# HG changeset patch # User Klaus Thoden # Date 1406816374 -7200 # Node ID 7e9dfe45278ac3d0c44439d10aa479545b3fe653 # Parent 8dce37600d38d08f360f334f43a1645fd64f6645 further work diff -r 8dce37600d38 -r 7e9dfe45278a DESpecs/specialInstructions/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu.tex --- a/DESpecs/specialInstructions/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu.tex Wed Jul 30 15:58:21 2014 +0200 +++ b/DESpecs/specialInstructions/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu.tex Thu Jul 31 16:19:34 2014 +0200 @@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ pointlessnumbers]{scrartcl} \usepackage[british]{babel} -\usepackage[%obeyDraft, - english, colorinlistoftodos]{todonotes} \usepackage{fontspec,xltxtra,xunicode} \defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text} @@ -58,24 +56,20 @@ %% Type the §§ and §§ tags on separate lines. On each page, type the first text flow before the second text flow. %% \end{clarification} \vspace{3mm} -\missingfigure{For each example, we need an image from the text displaying the example typed below.} -\begin{sampleImageSmall}[\ 1: \, caption.]{width=1cm}{missing.jpg} - \todo[color=red]{We also want to preserve the original line breaks of the text. They should be inserted with } - \begin{typeChinese} - \someText \\ - \z{

味甘,平,無毒。主除胃中熱、喘息、煩滿,止渴}\\ -\z{,屑如麻豆服之。久服輕身長年。生藍田,采無時。惡鹿角。

}\\ - \z{

此云玉屑,亦是以玉為屑,非應別一種物也。《}\\ -\z{仙經》服榖玉,有擣如米粒,乃以苦酒輩}\f{}\z{﹝一﹞}\f{,}\\ -\z{消令如泥,亦有合為漿者。凡服玉,皆不得用已成器物,及塚中玉璞也。}\\ -\z{好玉出藍田,及南陽徐善亭部界中,日南、盧容水中,}\\ -\z{外國於闐、疎勒諸處皆善。《仙方》名玉為玄真,潔白如豬膏,叩之鳴者,是真也。}\\ -\z{其比類甚多相似,宜精別之。所以燕石入笥}\f{}\z{﹝二﹞,}\\ -\f{}\z{卞氏長號也。(《新修》三頁,《大觀》}\\ -\z{卷三),《政和》八一頁)

} - \someText - \end{typeChinese} +%%\includegraphics[height=4cm]{image1} +\begin{sampleImageSmall}[\ 1: \, Footnote marks.]{height=10cm}{image1.png} \end{sampleImageSmall} +%% \begin{tabular}{@{}ll} +%% \parbox[b]{131mm}{ +\begin{typeChinese} + \f{


}\\ + \f{

}\z{味甘,平,無毒。主除胃中熱、喘息、煩滿,止渴,屑如麻豆服之。久}\\ + \z{服輕身長年。生藍田,采無時。}\f{}\z{惡鹿角。}\f{

}\\ + \f{

}\z{此云玉屑,亦是以玉為屑,非應別一種物也。《仙經》服榖玉,有擣如米粒,乃以苦酒輩}\f{}\z{﹝一﹞}\f{,}\z{消令如泥,亦有}\\ + \z{合為漿者。凡服玉,皆不得用已成器物,及塚中玉璞也。好玉出藍田,及南陽徐善亭部界中,日南、盧容水中,外}\\ + \z{國於闐、疎勒諸處皆善。《仙方》名玉為玄真,潔白如豬膏,叩之鳴者,是真也。其比類甚多相似,宜精別之。所以燕}\\ + \z{石入笥}\f{}\z{﹝二﹞,}\f{}\z{卞氏長號也。(《新修》三頁,《大觀》}\z{卷三),《政和》八一頁)}\f{

} +\end{typeChinese} \section{Footnote text} \begin{mainrule} @@ -85,58 +79,52 @@ \vspace{3mm} %% tell them also to encode the heading of the footnote with

-\begin{sampleImageSmall}[\ 2: \, caption.]{width=1cm}{missing.jpg} +\begin{tabular}{@{}ll} +\parbox[b]{131mm}{ \begin{typeChinese} - \z{

}\\ + \f{


}\\ \f{}\z{﹝一﹞輩 《綱目》作「浸」。}\f{}\\ \f{}\z{﹝二﹞笥 玄《大觀》作「筒」。}\f{} \end{typeChinese} -\end{sampleImageSmall} +} & +\includegraphics[height=4cm]{image2} +\end{tabular} -\section{Kaiti} -\todo{I can't really remember what this meant other than that it is necessary. Small text?} + +\section{Kaiti \chin{楷體}} \begin{mainrule} - Please surround the kaiti as shown on the image with the tags §§ and §§. + Please surround the text in kaiti (\chin{楷體}) font as shown on the image with the tags §§ and §§. \end{mainrule} \vspace{3mm} -\begin{sampleImageSmall}[\ 3: \, caption.]{width=1cm}{missing.jpg} -\todo{is the comma still inside ?} +\begin{sampleImageSmall}[\ 3: \, Kaiti \chin{楷體}]{height=10cm}{image3.png} +\hspace{-25mm} \begin{typeChinese} -\z{


}\\ -\z{

}\f{}\z{味 甘,平,}\f{}\\ -\z{無毒。主治﹝一﹞﹝二﹞藏百病,柔﹝三﹞筋強骨,安魂魄﹝四﹞,}\\ -\z{長肌肉,益氣﹝五﹞,利血脉﹝六﹞,治婦人帶下十二病,除氣癃,明耳目﹝七﹞。}\\ -\z{久服耐寒暑,不飢渴,不老神仙﹝八﹞,輕身長年。}\\ -\z{人臨死服五斤,死﹝九﹞三年色不變。一名玉札﹝十﹞。}\\ -\z{生藍田山谷。采無時﹝十一﹞畏欸冬花。

} + \f{


}\\ + \f{

}\z{味 甘,平,}\f{}\z{無}\untranscribedText\z{。}\f{}\z{主治}\f{}\z{﹝一﹞}\f{}\z{五}\f{}\z{﹝二﹞}\f{}\z{藏}\untranscribedText\z{柔}\f{}\z{﹝三﹞}\f{}\z{筋}\untranscribedText\z{魄}\f{}\z{﹝四﹞}\f{}\z{,}\\ +\someText \f{

} \end{typeChinese} + %% shortened the example a bit to make it fit on the page +%% \f{

}\z{味 甘,平,}\f{}\z{無毒。}\f{}\z{主治}\f{}\z{﹝一﹞}\f{}\z{五}\f{}\z{﹝二﹞}\f{}\z{藏百病,柔}\f{}\z{﹝三﹞}\f{}\z{筋強骨,安魂魄}\f{}\z{﹝四﹞}\f{}\z{,}\\ \end{sampleImageSmall} \section{Itemized Lists} \begin{mainrule} The book contains also itemized lists as depicted below. Items start - either with the character "●" or "○" or with no character at all. + either with the character "●" (U+25CF) or "○" (U+25CB) or with no character at all. Please use the character sequence §" # "§ as a delimiter between items. \end{mainrule} -\todo{should we tell them to also put such a delimiter in front of the first item?} \vspace{3mm} -\begin{sampleImageSmall}[\ 4: \, caption.]{width=1cm}{missing.jpg} +\begin{sampleImageSmall}[\ 4: \, Itemized lists]{height=10cm}{image4.png} \begin{typeChinese} -\someText -


-\f{}\\ -\z{○麻黃}\f{ # }\z{葛根}\f{ # }\z{○杏人}\f{ # }\z{茈胡﹝一﹞}\\ -\f{ # }\z{前胡}\f{ # }\z{●大青}\f{ # }\z{●龍膽}\f{ # }\z{芍﹝二﹞藥}\\ -\f{ # }\z{薰草}\f{ # }\z{生麻}\f{ # }\z{●牡丹}\f{ # }\z{○虎掌}\f{ # }\\ -\z{○朮}\f{ # }\z{防己}\f{ # }\z{●石膏}\f{ # }\z{牡蠣﹝三﹞}\f{ # }\\ -\z{貝齒﹝四﹞}\f{ # }\z{鱉甲}\f{ # }\z{●犀角}\f{ # }\z{●零﹝五﹞羊角}\\ -\f{ # }\z{蔥白}\f{ # }\z{○生薑}\f{ # }\z{●豉}\f{ # }\z{●溺﹝六﹞}\\ -\f{ # }\z{●芒消}\\ -\f{} -\someText + \f{


}\\ + \f{}\\ + \z{○麻黃}\f{ # }\z{葛根}\f{ # }\z{○杏人}\f{ # }\z{茈胡}\f{}\z{﹝一﹞}\f{}\f{ # }\z{前胡}\f{ # }\z{●大青}\f{ # }\z{●龍膽}\f{ # }\z{芍﹝二﹞藥}\f{ # }\z{薰草}\\ + \f{ # }\z{升麻}\f{ # }\z{●牡丹}\f{ # }\z{○虎掌}\f{ # }\z{○朮}\f{ # }\z{防己}\f{ # }\z{●石膏}\f{ # }\z{牡蠣}\f{}\z{﹝三﹞}\f{}\f{ # }\z{貝齒}\f{}\z{﹝四﹞}\f{ # }\z{鱉甲}\\ + \f{ # }\z{●犀角}\f{ # }\z{●零}\f{}\z{﹝五﹞}\f{}\z{羊角}\f{ # }\z{蔥白}\f{ # }\z{○生薑}\f{ # }\z{●豉}\f{ # }\z{●溺}\f{}\z{﹝六﹞}\f{}\f{ # }\z{●芒消}\\ + \f{} \end{typeChinese} \end{sampleImageSmall}