text text text/ \\
-/text text text/ \\
-/text text text/ \\
+Type fractions in one line. Use § {  /  } § to mark beginning, fraction line and ending.
-Paragraphs in italics: <p //>text</p> 
-<page //> ??
-(Or will this end in disaster because <p //> and </p> look too similar? Alternative: <p italics>text</p>, <page italics>. General question: is it alright to use a symbol such as / if we already use it with a different meaning in a different context, i.e. in closing tags, even though the conexts cannot be mixed up easily?)
-Problem of single non-italic characters within a paragraph in italics.
-Resolve simple ligatures: fi, fl, ffi, ffl, st, ct  [image: ct]
+à 3 \{1417203/9999999\}.
+If you are unsure whether this is a single fraction $\frac{1417203}{9999999}$, type it as separate fractions:
-Treat as normal character: \& (even better: do not mention \& in the specs)
+à 3 \{1/9\} \{4/9\} \{1/9\} \{7/9\} \{2/9\} \{0/9\} \{3/9\}.
-* List of complex latin ligatures: Ligature, meaning (leave out?), encode as.
-Encode as <01> (or <001> ?) etc. according to this list
-\subsection{Greek Alphabet}
-list: the alphabet, two different sigmas; stigma (sigma-tau ligature) will not be mentioned and typed as sigma
-list: high frequency ligatures: ου, μεν, etc.
-list: easy ligatures: γη, γω, δι, δο, δρ, ερ, ει, κο, λλ, μο, πα, πο, σκ, σι, στι  (as σι ?), στο  (as σο ?), τα, τι, το, υν, ψι, etc. 
-list: difficult and rare ligatures: [ευ], [μετα], [την], [των], etc. Some of them are, in fact, probably not that rare. 
+\label{section roots}
-The \emph{exact} shape of the μετα ligature with the grave accent in the ligature is not listed in Faulmann 1880. Wallace 1923 has it, though. Wallace seems to be more focused than Faulmann, who wants to cover everything from antiquity until the 19th century. 
-%(Unfortunately, Wallace is completely handwritten.) 
-Neither one has the exact shape of the ευ ligature, so unless we provide specific lists for each book, there will be always some guessing involved. Ingram 1966, \emph{The Ligatures of Early Printed Greek}, has both, but deliberately leaves out simple ligatures such as γω and semi-simple ligatures such as ψι (see Ingram p.380) because he didn't think of Chinese typists. (Faulmann has ψι, but not γω.) In short, perhaps the easiest path for us would be to reproduce (a subset of) Ingram's list. 
-($\to$ check the whole greek Euclid page: are all difficult ligatures contained in Ingram's list?)
-Example (Euclid lat/gr, p.16):
-%\caption{Sample text for Greek ligatures (Euclid lat/gr, p.16)} 
-%\label{picture greek ligatures} 
+Roots are marked by §<r>§. If there is a number or letter above the root symbol, type it within the §<r>§ tag, e.g. §<r 3>§.
-%\ref{picture greek ligatures})
-Transcription in four versions (with standardised β instead of ϐ, which is U+03D0): The first version is the easiest to read, which may be an advantage even with automated post-processing. Also, it makes it easier to encode the accents, see below.
+Roots consist of a root symbol followed by an overlined mathematical term. The overline may or may not be connected to the root symbol.
-% $\to$ The Times font in which this XeTeX document is set doesn't have stigma and the alternative beta, and the combination of spiritus asper/lenis and an accent looks weird on the screen (prints fine on the Konica printer). Use a different font? Times New Roman has stigma and alternative beta and could be used for these characters.
-% $\to$ Greek characters in monospaced fonts: There are only a few monospaced fonts on the Mac, namely Courier, Courier New, Andale Mono, Monaco. Courier and Monaco don't have Greek characters. Andale Mono doesn't have complex characters such as alpha with accent and spiritus. Thus, only Courier New remains and can be seen below. Are we happy with it? The alternative would be a new monospaced font or a non-monospaced font such as Times/Times New Roman or Minion Pro.
+%Examples: roots with connected line, with unconnected line, without line (i.e. naked root symbol):  e.g. Musschenbroek 1729, p.0624. Third root.
-Πάππ(ου) τ(οῦ) Αλεξαν(δρ)έως Σ(υν)α(γω)(γῆ)ς \\ 
-ἓβ(δο)(μο)ν. \\ 
-Πε(ρι)έχ(ει) δὲ λήμμα(τα) τ(οῦ) ἀναλυο(μέν)(ου) (τό)(πο)υ. \\ 
-Ο καλ(ού)(μεν)ος ἀναλυό(μεν)ος, Ερμόδωρε τέκνον, \\ 
-κα(τὰ) σύ(λλ)η(ψι)ν ἰ(δί)α (τί)ς ἐ(στι)ν ὓλη (πα)ρε(σκ)[ευ]ασ(μέν)η, \\{}
-[μετὰ] [τὴν] [τῶν] (κο)ινῶν (στο)ιχ(εί)ων (πο)ίη(σι)ν, (το)ῖς β(ου)λομένοις \\ 
-(Last word: Either the alternative beta is not used at the beginning of the word or this is an alternative version of the capital beta; my guess is the former. Note that μέν is \emph{not} ligated here. The ου ligature is printed badly.)
-Πάππ<01> τ<01> Αλεξαν<07>έως Σ<23>α<04><03>ς \\ 
-ἓβ<06><13>ν. \\ 
-Πε<09>έχ<10> δὲ λήμμα<20> τ<01> ἀναλυο<02><01> <22><15>υ. \\ 
-Ο καλ<01><02>ος ἀναλυό<02>ος, Ερμόδωρε τέκνον, \\ 
-κα<20> σύ<12>η<24>ν ἰ<05>α <21>ς ἐ<18>ν ὓλη <14>ρε<16><25>ασ<02>η, \\ 
-<26> <27> <28>  <11>ινῶν <19>ιχ<10>ων <15>ίη<17>ν, <22>ῖς β<01>λομένοις \\ 
+\bold{<r>_}mm\bold{_} - \bold{_}o x\bold{_} + \bold{\{} \bold{_}ppxx\bold{_} / \bold{_}gg\bold{_ \}</r>}, ut oportebat. \\
-Πάππ(01) τ(01) Αλεξαν(07)έως Σ(23)α(04)(03)ς \\ 
-ἓβ(06)(13)ν. \\ 
-Πε(09)έχ(10) δὲ λήμμα(20) τ(01) ἀναλυο(02)(01) (22)(15)υ. \\ 
-Ο καλ(01)(02)ος ἀναλυό(02)ος, Ερμόδωρε τέκνον, \\ 
-κα(20) σύ(12)η(24)ν ἰ(05)α (21)ς ἐ(18)ν ὓλη (14)ρε(16)(25)ασ(02)η, \\ 
-(26) (27) (28)  (11)ινῶν (19)ιχ(10)ων (15)ίη(17)ν, (22)ῖς β(01)λομένοις \\ 
+MP = y = \bold{\{ <r>}b\bold{</r>} b; \bold{/} 2 \bold{\}} \\
-Πάππ01 τ01 Αλεξαν07έως Σ23α0403ς \\ 
-ἓβ0613ν. \\ 
-Πε09έχ10 δὲ λήμμα20 τ01 ἀναλυο0201 2215υ. \\ 
-Ο καλ0102ος ἀναλυό02ος, Ερμόδωρε τέκνον, \\ 
-κα20 σύ12η24ν ἰ05α 21ς ἐ18ν ὓλη 14ρε1625ασ02η, \\ 
-26 27 28  11ινῶν 19ιχ10ων 15ίη17ν, 22ῖς β01λομένοις \\ 
-The first version makes it easier to encode the accents. Alternative: 
+if the overline is missing, apply the root only to the character next to the root symbol.
-Πάππ<01> τ<01\textasciitilde> Αλεξαν<07>έως Σ<23>α<04><03\textasciitilde>ς \\ 
-ἓβ<06><13>ν. \\ 
-Πε<09>έχ<10> δὲ λήμμα<20> τ<01\textasciitilde> ἀναλυο<02´><01> <22´><15>υ. \\ 
-Ο καλ<01´><02>ος ἀναλυό<02>ος, Ερμόδωρε τέκνον, \\ 
-κα<20`> σύ<12>η<24>ν ἰ<05´>α <21´>ς ἐ<18>ν ὓλη <14>ρε<16><25>ασ<02´>η, \\ 
-<26`> <27`> <28\textasciitilde>  <11>ινῶν <19>ιχ<10´>ων <15>ίη<17>ν, <22>ῖς β<01>λομένοις \\ 
-Stigma-ligatures: (στι), or encode as (ςι), i.e. end-sigma and iota, and disambiguate later, or with proper stigma character U+03DB, i.e. (ϛι)? Probably (στι), because they will have to look it up anyway. Tilde or circumflex: The circumflex in the book looks like a modern tilde. Encode as circumflex anyway? (My Greek textbooks used the tilde, but it was called circumflex.)
-\paragraph{Beta Code}
-The same text in Beta Code, with additional < and > for ligatures (probably a bad choice as there are possible collisions with milestone tags, e.g. <ti/>), capital and small letters rather than capital letters with and without an asterisk, comma (rather than apostrophe as in an ancient version of  Beta Code) to denote comma in the Greek text. Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG) suggests s1 for mid-sigma and s2 for end-sigma, or alternatively always type s and use disambiguation rules. (German) wikipedia says: use s for mid-sigma and j for end-sigma, which I did.
+cetur A D aut D B, \bold{_}r\bold{_}. B G $it = \bold{_}x\bold{_}. eritque F G<^>q</^> = 2 \bold{_}r x\bold{_} - \bold{_}x x\bold{_}, unde \\
+Cubus F G = \bold{<r>}2 \bold{_}rx\bold{_} - \bold{_}xx\bold{_}\bold{</r>} \bold{<001>} \bold{<r>}2 \bold{_}rx\bold{_} - \bold{_}xx\bold{_}.\bold{</r>} & Cubus A D = \bold{_}r\bold{_}<^>3</^>. qua- \\
+re Cohærentia ba$eos A D C e$t ad eam ba$eos F G E uti r<^>3</^> ad \\
-Pa/pp<ou> t<ou=> Alecan<dr>e/wj S<un>a<gw><gh=>j \\
-e(b<do><mo>n. \\
-Pe<ri>e/x<ei> de\bs lh/mma<ta> t<ou=> a)naluo<me/n>ou <to/><po>u. \\
-O kal<ou/><men>oj a)naluo/<men>oj, Ermo/dwre te/knon, \\
-ka<ta\bs> su/<ll>h<yi>n i)<di/>a <ti/>j e)<sti>n u(lh <pa>re<sk><eu>as<me/n>h, \\
-<meta\bs> <thn\bs> <tw=n> <ko>inw=n <sto>ix<ei/>wn <po>i/h<si>n, <to>i=j b<ou>lome/noij 
-Converters between Beta Code and Unicode are readily available. I would find it more natural to type the diacritics before rather than after the character, just as á is typed as ´a, but it would probably make sense not to deviate from the standard (which may mean that capital A is typed as *a). SophoKeys (for Mac) generates Unicode from Beta Code on the fly while one is typing (and also accepts shift-a instead of *a).
-For Beta Code: It may be easier to type if one is familiar with the Latin alphabet. Against Beta Code: If the typists use a keyboard with Greek letters, even if they don't know the Greek language, it may help that they can immediately compare the shape of the letter in the book and in the typed text (but see above). Problem: Most books will contain Greek as well as Latin characters, so they will probably use a standard keyboard.
-The TLG uses Beta Code even though they have heard of Unicode 5.1, so they might have reasons? The main reason seems to be backwards compatibility, however, as they use it since 1981. Is that an argument for us? Is compatibility with the Perseus project, which is mirrored at the MPIWG (seems to be down at the moment, though), desirable? (Even if the Chinese typists use Beta Code, our xml files will use Unicode, contrary to TLG and Perseus.)
-By the way, the TLG's 2004 revision of Beta Code includes many unusual characters such as idiosyncratic abbreviations of ειναι (symbol \#1515), but no ligatures apart from ae etc. 
+if the root symbol is missing, use §<r>§ only if you are sure that it is indeed a root. Otherwise use §<ol> </ol>§ (see \sect{section underlines and overlines}).
-Rule for vertical accents as in (τί)ς? 
+\section{Miscellaneous Symbols}
-\section{More examples}
+\subsection{Astronomy and Astrology}
+\label{section astronomy}
+%\subsection{Astronomical Symbols}
+%\label{section astronomical symbols}
-\subsection{Example 1}
-\label{Structural markup general example}
+Type common astronomical symbols directly as Unicode characters.
+\begin{tabelle}[ 1: \, planet symbols]
-Figures as <fig>. Paragraphs are tagged. Blank lines may or may not be inserted between paragraphs. Line breaks are typed, but without explicit tag. Centered text becomes left-aligned. Spaces between the letters of a word in caps are not typed. Rule for spaces before/after punctuation. Rule for font size? Word breaks as - regardless of their actual shape? \$ for long s. Diacritics. Ornamental letters as simple letters. 
-\begin{example} (Euclid latin, p.9)
+\begin{tabular}{@{}lc@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c} \\
+symbol & \unicode{☿} & \unicode{♀} & \unicode{♁} & \unicode{♂} & \unicode{♃} & \unicode{♄} \\[2mm]
+Unicode & \xs{U+263F} & \xs{U+2640} & \xs{U+2641} & \xs{U+2642} & \xs{U+2643} & \xs{U+2644} \\[2mm]
-<fig> \\
-<h><fig>EVCLIDIS MEGA \\
-ticorum facilè principis, primùm ex Campano, deinde ex Theone Grӕco \\
-cõmentatore, interprete Bartholomӕo Zamberto Veneto, \\
-Geometricorũ elementorum Liber primus.</h> \\
-<h>_Ex Campano, triplex principiorum genus._</h> \\
-<h>Primùm, Diffinitiones.</h> \\
-<p>PUnctus e\$t, cuius pars non e\$t. 2 Linea, \\
-e\$t Lõgitudo \$ine latitudine: 3 cuius quidẽ \\
-... </p> 
+\begin{tabelle}[ 2: \, zodiac symbols]
+\begin{tabular}{@{}lc@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c} \\
+symbol & \unicode{♈} & \unicode{♉} & \unicode{♊} & \unicode{♋} & \unicode{♌} & \unicode{♍} \\[2mm]
+Unicode & \xs{U+2648} & \xs{U+2649} & \xs{U+264A} & \xs{U+264B} & \xs{U+264C} & \xs{U+264D} \\[4mm]
+symbol & \unicode{♎} & \unicode{♏} & \unicode{♐} & \unicode{♑} & \unicode{♒} & \unicode{♓} \\[2mm]
+Unicode & \xs{U+264E} & \xs{U+264F} & \xs{U+2650} & \xs{U+2651} & \xs{U+2652} & \xs{U+2653} \\[2mm]
+\subsection{Technical Symbols}
+\label{section technical symbols}
+\begin{tabelle}[: \, technical symbols]
-insert </p><p> after the line in italics (Ex Campano etc.)? It's difficult to decide whether a new paragraph begins here or not.
-(possible book-specific rule: space after sentence number)
+\begin{tabular}{@{}lc@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c@{\, }c} \\
+symbol & \unicode{℞} \\[2mm]
+Unicode & \xs{U+211E} \\[2mm]
-\section{Book-specific Specifications}
-\subsection{A Scheme for Book-specific Specifications}
-\subsection{An Example}
-\section{List of all tags}
-For example <pb>, <hd>. Indicate whether there is a corresponding closing tag or not.
-\section{List of all trial-and-error issues}
-For example: We will see what they will make out of marginal notes that consist of more than one paragraph.
-\section{Fonts used}
-Headings in Helvetica, normal text in DejaVu Serif (was Times), except small caps which are currently in Hoefler Text because I couldn't get XeTeX to produce small caps in any other font yet, latin and greek characters in normal text in DejaVu Serif, latin examples in DejaVu Sans Mono scale 0.9, greek examples in DejaVu Sans Mono scale 0.8.
-\section{To do}
-At the end: Make sure that example images and the corresponding text are on the same page. Introduce shorter tag names if there are no naming collisions.