Status: Starting detection
Warning: There are unknown character codes in the text. Along with the text file you should have received a list of which code relates to which character. The following table prints the unknown character code and the first occurrence with the respective line in the text file and an approximation on which page scan it is to be found. Please download the context file and enter the correct replacement.
<002>: first occurrence in line 2083 (page 72): nem. locus enim ad a$cen$um pertinens ab$que tecto relin quetur. Oportet aũt eos, <002> ad $calarũ crura imponuntur cla uos, multùm ad latera foras prodire: ut latiùs $calarum $pa
<005>: first occurrence in line 320 (page 17): eius opus nos edıturi $umus: vt quæ ab illis antiquioribus autoribus Heron excerp$erit, atque ampliauerit, quæ<005> de$uo addiderit facilè qui$que videre po{$s}it.

<225>: first occurrence in line 44 (page 7): que impre$$um edere con$tituerim, veritus $i$ine po- tentis alıcuius tuto, fideli<225> patrocinio abiret in vul gus, ne $itu, & $qualore ob$itus, vt qui nunc primum
<228>: first occurrence in line 1343 (page 52): partibus colligatis vnico calami continuo motu perficitur. ip$ igi- tur $olutæ hoc modo <228> duplicibus lineis factæ $ecundam $ca- læba$im Autor a{$s}imilari dixit.

<229>: first occurrence in line 1191 (page 46): iuxta $extam eorum partem deor$um. de$cendant autem ab erectis, rur$us\’q; a$cendant dum à clauo <229> volubiliter fe <229><_>$o
Status: Finished. Please download configuration file, follow the instructions in that file and upload it again for the replacement step.