/* XPath.js, an JavaScript implementation of XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0 Copyright (C) 2008 Henrik Lindqvist This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ (function (w, d, f) { function XPath (e) { this.e = e; this.i = 0; this.js = [ 'with(XPath){return ', '}' ]; this.expression(1, 1) || this.error(); //console.log(this.js.join('')); return new Function('n', 'nsr', this.js.join('')); } XPath.ie = /MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent); XPath.prototype = { match : function (rx, x) { var m, r; if ( !(m = rx.exec(this.e.substr(this.i))) || (typeof x == 'number' && !(r = m[x])) || (typeof x == 'object' && !(r = x[m[1]]))) return false; this.m = m; this.i += m[0].length; return r || m; }, error : function (m) { m = (m || 'Syntax error')+' at index '+this.i+': '+this.e.substr(this.i); var e; try { e = new XPathException(51, m) } catch (x) { e = new Error(m) } throw e; }, step : function (l, r, s, n) { var i = 3; if (this.match(/^(\/\/?|\.\.?|@)\s*/, 1)) { switch (this.m[1]) { case '/': if (s) this.error(); if (!n) return this.step(l, r, 1); this.js.splice(l, 0, ' axis(axes["','document-root','"],'); i += this.nodeTypes.node.call(this, l + i); s = 1; break; case '//': if (s) this.error(); this.js.splice(l, 0, ' axis(axes["','descendant-or-self','"],'); i += this.nodeTypes.node.call(this, l + i); s = 1; break; case '.': if (!s && !n) this.error(); this.js.splice(l, 0, ' axis(axes["','self','"],'); i += this.nodeTypes.node.call(this, l + i); s = 0; break; case '..': if (!s && !n) this.error(); this.js.splice(l, 0, ' axis(axes["','parent','"],'); i += this.nodeTypes.node.call(this, l + i); s = 0; break; case '@': if (!s && !n) this.error(); this.js.splice(l, 0, ' axis(axes["','attribute','"],'); i += this.nodeTest(l + i, 'node') || this.error('Missing nodeTest after @'); s = 0; } } else if (!s && !n) return s ? this.error() : 0; else if (this.match(/^([a-z]+(?:-[a-z]+)*)\s*::\s*/, XPath.axes)) { this.js.splice(l, 0, ' axis(axes["',this.m[1],'"],'); i += this.nodeTest(l + i, (this.m[1]=='attribute')?'node':'element') || this.error('Missing nodeTest after ::'); s = 0; } else if (i = this.nodeTest(l, 'element')) { this.js.splice(l, 0, ' axis(axes["','child','"],'); i += 3; s = 0; } else return 0; for (var j; j = this.predicate(l + i); i += j); if (n) this.js.splice(r + i++, 0, n); i += this.step(l, r + i, s); this.js.splice(r + i++, 0, ')'); return i; }, expression : function (l, r, p) { var o, i = this.operand(l); while (o = this.match(/^(or|and|!?=|[<>]=?|[|*+-]|div|mod)\s*/, this.operators)) { if (p && p[0] >= o[0]) { this.i -= this.m[0].length; break; } this.js.splice(l, 0, o[1]); i++; this.js.splice(l + i++, 0, o[2]); i += this.expression(l + i, r, o) || this.error('Missing operand'); this.js.splice(l + i++, 0, o[3]); } return i; }, operand : function (l) { if (this.match(/^(-?(?:[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')\s*/, 1)) { this.js.splice(l, 0, this.m[1]); return 1; } var fn; if (fn = this.match(/^([a-z]+(?:-[a-z]+)*)\s*\(\s*/, this.functions)) { var i = 1, j; this.js.splice(l, 0, fn[1]); do { if (j) this.js.splice(l + i++, 0, ','); i += (j = this.expression(l + i, l + i)); } while (j && this.match(/^,\s*/)); this.match(/^\)\s*/) || this.error('Missing ('); if (fn[0]) { if (j) this.js.splice(l + i++, 0, ','); this.js.splice(l + i++, 0, fn[0]); } if (fn[2]) this.js.splice(l + i++, 0, fn[2]); else if (j > 1) this.error('Function has arguments'); i += this.step(l, l + i); return i; } if (this.match(/^\(\s*/)) { var i = 1; this.js.splice(l, 0, '('); i += this.expression(l + i, l + i); this.match(/^\)\s*/) || this.error('Missing )'); this.js.splice(l + i++, ')'); return i; } return this.step(l, l, 0, '[n]'); }, operators : { '|' : [1,'union(',',',')'], 'or' : [1,'bool(',')||bool(',')'], 'and' : [2,'bool(',')&&bool(',')'], '=' : [3,'compare(eq,',',',')'], '!=' : [3,'compare(ne,',',',')'], '<' : [4,'compare(lt,',',',')'], '>' : [4,'compare(gt,',',',')'], '<=' : [4,'compare(le,',',',')'], '>=' : [4,'compare(ge,',',',')'], '+' : [5,'number(',')+number(',')'], '-' : [5,'number(',')-number(',')'], '*' : [6,'number(',')*number(',')'], 'div' : [6,'number(',')/number(',')'], 'mod' : [6,'number(',')%number(',')'] }, functions : { // Node Set 'last' : [0,'nl.length'], 'position' : [0,'(i+1)'], 'count' : ['nl','(','.length||0)'], 'id' : ['n','id(',')'], 'local-name' : ['nl','localName(',')'], 'namespace-uri' : ['nl','namespaceURI(',')'], 'name' : ['nl','qName(',')'], // String 'string' : ['n','string(',')'], 'concat' : [0,'concat(',')'], 'starts-with' : [0,'startsWith(',')'], 'contains' : [0,'contains(',')'], 'substring-before' : [0,'substringBefore(',')'], 'substring-after' : [0,'substringAfter(',')'], 'substring' : [0,'substring(',')'], 'string-length' : ['n','string(',').length'], 'normalize-space' : ['n','normalizeSpace(',')'], 'translate' : [0,'translate(',')'], // Boolean 'boolean' : [0,'bool(',')'], 'not' : [0,'!bool(',')'], 'true' : [0,'true '], 'false' : [0,'false '], // 'lang' : [], // Number 'number' : ['n','number(',')'], 'floor' : [0,'Math.floor(number(','))'], 'ceiling' : [0,'Math.ceil(number(','))'], 'round' : [0,'Math.round(number(','))'], 'sum' : [0,'sum(',')'] }, predicate : function (l) { var i = 0; if (this.match(/^\[\s*/)) { if (i = this.expression(l, l)) { this.js.splice(l, 0, 'function(n,i,nl){with(XPath){var r='); i++; this.js.splice(l + i++, 0, ';return typeof r=="number"?Math.round(r)==i+1:bool(r)}},'); } this.match(/^\]\s*/) || this.error('Missing ]'); } return i; }, nodeTest : function (l, t) { var fn; if (fn = this.match(/^([a-z]+(?:-[a-z]+)*)\(([^)]*)\)\s*/, this.nodeTypes)) return fn.call(this, l, this.m[2]); if (this.match(/^\*\s*/)) return this.nodeTypes[t].call(this, l); return this.nodeName(l) }, nodeType : function (l, t) { this.js.splice(l, 0, 'function(n){return n.nodeType==',t,'},'); return 3; }, nodeTypes : { 'node' : function (l) { this.js.splice(l, 0, 'null,'); return 1; }, 'element' : function (l) { return this.nodeType(l, 1); }, 'attribute' : function (l) { return this.nodeType(l, 2); }, 'text' : function (l) { return this.nodeType(l, 3); }, 'processing-instruction' : function (l, t) { if (!t) return this.nodeType(l, 7); this.js.splice(l, 0, 'function(n){return n.nodeType==7&&n.target==',t,'},'); return 3; }, 'comment' : function (l) { return this.nodeType(l, 8); } }, nodeName : function (l) { if (!this.match(/^([a-zA-Z_]+(?:-?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*)(?::([a-zA-Z_]+(?:-?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*))?\s*/, 1)) return 0; if (this.m[2]) { this.js.splice(l,0,'function(n){if(!nsr)throw new XPathException(14);return "', this.m[2],'"==',XPath.ie?'n.baseName':'n.localName','&&nsr.lookupNamespaceURI("', this.m[1],'")==n.namespaceURI},'); return 7; } else { this.js.splice(l,0,'function(n){return/^',this.m[1],'$/i.test(n.nodeName)},'); return 3; } } }; XPath.order = function (l, r) { var x = l.compareDocumentPosition ? l.compareDocumentPosition(r) : XPath.compareDocumentPosition.call(l, r); if (x & 32) { l = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(l.attributes, l); r = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(r.attributes, r); return (l < r) ? -1 : (l > r) ? 1 : 0; } if (!x) { if (l == r) return 0; if ((l = l.ownerElement) && (r = r.ownerElement)) return XPath.order(l, r); return XPath.ie ? 1 : 0; } return 3 - ((x & 6) || 3); }; // Runtime - Operand XPath.compare = function (fn, l, r) { if (l instanceof Array && r instanceof Array) { var ls = l.map(this.string), rs = r.map(this.string); for (l = ls.length; --l >= 0;) for (r = rs.length; --r >= 0;) if (!fn(ls[l], rs[r])) return false; return true; } if (l instanceof Array) { for (var i = l.length; --i >= 0;) if (!fn(this[typeof r](l[i]), r)) return false; return l.length > 0; } if (r instanceof Array) { for (var i = r.length; --i >= 0;) if (!fn(l, this[typeof l](r[i]))) return false; return r.length > 0; } if (typeof l == 'boolean' || typeof r == 'boolean') return fn(this.bool(l), this.bool(r)); if (typeof l == 'number' || typeof r == 'number') return fn(this.number(l), this.number(r)); return fn(this.string(l), this.string(r)); }; XPath.eq = function (l, r) { return l == r }; XPath.ne = function (l, r) { return l != r }; XPath.lt = function (l, r) { return l < r }; XPath.gt = function (l, r) { return l > r }; XPath.le = function (l, r) { return l <= r }; XPath.ge = function (l, r) { return l >= r }; // Runtime - Node Set XPath.id = function (s, n) { if (arguments.length == 1) n = s; var nl = []; for (var id = this.string(s).split(/\s+/), i = id.length; --i >= 0;) if (s = (n.ownerDocument || n).getElementById(id[i])) nl.push(s); return nl.sort(this.order); }; XPath.localName = new Function ('nl', 'return (nl.length&&nl[0].'+(XPath.ie?'baseName':'localName')+')||""' ); XPath.namespaceURI = function (nl) { return (nl.length && nl[0].namespaceURI) || ''; }; XPath.qName = function (nl) { return (nl.length && nl[0].nodeName) || ''; }; XPath.union = function (a, b) { if (!a.length) return b; if (!b.length) return a; var nl = [], i = a.length - 1, j = b.length - 1; for (;;) { switch (this.order(a[i], b[j])) { case -1: nl.unshift(b[j--]); break; case 0: j--; // fallthru case 1: nl.unshift(a[i--]); break; default: throw new Error('Invalid order'); } if (i < 0) { if (++j > 0) nl.unshift.apply(nl, nl.slice.call(b, 0, j)); break; } if (j < 0) { if (++i > 0) nl.unshift.apply(nl, nl.slice.call(a, 0, i)); break; } } return nl; }; // Runtime - String XPath.string = XPath.object = function (v) { if (v instanceof Array && typeof (v = v[0]) == 'undefined') return ''; if (typeof v == 'string') return v; switch (v.nodeType) { case 1: case 9: case 11: return Array.prototype.map.call(v.childNodes, this.string, this).join(''); // case 3: case 4: case 8: // return v.data || ''; default: return v.nodeValue || ''; } return String(v); }; XPath.concat = function () { return Array.prototype.map.call(arguments, this.string, this).join(''); }; XPath.startsWith = function (a, b) { return this.string(a).substr(0, (b = this.string(b)).length) == b; }; XPath.contains = function (a, b) { return this.string(a).indexOf(this.string(b)) != -1; }; XPath.substringBefore = function (a, b) { a = this.string(a); b = a.indexOf(this.string(b)); return b != -1 ? a.substr(0, b) : ''; }; XPath.substringAfter = function (a, b) { a = this.string(a); b = this.string(b); var i = a.indexOf(b); return i != -1 ? a.substr(i + b.length) : ''; }; XPath.substring = function (s, i, l) { s = this.string(s); i = Math.round(this.number(i)) - 1; return (arguments.length == 2) ? s.substr(i < 0 ? 0 : i) : s.substr(i < 0 ? 0 : i, Math.round(this.number(l)) - Math.max(0, -i)); }; XPath.normalizeSpace = function(s) { return this.string(s).replace(/^\s+/,'').replace(/\s+$/,'').replace(/\s+/g, ' '); }; XPath.translate = function(a, b, c) { a = this.string(a); b = this.string(b); c = this.string(c); var o = [], l = a.length, i = 0, j, x; while (--l >= 0) if ( (j = b.indexOf(x = a.charAt(i++))) == -1 || (x = c.charAt(j))) o.push(x); return o.join(''); }; // Runtime - Boolean XPath.bool = XPath['boolean'] = function (v) { if (typeof v == 'boolean') return v; if (v instanceof Array || typeof v == 'string') return v.length > 0; return Boolean(v); }; // Runtime - Number XPath.number = function (v) { if (v instanceof Array && typeof (v = v[0]) == 'undefined') return 0; if (typeof v == 'number') return v; if (typeof v == 'boolean') return v ? 1 : 0; return Number(this.string(v)); }; XPath.sum = function (nl) { var r = 0, i = nl.length; while (--i >= 0) r += this.number(nl[i]); return r; }; // Runtime - Axis XPath.walk = function (n, nl) { var x, c = n.firstChild; while (c) { nl.push(c); if (x = c.firstChild) c = x; else for (x = c; !(c = x.nextSibling) && (x = x.parentNode) && (x != n);); } return nl; }; XPath.axes = { 'ancestor' : function (n) { var nl = []; while (n = n.parentNode) nl.unshift(n); return nl; }, 'ancestor-or-self' : function (n) { var nl = []; do { nl.unshift(n) } while (n = n.parentNode); return nl; }, 'attribute' : new Function ('n', 'var nl = [], a = n.attributes;if(a){attr:for(var x,i=a.length;--i>=0;){if(!(x=a[i]).specified){' + (XPath.ie?'switch(x.nodeName){case"selected":case"value":if(x.nodeValue)break;default:continue attr;}' : 'continue;') + '}nl.unshift(x);}}return nl;' ), 'child' : function (n) { return n.childNodes || []; }, 'descendant' : function (n) { return this.walk(n, []); }, 'descendant-or-self' : function (n) { return this.walk(n, [n]); }, 'following' : function (n) { var nl = [], x; while (n) { if (x = n.nextSibling) { nl.push(n = x); if (x = n.firstChild) nl.push(n = x); } else n = n.parentNode; } return nl; }, 'following-sibling' : function (n) { var nl = []; while (n = n.nextSibling) nl.push(n); return nl; }, 'parent' : function (n) { return n.parentNode ? [n.parentNode] : []; }, 'preceding' : function (n) { var nl = [], x, p = n.parentNode; while (n) { if (x = n.previousSibling) { for (n = x; x = n.lastChild; n = x); nl.unshift(n); } else if (n = n.parentNode) { if (n == p) p = p.parentNode; else nl.unshift(n); } } return nl; }, 'preceding-sibling' : function (n) { var nl = []; while (n = n.previousSibling) nl.unshift(n); return nl; }, 'self' : function (n) { return [n]; }, 'document-root' : function (n) { return [n.ownerDocument || n]; } }; XPath.axis = function (fn, nt/*, pr..., nl*/) { var r, x, al = arguments.length - 1, nl = arguments[al], ap = Array.prototype; for (var i = 0, j, l = nl.length; --l >= 0;) { x = fn.call(this, nl[i++]); if (nt && x.length) x = ap.filter.call(x, nt, this); for (j = 2; j < al && x.length; x = ap.filter.call(x, arguments[j++], this)); r = r ? this.union(r, x) : x; } return r || []; }; XPath.cache = {}; /** * Extends the native Node class with additional functionality. *

Not available in Internet Exporer which don’t have a Node class.


See http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-DOM-Level-3-Core-20030226/core.html#ID-1950641247.

* @class Node * @author Henrik Lindqvist <henrik.lindqvist@llamalab.com> */ /** * Compares a node with this node with regard to their position in the document and according to the document order. *

When comparing two attribute nodes; 32 is returned if they have the * same ownerElement, otherwise 0. This is probably not standard, * but it’s what Firefox return, so we do the same.

 * DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS                = 8;

See http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-DOM-Level-3-Core-20030226/core.html#Node3-compareDocumentPosition.

* @function {number} compareDocumentPosition * @param {Node} n - node to compare against. * @returns 0 for nodes are equals or a number with some of the above bits set. */ /** * Check if this node contains another node. * @function {boolean} contains * @param {Node} n - node to compare against. * @returns true if this node cotains node n. */ function compareDocumentPosition (n) { if (this == n) return 0; // Same if (this.nodeType == 2 && n.nodeType == 2) return (this.ownerElement && this.ownerElement == n.ownerElement) ? 32 : 0; // IMPLEMENT_SPECIFIC var l = this.ownerElement || this, r = n.ownerElement || n; if (l.sourceIndex >= 0 && r.sourceIndex >= 0 && l.contains && r.contains) { return ( ((l.contains(r) && 16) || (r.contains(l) && 8)) | ((l.sourceIndex < r.sourceIndex && 4) || (r.sourceIndex < l.sourceIndex && 2)) ) || 1; } var la = l, ra = r, ld = 0, rd = 0; while (la = la.parentNode) ld++; while (ra = ra.parentNode) rd++; if (ld > rd) { while (ld-- != rd) l = l.parentNode; if (l == r) return 2|8; // Preceding|Contains } else if (rd > ld) { while (rd-- != ld) r = r.parentNode; if (r == l) return 4|16; // Following|Contained By } while ((la = l.parentNode) != (ra = r.parentNode)) if (!(l = la) || !(r = ra)) return 1; // Disconnected while (l = l.nextSibling) if (l == r) return 4; // Following return 2; // Preceding }; if (w.Node) { var np = w.Node.prototype; if (f || !np.compareDocumentPosition) np.compareDocumentPosition = compareDocumentPosition; if (f || !np.contains) { np.contains = function (n) { return Boolean(this.compareDocumentPosition(n) & 16); }; } } else XPath.compareDocumentPosition = compareDocumentPosition; /** * Exception throw when parser or expression fails. *

See http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-XPath/xpath.html#XPathException.

* @class XPathException * @author Henrik Lindqvist <henrik.lindqvist@llamalab.com> */ /** * Namespace error. * @property {static read number} NAMESPACE_ERR */ /** * Expression syntax error. * @property {static read number} INVALID_EXPRESSION_ERR */ /** * Result type error. * @property {static read number} TYPE_ERR */ /** * XPathException constructor. * @constructor XPathException * @param {number} c - error code. * @param {string} m - error message. * @see NAMESPACE_ERR * @see INVALID_EXPRESSION_ERR * @see TYPE_ERR */ /** * Exception name. * @property {read string} name */ /** * Exception code. * @property {read number} code * @see NAMESPACE_ERR * @see INVALID_EXPRESSION_ERR * @see TYPE_ERR */ /** * Exception message. * @property {read string} message */ if (f || !w.XPathException) { function XPathException (c, m) { this.name = 'XPathException'; this.code = c; this.message = m; } var e = XPathException, p = new Error; p.toString = function () { return this.name+':'+this.message; }; e.prototype = p; e.NAMESPACE_ERR = 14; e.INVALID_EXPRESSION_ERR = 51; e.TYPE_ERR = 52; w.XPathException = e; } /** * Namespace resolver. *

See http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-XPath/xpath.html#XPathNSResolver.

* @class XPathNSResolver * @see XPathEvaluator.createNSResolver * @author Henrik Lindqvist <henrik.lindqvist@llamalab.com> */ /** * Look up a namespace URI by it’s prefix use in document. * @function {string} lookupNamespaceURI * @param {string} p - xmlns: prefix, empty string for targetNamespace. * @returns associated namespace URI, or undefined if none is found. */ if (f || !w.XPathNSResolver) { function XPathNSResolver (n) { this.ns = {}; for (var m, a, i = n.attributes.length; --i >= 0;) if (m = /xmlns:(.+)/.exec((a = n.attributes[i]).nodeName)) this.ns[m[1]] = a.nodeValue; this.ns[''] = n.getAttribute('targetNamespace'); } XPathNSResolver.prototype = { lookupNamespaceURI : function (p) { return this.ns[p || '']; } }; w.XPathNSResolver = XPathNSResolver; } /** * A pre-parsed XPath expression. *

See http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-XPath/xpath.html#XPathExpression.

* @class XPathExpression * @see XPathEvaluator.createExpression * @author Henrik Lindqvist <henrik.lindqvist@llamalab.com> */ /** * Evaluate this pre-parsed expression. * @function {XPathResult} evaluate * @param {Node} n - context node. * @param {number} rt - return type, see {@link XPathResult}. * @param {XPathResult} r - {@link XPathResult} that maybe reuse, or null. * @returns a {@link XPathResult}. */ if (f || !w.XPathExpression) { function XPathExpression (e, nsr) { this.fn = XPath.cache[e] || (XPath.cache[e] = new XPath(e)); this.nsr = nsr; } XPathExpression.prototype = { evaluate : function (n, rt) { return new XPathResult(this.fn(n, this.nsr), rt); } }; w.XPathExpression = XPathExpression; } /** * Container for XPath results. *

See http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-XPath/xpath.html#XPathResult.

* @class XPathResult * @see XPathEvaluator.evaluate * @see XPathExpression.evaluate * @author Henrik Lindqvist <henrik.lindqvist@llamalab.com> */ /** * Result will be accessed unconverted as the expression returned it. * @property {static read number} ANY_TYPE */ /** * Result will be accessed as a number. * @property {static read number} NUMBER_TYPE * @see numberValue */ /** * Result will be accessed as a string. * @property {static read number} STRING_TYPE * @see stringValue */ /** * Result will be accessed as boolean. * @property {static read number} BOOLEAN_TYPE * @see booleanValue */ /** * Result will be accessed iteratively, node order insignificant. *

This is equal to {@link ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE} * since the result is always document-ordered.

* @property {static read number} UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE * @see iterateNext */ /** * Result will be accessed iteratively which must be document-ordered. * @property {static read number} ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE * @see iterateNext */ /** * Result will be accessed as a snapshot list of nodes, node order insignificant. *

This is equal to {@link ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE} * since the result is always document-ordered.

* @property {static read number} UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE * @see snapshotLength * @see snapshotItem */ /** * Result will be accessed as a snapshot list of nodes which must be document-ordered. * @property {static read number} ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE * @see snapshotLength * @see snapshotItem */ /** * Result will be accessed as a single node value, any of the resulting nodes. *

This is equal to {@link FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE} * since the result is always document-ordered.

* @property {static read number} ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE * @see singleNodeValue */ /** * Result will be accessed as a single node value, the first resulting node in document-ordered. * @property {static read number} FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE * @see singleNodeValue */ /** * Convert result to number. * @property {static read number} NUMBER_TYPE */ /** * Convert result to number. * @property {static read number} NUMBER_TYPE */ /** * Convert result to number. * @property {static read number} NUMBER_TYPE */ /** * Convert result to number. * @property {static read number} NUMBER_TYPE */ /** * Convert result to number. * @property {static read number} NUMBER_TYPE */ /** * Resulting number. * @property {read number} numberValue * @see NUMBER_TYPE */ /** * Resulting string. * @property {read string} stringValue * @see STRING_TYPE */ /** * Resulting boolean. * @property {read boolean} booleanValue * @see BOOLEAN_TYPE */ /** * Signifies that the iterator has become invalid. * @property {read boolean} invalidIteratorState * @see UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE * @see ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE */ /** * The number of nodes in the result snapshot. * @property {read number} snapshotLength * @see UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE * @see ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE */ /** * The value of this single node result, maybe undefined. * @property {read object} singleNodeValue * @see ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE * @see FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE */ /** * Unconverted result as returned by our internal evaluator. *

This is a non-standard property which is set to the raw unconverted result from our * expression evaluator. It’s of the type number, string, * boolean or an {@link Array} with nodes depending on expression. * If you prefer to work with arrays instead of {@link XPathResult.snapshotItem} * You can check for this property and use it directly.



 * function selectNodes (expr) {
 *   // Cross-browser safe way of selecting nodes and return an Array 
 *   var r = document.evaluate('//LI', document, null, 7, null);
 *   if (typeof r.value != 'undefined') return r.value;
 *   var a = [];
 *   for (var i = r.snapshotLength; --i >= 0; a[i] = r.snapshotItem(i));
 *   return a;
 * }
* @property {read object} value * @see ANY_TYPE */ /** * Iterates and returns the next node from the resuling nodes. * @function {object} iterateNext * @returns a Node, or undefined if there are no more nodes. */ /** * Returns the indexth item in the snapshot collection. * @function {object} snapshotItem * @param {number} i - index of resuling node to return. * @returns the Node, at provided index or undefined if invalid. */ if (f || !w.XPathResult) { function XPathResult (r, rt) { if (rt == 0) { switch (typeof r) { default: rt++; case 'boolean': rt++; case 'string': rt++; case 'number': rt++; } } this.resultType = rt; switch (rt) { case 1: this.numberValue = XPath.number(r); return; case 2: this.stringValue = XPath.string(r); return; case 3: this.booleanValue = XPath.bool(r); return; case 4: case 5: if (r instanceof Array) { this.value = r; this.index = 0; this.invalidIteratorState = false; return; } break; case 6: case 7: if (r instanceof Array) { this.value = r; this.snapshotLength = r.length; return; } break; case 8: case 9: if (r instanceof Array) { this.singleNodeValue = r[0]; return; } } throw new XPathException(52); } var r = XPathResult; r.ANY_TYPE = 0; r.NUMBER_TYPE = 1; r.STRING_TYPE = 2; r.BOOLEAN_TYPE = 3; r.UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE = 4; r.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE = 5; r.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE = 6; r.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE = 7; r.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE = 8; r.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE = 9; r.prototype = { iterateNext : function () { switch (this.resultType) { case 4: case 5: return this.value[this.index++]; } throw new XPathException(52); }, snapshotItem : function (i) { switch (this.resultType) { case 6: case 7: return this.value[i]; } throw new XPathException(52); } }; w.XPathResult = r; } /** * An interface with the XPath functionality. *

Document.prototype and/or document will be * extended using {@link install} to implements it’s functions.


See http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-XPath/xpath.html#XPathEvaluator.

* @interface XPathEvaluator * @author Henrik Lindqvist <henrik.lindqvist@llamalab.com> */ /** * Non-standard function that extends the provided object with {@link XPathEvaluator} functions. * @function {static} install * @param {object} o - object (i.e document node) to extend. * @param {optional boolean} f - force replace the build-in function even if they exists. */ /** * Creates a pre-parsed expression. * @function {XPathExpression} createExpression * @param {string} e - expression. * @param {XPathNSResolver} nsr - namespace resolver to use when evaluating, or null. * @returns a new {@link XPathExpression}. */ /** * Create a namespace resolver by scanning a node for xmlns: attributes. * @function {XPathNSResolver} createNSResolver * @param {Node} n - an Node with defined namespace attributes (i.e the documentElement). * @returns a new {@link XPathNSResolver}. */ /** * Evaluate an expression. *

Same as new XPathExpression(e, nsr).evaluate(n, rt).

* @function {XPathResult} evaluate * @param {string} e - XPath expression string. * @param {Node} n - context node. * @param {XPathNSResolver} nsr - namespace resolver to use when evaluating, or null. * @param {number} rt - return type, see {@link XPathResult}. * @param {XPathResult} r - {@link XPathResult} that maybe reuse, or null. Ignored. * @returns a {@link XPathResult}. */ if (f || !w.XPathEvaluator) { function XPathEvaluator () {} var e = XPathEvaluator; e.prototype = { createExpression : function (e, nsr) { return new XPathExpression(e, nsr); }, createNSResolver : function (n) { return new XPathNSResolver(n); }, evaluate : function (e, n, nsr, rt) { return new XPathExpression(e, nsr).evaluate(n, rt); } }; e.install = function (o, f) { for (var k in XPathEvaluator.prototype) if (f || !o[k]) o[k] = XPathEvaluator.prototype[k]; }; w.XPathEvaluator = e; if (w.Document) e.install(w.Document.prototype, f); else e.install(document, f); w.XPath = XPath; } })(window, document, (/WebKit/.test(navigator.userAgent) || /Node\.js/.test(navigator.userAgent))); // force replace?