//Copyright 2004 Cyril Shoghi VEREB //Some portions copyright 2004 THE PHP PROJECT function changeTranslit(translitName,elementName) { PREVIOUS_TRANSLITERATION = THIS_TRANSLITERATION; Transliteration.choose(translitName); //change value in menu document.getElementById("selectConv").value = Transliteration.current.keyName; //first line THIS_TRANSLITERATION = Transliteration.current.keyName; //display table of transliterations if ( document.getElementById("tableOfCorresp") && document.getElementById("tableOfCorresp").innerHTML ) { document.getElementById("tableOfCorresp").innerHTML = " 
 "; //this is to help Opera redraw document.getElementById("tableOfCorresp").innerHTML = Transliteration.HTMLTable(); } //change appearance of main textarea if(document.getElementById("mainText")) { //translit w/ two screens typeText = document.getElementById(("mainText")) } else typeText = document.getElementById(elementName); //translit w/one screen typeText.dir = Transliteration.current.direction ; status = Transliteration.current.fullName ; //typeText.cols = Transliteration.current.cols ; //typeText.rows = Transliteration.current.rows ; //typeText.style.fontSize = Transliteration.current.fontSize; } THIS_TRANSLITERATION ="Latin (not transliterated)"; PREVIOUS_TRANSLITERATION= "Latin (not transliterated)"; LAST_KEY = ""; //last entered key PREVIOUS_KEY = ""; // previous typed key on the keyboard //PREVIOUS_KEY_POSITION = null; PREVIOUS_IS_COMBINED = false; // if previous letter is combined, do not try to combine //CONVERTED_CHAR = "" //latest char typed into the textarea //mySelection = document.selection.createRange(); //PREVIOUS_KEY_POSITION = mySelection.duplicate(); mySelection = 0; PREVIOUS_KEY_POSITION = null; CONVERT = true; DELETE_PREVIOUS = false; // maybe do not keep here, use as argument in insertAtCursor // the question of arguments vs. free variables??? // insertAtCursor: // This function was originally taken from a posing that quoted it as PHP code. // It has been very much customized and modified... // For good orders sake: //THIS FUNCTION IS COPYRIGHT 2004 THE PHP PROJECT & Cyril Shoghi Vereb function insertAtCursor(myField, myValue) { if (myValue == "") { //no conversion return true; //just do defaullt! } //escape characters if (myValue == "#" || myValue == "~") { return false; //do not show them } //IE support if (document.selection) { myField.focus(); sel = document.selection.createRange(); if (DELETE_PREVIOUS) { //select the previous character sel.move("character",-1) sel.expand("character") } sel.text = myValue; //nothing must be selected after you type your text! sel.collapse() //important!! sel.select() } //MOZILLA & NETSCAPE support else if (myField.selectionStart || myField.selectionStart == '0') { var startPos = myField.selectionStart; var endPos = myField.selectionEnd; if (DELETE_PREVIOUS) startPos--; myField.value = myField.value.substring(0, startPos) + myValue + myField.value.substring(endPos, myField.value.length); // I added the following 2 lines to stay in the correct position myField.focus() myField.selectionEnd = myField.selectionStart=startPos+1; } else { //OPERA: nothing will do it! Add at end of field... if (DELETE_PREVIOUS) { myField.value = myField.value.substr(0,myField.value.length-1); } myField.value += myValue; // how go to end of field??? //at least with the following combination selects puts cursor a the end //not practical, but works. myField.select(); myField.blur() myField.focus(); } return false; } function doConvert(evt,elementName) { //Netscape takes Ctrl+C etc. let's cancel this //try to convert only letters!!! if (evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey) { //Netscape now seems to support ctrlKey as well as IE return true; } typeText = document.getElementById(elementName); if(evt.keyCode) kC = evt.keyCode; //IE if(evt.which) kC = evt.which; //Navigator //if(evt.keyCode) evt.keyCode = 40 //Transliteration.convert(evt.keyCode); //if(evt.which) evt.which = 40 //Transliteration.convert(evt.which); LAST_KEY = String.fromCharCode(kC); CONVERTED_CHAR = tryConvert(LAST_KEY); return insertAtCursor(typeText,CONVERTED_CHAR); } //This works only with one or two-char combinations function tryConvert() { //actually uses LAST_KEY, PREVIOUS_KEY (changes PREVIOUS_KEY which must be saved outside //toggle between transliterated and latin if (LAST_KEY == "#") { changeTranslit(Transliteration.previous.keyName); return "#"; } if (!CONVERT) return LAST_KEY; // do not convert, just latin chars //just avoid writing a combination, eg type K~hren Khren!! if (LAST_KEY == "~") { PREVIOUS_KEY = "" status = ""; return "~"; } doubleConversion = ""; // checks that we are in the expected position! //The value of toto will determine whether to attempt to combine. toto = 0 ; // a value of 0 means it's OK, combine if (PREVIOUS_KEY_POSITION != null) { //this var is used only by navigators having document.selection if (document.selection.createRange().text != "") { //some text is selected --> do not attempt to combine document.selection.createRange().text = ""; toto = 1 } else { PREVIOUS_KEY_POSITION.move("character",1); //this puts us on the expected char toto = PREVIOUS_KEY_POSITION.compareEndPoints("EndToEnd",document.selection.createRange()) //compare previous position and this one //if toto is different from zero, //it means that we have moved in the field, so you cannot combine characters. } } //else if (document.getElementById("typeText").selectionEnd) { // Netscape // I don't know how to determine toto in Netscape. //} if (PREVIOUS_KEY != "" && toto == 0) { // second condition should be PREVIOUS_KEY_POSITION just 1 char before mySelection // otherwise the curser has been moved around: no good. // attempt double conversion ONLY if previous wasn't double. doubleConversion = Transliteration.convert(PREVIOUS_KEY+LAST_KEY); } if (doubleConversion != "") { //DELETE PREVIOUS CHARACTER: browser-specific DELETE_PREVIOUS = true; // will be taken charge of in the insert function result = doubleConversion; showMsg = PREVIOUS_KEY+LAST_KEY +" -> "+Transliteration.current.shortName+" "+doubleConversion; PREVIOUS_KEY = ""; } else { DELETE_PREVIOUS = false; PREVIOUS_KEY = LAST_KEY; //register position of key if(document.selection) { //IE sel = document.selection.createRange(); PREVIOUS_KEY_POSITION = sel.duplicate(); } result = Transliteration.convert(LAST_KEY); showMsg = LAST_KEY + " -> "+Transliteration.current.shortName+" "+result } if(CONVERT) status = showMsg; return result; //alert(result) } function cleanBuffer() { //just reset "PREVIOUS_KEY" if you have moved!! PREVIOUS_KEY= "" status = "CLEANED!" return true; } //convert whole text //Also, try to compute where the cursor should be in mainText DECALAGE = 0; //difference between cursor positions in mainText and typeText CURSOR_POSITION_IN_TYPING_FIELD = 0; function convertWholeText(text1) { var decal = 0; //difference between cursor positions var text2 = ""; var convert = true; var previousIsDouble = 0; myLoop: for(i=0; i0 && previousIsDouble == 0) { //attempt double conversion ONLY if previous wasn't double. doubleConversion = Transliteration.convert(text1.substr(i-1,2)); decal += doubleConversion.length-2 } if (doubleConversion == "") { var simpleConversion = Transliteration.convert(text1.charAt(i)); if (simpleConversion =="") { text2 += text1.charAt(i); } else { text2 += simpleConversion; decal += simpleConversion.length-1; } previousIsDouble = 0; } else { text2 = text2.substr(0,text2.length-1)+doubleConversion; previousIsDouble = 1; } } else { // Do not convert, keep as is text2 = text2+text1.charAt(i); } } return text2; } function convertWholeTextToMainTextArea() { var main = document.getElementById("mainText") var type = document.getElementById("typeText") main.value = convertWholeText(type.value); if (main.selectionStart || main.selectionStart == '0') { //CURSOR_POSITION_IN_TYPING_FIELD = main.selectionEnd; } } // Transliteration class function Transliteration(keyName) { this.direction = "ltr"; this.keyName = keyName; this.fullName = "LATIN" this.shortName = "LAT" this.longName = "Latin (no transliteration)" this.cols = 60; this.rows = 15; this.fontSize = "1.2em"; this.trans = new Object(); //save new translit in savedTranslits static table Transliteration.savedTranslits[keyName] = this; //As always in JS, you save a REFERENCE! //i.e. once saved you can still modify it! if(!Transliteration.current) { Transliteration.current = this; //Defines the translit we're currently using } if(!Transliteration.defaullt) { Transliteration.defaullt = this; //Defines the current transliteration that you revert to when toggling # } if(!Transliteration.previous) { Transliteration.previous = this; //Defines previous transliteration that you revert to when toggling # } this.convertedChar = function(key) { if (typeof(this.trans[key]) != "undefined") { return this.trans[key] } return ""; } this.define = function(string1, string2) { //add a conversion this.trans[string1] = string2; } this.defineN = function(string1, num) { //add a conversion using a UNICODE number instead of letter var string2 = String.fromCharCode(num); if (string2 != "") this.define(string1,string2); else alasert("Error trying to defineN("+string1+","+num+"): this number is not a UNICODE character!"); } this.defineAllCorrespondingCapitals = function() { //takes All previously defined non-capitals and defines the capitals //use: define all smalls, then run this, then define special chars which haven't a conversion //it is a bit systematic, unsubtle! for (i in this.trans) { this.define(i.toUpperCase(),this.trans[i].toUpperCase()); } } this.HTMLTable = function() { /* This function is very simple, it just writes an HTML table showing the correspondances. I am not sure it should be there, as I prefer my Transliteration class to be browser-indept. */ var line1 = ""; var line2 = ""; var previousAssoc = -1; with(this) { myLoop: for (var assoc in trans) { // avoid to repeat associations for CAPITALS when they are obvious upperCaseThenConvert = trans[assoc.toUpperCase()]; convertThenUpperCase = trans[assoc].toUpperCase() lowerCaseThenConvert = trans[assoc.toLowerCase()]; convertThenLowerCase = trans[assoc].toLowerCase() //if the two are equal BUT you have a capital, //THEN, you can skip (it is obvious) //if (assoc == "aa" || assoc == "AA") //alert(assoc+" -> "+trans[assoc]+"\nu,c: "+upperCaseThenConvert+"\nc,u: "+convertThenUpperCase); if(convertThenUpperCase == upperCaseThenConvert && convertThenLowerCase == lowerCaseThenConvert && assoc.toLowerCase() != assoc ) { //it contains capitals // you have something of the type: X --> Y and x --> y, you don't want to repeat yourself continue myLoop; } if(lowerCaseThenConvert == trans[assoc] & assoc.toLowerCase() != assoc) { // you have something of the type jj --> a and JJ --> a (or Jj --> a) keep only smallcase continue myLoop; } if(trans[assoc] != previousAssoc) { //create new column if(line2 != "") line2+=""; line2 += ""+assoc; if(line1 != "") line1+=""; line1+= ""+trans[assoc]; } else { //write other possible key combination in the same column line2 +="
"+assoc } previousAssoc = trans[assoc]; } if (line1 == "") line1=" 
  No conversion made
 "; return "\n" +""+line1+"\n"+line2+"\n
"; } } } // Now the "static" properties and methods Transliteration.savedTranslits = new Object(); //a table of all current transliterations Transliteration.convertedChar = function(translitName, string1) { return Transliteration.savedTranslits[translitName].convertedChar(string1); } Transliteration.convert = function(string1) { return Transliteration.current.convertedChar(string1); } Transliteration.choose = function(translitName) { //set current transliteration if(typeof(Transliteration.savedTranslits[translitName]) != "undefined") { //retain Previous transliteration name if you actually change if (translitName != Transliteration.current.keyName) { Transliteration.previous = Transliteration.savedTranslits[Transliteration.current.keyName]; } //choose new current transliteration Transliteration.current = Transliteration.savedTranslits[translitName]; //alert("Previous: "+Transliteration.previous.keyName // +"Current: "+Transliteration.current.keyName); } else { alert("Error choosing transliteration: "+translitName+" does not exist!"); } } Transliteration.setdefaullt = function(translitName) { //set current transliteration if(typeof(Transliteration.savedTranslits[translitName]) != "undefined") { Transliteration.defaullt = Transliteration.savedTranslits[translitName]; } else { alert("Error choosing transliteration: "+translitName+" does not exist!"); } } Transliteration.HTMLTable = function() { return Transliteration.current.HTMLTable(); } //end of class definition defaulltTranslit = new Transliteration("latin"); //automatically adds it to Transliteration.savedTranslits Transliteration.choose("latin"); //this was done implicitly because defaullt was the only one Transliteration.setdefaullt("latin");