# #Mon Aug 09 11:48:03 CEST 2010 Slide__M765wKObEd-WfYQ0GneCwQ_subTitle=Michael Ballack and Davis Beckham would not be Albert Einstein's heroes if he was a small boy today. Running around and brawling are not his favorite activities. He prefers to build complicated structures from buiding blocks or a gigantic house of cards with 14 stories\! And he loves to read - mostly science books. So it's no surprise that he writes his first essay on physics when he is only 16 years old. Slide__M765wKObEd-WfYQ0GneCwQ_footer=On loan from\: Deutsches Museum M\u00FCnchen Slide__M765wKObEd-WfYQ0GneCwQ_title=A House of Cards with 14 Stories...