true org.apache.uima.example.opennlp.annotator.NEDetector OpenNLPNEDetector Detects named entities in text and creates corresponding entity annotations that span the found entities. Uses the OpenNLP MaxEnt named entity Detector. Each entity class has a separate MaxEnt model file. All model files must be stored in a single model file directory and use the following naming convention: "class.bin.gz", where "class" is the entity class name and ".bin.gz" must appear as shown, e.g., "person.bin.gz". This analysis engine takes a parameter called "EntityTypeMapping" which maps each entity class name to an entity annotation type. The entity class name must match a model file in the model file directory, and the entity annotation type must be defined in the type system and have a corresponding JCas Java class. 1.0 The Apache Software Foundation ModelDirectory String false true EntityTypeMappings Mapping from entity names (obtained from the model filename) to the JCas class for the corresponding annotation. Each mapping string is of the form "name,class", i.e., the entity type name followed by a comma followed by the annotation class. String true false ModelDirectory opennlp-tools-1.3.0/nameFind EntityTypeMappings person,org.apache.uima.example.opennlp.Person organization,org.apache.uima.example.opennlp.Organization location,org.apache.uima.example.opennlp.Location date,org.apache.uima.example.opennlp.Date money,org.apache.uima.example.opennlp.Money percentage,org.apache.uima.example.opennlp.Percentage time,org.apache.uima.example.opennlp.Time org.apache.uima.example.opennlp.Sentence org.apache.uima.example.opennlp.Token org.apache.uima.example.opennlp.Person org.apache.uima.example.opennlp.Organization org.apache.uima.example.opennlp.Time org.apache.uima.example.opennlp.Date org.apache.uima.example.opennlp.Location org.apache.uima.example.opennlp.Percentage org.apache.uima.example.opennlp.Money true true