# #Mon Aug 09 12:04:25 CEST 2010 Text__e7Dt8KOdEd-WfYQ0GneCwQ_text=

Adem (9 years old)\:

When I was small we used to travel on the tram, and I always thought we were going in the wrong direction. When we travelled I always thought that we were going backwards.

Besnik (10 years old)\:

And I always used to think that we stay in one place and everything goes away. Everything moves on its own. We stay in one place and everything goes back...

Katja B\u00F6deker\:

When you move, you think that the other things are moving.


Yes, but I only stay in one place.

Text__e7Dt8KOdEd-WfYQ0GneCwQ_title=What really moves?