view DESpecs/specialInstructions/2009-02-14_DESpecs_special_workorder_VI/DESpecs_special_workorder_VI.tex @ 27:8dce37600d38

New Special Instructions
author Klaus Thoden <>
date Wed, 30 Jul 2014 15:58:21 +0200
parents 9c3c82b4e517
line wrap: on
line source

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{\fontspec{Helvetica}{\LARGE \textbf{
Special Instructions for Work Order VI
}}} \\[5mm]
\large Wolfgang Schmidle, Klaus Thoden, Malcolm D. Hyman

\normalsize Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany



\section{Cardano 1559}

In headings, the comma and the hyphen look like / (see e.g. p.160). In normal text the comma looks like /, but the hyphen looks like a normal \fraktur{-}. Rule: Type / as §/§, i.e. type what you see. Example. Normalisation (if / means hyphen, no space before or after, if / means comma, space before but not after) in post-processing? Any rule about this for Formax?

Contains \textswab{\LARGE  *u} and \textswab{\LARGE  "u}. Type both versions as §ü§, as in example 3 in the "Fraktur examples" section? Alternative: Special Instruction “Type \textswab{\LARGE  *u} as §{ue}§, etc.”, which makes sense only if there are both version in the text. Which is rare, I hope.

Contains  \textswab{\LARGE  *o}, but not \textswab{\LARGE  "o} ? Contains \textswab{\LARGE  *a} (e.g. p.160), but not \textswab{\LARGE  "a} ?  

Small u with o above: Type “u with o above” as §{uo}§.

Tilde to indicate a missing n or m, just as is Latin texts.

\includegraphics[height=6mm]{Cardano_der}: Type as §{der}§. Alternative: Do not mention it at all, make them type it as an unknown character.

Alchemy symbols (p.746): Type §<al>§ for each symbol. Do not add them to the list of unknown characters.

The drop caps are virtually undeciferable. Special instruction: Mark drop caps by <dc>. Do not transcribe the letter.

Roman numbers in the “Register” at the beginning of the text: small letters, especially the x looks strange; example.

Roman numbers as page numbers: the x looks different!
