view DESpecs/specialInstructions/2008-11-24_DEspecs_special_batch3/DESpecs_special_batch3.tex @ 27:8dce37600d38

New Special Instructions
author Klaus Thoden <>
date Wed, 30 Jul 2014 15:58:21 +0200
parents 9c3c82b4e517
line wrap: on
line source

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{\fontspec{Helvetica}{\LARGE \textbf{
Special Instructions for Barrow 1674 and Clavius 1586
(Addendum to Data Entry Specs 1.1.2) 
}}} \\[5mm]
\large Wolfgang Schmidle, Klaus Thoden, Malcolm D. Hyman

\normalsize Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany


\section{Barrow 1674}

Rule 1: If a formula contains curly braces followed by text that is broken into separate lines, do not type a return after the lines. Instead, type §\\§ to separate the lines.

\begin{example}[1: \, Barrow p. 115]

fiat \{ I - R. I:: B C. B Z; \& \bold{\bs\bs} I. R:: D Z. D Y.


\begin{example}[2: \, Barrow p. 120]

In vitro, $i C B = 15, erit \{ Z C = 9 \bold{\bs\bs} Z B = 24 \} & \{ A Z = 16. \bold{\bs\bs} A B = 40.


Rule 2: Type \, \includegraphics[height=5mm]{Barrow_kuerzer} \, as §--]§ and \, \includegraphics[height=5mm]{Barrow_laenger} \, as §[--§.

\section{Clavius 1586}

Rule 1. In the case of a table element that spans more than one cell, repeat the symbol §#§ before the table element for each cell spanned by the element, e.g. §####§ for an element spanning four cells. 

Do not type spaces between the §#§ symbols in this case. This rule applies even if the spanning element is the first element in a table row.

In all other cases there should be a space before and after each §#§ symbol.

Rule 2. Within tables cells, if text is broken into separate lines, do not type a return after the lines. Instead, type §\\§ followed by a space to separate the lines.

\begin{example}[: \, Clavius p. 11]

\bold{<tb>} \\
\someText \\
44. \bold{#} 20. \bold{#} Quod $secundo loco \bold{#} Quod primo loco \\
47. \bold{###} Secunda figura cum prima paginæ 48. locum permutet. \\
48. \bold{###} Prima figura \someText in tertio ca$u de- \bs\bs mon$trationis \someText paginæ 48. \\
\someText \\
\bold{</tb>} \\
%48. \bold{###} Prima figure cum $ecunda paginæ 47. locum permutet: & in tertio ca$u de- \bs\bs mon$trationis adhibeatur $secunda figura paginæ 48. \\


Rule 3. In the tables on pp. 144 - 179 and pp. 214 - 303, do not type the vertical text.
