FSPythonScript Support for pdb ------------------------------ This Product monkey patches Zope to allow pdb and other pdb based debuggers (such as Wing IDE) to stop on breakpoints placed in script files stored on disk and to step into and through script file code. The Monkeypatches are based on Zope 2.7.2 and CMF 1.4.2, and may not work with other versions (but they probably will). Unpatched Zope and derived code such as CMFCore and CMFFormController set the co_filename attribute in the code objects produced from script files to the string "Script (Python)", and strip meta data header comments from the script file before compiling it, causing line number information in the byte code to be incorrect. This prevents Wing's debugger (or any other debugger) from determining where instructions in the code objects come from, and thus makes it impossible to stop at breakpoints or step through those files. This products fixes this. It does not create debugging support for ZODB based Python scripts, but only for the file system based FSPythonScripts. This product is based on patches by Stephan Deibel (sdeibel@wingware.com), and made into a product by Lennart Regebro. The original patches can be found here: http://collector.zope.org/CMF/194 For more information, please contact regebro@nuxeo.com, or support@wingide.com.