diff DESpecs/specialInstructions/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu.tex @ 31:edf6e8fcf323 default tip

Removing DESpecs directory which deserted to git
author Klaus Thoden <kthoden@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de>
date Wed, 29 Nov 2017 16:55:37 +0100
parents 69b5769db3f9
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/DESpecs/specialInstructions/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu.tex	Wed Aug 02 17:08:46 2017 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-%!TEX TS-program = xelatex 
-%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode 
-\documentclass[fontsize=11pt, paper=a4, 
-  DIV15,
-  normalheadings,
-  parskip=half-, 
-  pointlessnumbers]{scrartcl}
-\setromanfont[Mapping=tex-text]{DejaVu Serif}
-\setmonofont[Scale=1.0]{Courier New} 
-  {\fontspec{Helvetica}{\LARGE \textbf{
-        Special Instructions for "Ben Cao Jing Ji Zhu (\chin{本草經集注})”
-        \\[3mm]
-        (Addendum to Data Entry Specs for Chinese Text 2.1) 
-  }}} \\[5mm]
-  \large Klaus Thoden, Shih-Pei Chen, Georg Freise
-  \normalsize Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany
-  \today
-\section{Footnote marks}
-  This book contains footnotes with anchors in the main text (cf. Figure \ref{fig1} on page \pageref{fig1}). The
-  footnote marks in the main text are surrounded by Chinese
-  parentheses. Please tag them with §<a>§ and §</a>§.
-  \f{<h3>}\z{玉屑}\f{</h3>}\\
-  \f{<p>}\z{味甘,平,無毒。主除胃中熱、喘息、煩滿,止渴,屑如麻豆服之。久}\\
-  \z{服輕身長年。生藍田,采無時。}\f{<sm>}\z{惡鹿角。}\f{</sm></p>}\\
-  \f{<p><sm>}\z{此云玉屑,亦是以玉為屑,非應別一種物也。《仙經》服榖玉,有擣如米粒,乃以苦酒輩}\f{<a>}\z{﹝一﹞}\f{</a>,}\z{消令如泥,亦有}\\
-  \z{合為漿者。凡服玉,皆不得用已成器物,及塚中玉璞也。好玉出藍田,及南陽徐善亭部界中,日南、盧容水中,外}\\
-  \z{國於闐、疎勒諸處皆善。《仙方》名玉為玄真,潔白如豬膏,叩之鳴者,是真也。其比類甚多相似,宜精別之。所以燕}\\
-  \z{石入笥}\f{<a>}\z{﹝二﹞,}\f{</a>}\z{卞氏長號也。(《新修》三頁,《大觀》}\z{卷三),《政和》八一頁)}\f{</sm></p>}
-\section{Footnote text}
-  Type each footnote text where it appears, surrounded by §<fn>§ and
-  §</fn>§. Start a new line for every new footnote.
-%% tell them also to encode the heading of the footnote with <h4>
-  \begin{typeChinese}
-    \f{<h4>}\z{注}\f{</h4>}\\
-    \f{<fn>}\z{﹝一﹞輩 《綱目》作「浸」。}\f{</fn>}\\
-    \f{<fn>}\z{﹝二﹞笥  玄《大觀》作「筒」。}\f{</fn>}
-  \end{typeChinese}
-} & 
-\section{Kaiti \chin{楷體}}
-  Please surround the text in kaiti (\chin{楷體}) font as shown in Figure \ref{fig3} with the tags §<k>§ and §</k>§.
-  \begin{typeChinese}
- \f{<h3><k>}\z{玉泉}\f{</k></h3>}\\
- \f{<p><k>}\z{味 甘,平,}\f{</k>}\z{無}\untranscribedText\z{。}\f{<k>}\z{主治}\f{<a>}\z{﹝一﹞}\f{</a>}\z{五}\f{<a>}\z{﹝二﹞}\f{</a>}\z{藏}\untranscribedText\z{柔}\f{<a>}\z{﹝三﹞}\f{</a>}\z{筋}\untranscribedText\z{魄}\f{<a>}\z{﹝四﹞}\f{</a>}\z{,}\\
-\someText \f{</p>}
-  \end{typeChinese}
-  %% shortened the example a bit to make it fit on the page
-%% \f{<p><k>}\z{味 甘,平,}\f{</k>}\z{無毒。}\f{<k>}\z{主治}\f{<a>}\z{﹝一﹞}\f{</a>}\z{五}\f{<a>}\z{﹝二﹞}\f{</a>}\z{藏百病,柔}\f{<a>}\z{﹝三﹞}\f{</a>}\z{筋強骨,安魂魄}\f{<a>}\z{﹝四﹞}\f{</a>}\z{,}\\
-\section{Itemized Lists}
-  The book contains also itemized lists as depicted in Figure \ref{fig4} on the next page. Items start
-  either with the character "●" (U+25CF) or "○" (U+25CB) or with no character at all.
-  Please use the character sequence §" # "§ as a delimiter between items.
-  \begin{typeChinese}
-    \f{<h3>}\z{傷寒}\f{</h3>}\\
-    \f{<list>}\\
-    \z{○麻黃}\f{ # }\z{葛根}\f{ # }\z{○杏人}\f{ # }\z{茈胡}\f{<a>}\z{﹝一﹞}\f{</a>}\f{ # }\z{前胡}\f{ # }\z{●大青}\f{ # }\z{●龍膽}\f{ # }\z{芍<a>﹝二﹞</a>藥}\f{ # }\z{薰草}\\
-    \f{ # }\z{升麻}\f{ # }\z{●牡丹}\f{ # }\z{○虎掌}\f{ # }\z{○朮}\f{ # }\z{防己}\f{ # }\z{●石膏}\f{ # }\z{牡蠣}\f{<a>}\z{﹝三﹞}\f{</a>}\f{ # }\z{貝齒}\f{<a>}\z{﹝四﹞}\f{</a> # }\z{鱉甲}\\
-    \f{ # }\z{●犀角}\f{ # }\z{●零}\f{<a>}\z{﹝五﹞}\f{</a>}\z{羊角}\f{ # }\z{蔥白}\f{ # }\z{○生薑}\f{ # }\z{●豉}\f{ # }\z{●溺}\f{<a>}\z{﹝六﹞}\f{</a>}\f{ # }\z{●芒消}\\
-    \f{</list>}
-  \end{typeChinese}
-  \begin{minipage}[b]{5 cm}
-    \begin{centering}
-    \includegraphics[height=20cm]{image1}
-    \caption{Footnote marks}
-    \label{fig1}
-    \end{centering}
-  \end{minipage}
-  \begin{minipage}[b]{5 cm}
-    \begin{centering}
-    \includegraphics[height=20cm]{image3}
-    \caption{ Kaiti \chin{楷體}}
-    \label{fig3}
-    \end{centering}
-  \end{minipage}
-  \begin{minipage}[b]{5 cm}
-    \begin{centering}
-    \includegraphics[height=20cm]{image4}
-    \caption{Itemized lists}
-    \label{fig4}
-    \end{centering}
-  \end{minipage}
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