from OFS.Folder import Folder from Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate import ZopePageTemplate from Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplateFile import PageTemplateFile from App.ImageFile import ImageFile #from Products.ZSimpleFile.ZSimpleFile import ZSimpleFile from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from AccessControl import getSecurityManager from Globals import package_home import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import os.path import sys import urllib import logging import math import urlparse import re import string from SrvTxtUtils import getInt, getText, getHttpData def logger(txt,method,txt2): """logging""" txt2) def serializeNode(node, encoding="utf-8"): """returns a string containing node as XML""" s = ET.tostring(node) # 4Suite: # stream = cStringIO.StringIO() # Ft.Xml.Domlette.Print(node, stream=stream, encoding=encoding) # s = stream.getvalue() # stream.close() return s def browserCheck(self): """check the browsers request to find out the browser type""" bt = {} ua = self.REQUEST.get_header("HTTP_USER_AGENT") bt['ua'] = ua bt['isIE'] = False bt['isN4'] = False bt['versFirefox']="" bt['versIE']="" bt['versSafariChrome']="" bt['versOpera']="" if string.find(ua, 'MSIE') > -1: bt['isIE'] = True else: bt['isN4'] = (string.find(ua, 'Mozilla/4.') > -1) # Safari oder Chrome identification try: nav = ua[string.find(ua, '('):] nav1=ua[string.find(ua,')'):] nav2=nav1[string.find(nav1,'('):] nav3=nav2[string.find(nav2,')'):] ie = string.split(nav, "; ")[1] ie1 =string.split(nav1, " ")[2] ie2 =string.split(nav3, " ")[1] ie3 =string.split(nav3, " ")[2] if string.find(ie3, "Safari") >-1: bt['versSafariChrome']=string.split(ie2, "/")[1] except: pass # IE identification try: nav = ua[string.find(ua, '('):] ie = string.split(nav, "; ")[1] if string.find(ie, "MSIE") > -1: bt['versIE'] = string.split(ie, " ")[1] except:pass # Firefox identification try: nav = ua[string.find(ua, '('):] nav1=ua[string.find(ua,')'):] if string.find(ie1, "Firefox") >-1: nav5= string.split(ie1, "/")[1] logging.debug("FIREFOX: %s"%(nav5)) bt['versFirefox']=nav5[0:3] except:pass #Opera identification try: if string.find(ua,"Opera") >-1: nav = ua[string.find(ua, '('):] nav1=nav[string.find(nav,')'):] bt['versOpera']=string.split(nav1,"/")[2] except:pass bt['isMac'] = string.find(ua, 'Macintosh') > -1 bt['isWin'] = string.find(ua, 'Windows') > -1 bt['isIEWin'] = bt['isIE'] and bt['isWin'] bt['isIEMac'] = bt['isIE'] and bt['isMac'] bt['staticHTML'] = False return bt def getParentPath(path, cnt=1): """returns pathname shortened by cnt""" # make sure path doesn't end with / path = path.rstrip('/') # split by /, shorten, and reassemble return '/'.join(path.split('/')[0:-cnt]) ## ## documentViewer class ## class documentViewer(Folder): """document viewer""" meta_type="Document viewer" security=ClassSecurityInfo() manage_options=Folder.manage_options+( {'label':'main config','action':'changeDocumentViewerForm'}, ) metadataService = None """MetaDataFolder instance""" # templates and forms viewer_text = PageTemplateFile('zpt/viewer_text', globals()) viewer_images = PageTemplateFile('zpt/viewer_images', globals()) viewer_main = PageTemplateFile('zpt/viewer_main', globals()) toc_thumbs = PageTemplateFile('zpt/toc_thumbs', globals()) toc_text = PageTemplateFile('zpt/toc_text', globals()) toc_figures = PageTemplateFile('zpt/toc_figures', globals()) page_main_images = PageTemplateFile('zpt/page_main_images', globals()) page_main_double = PageTemplateFile('zpt/page_main_double', globals()) page_main_text = PageTemplateFile('zpt/page_main_text', globals()) page_main_text_dict = PageTemplateFile('zpt/page_main_text_dict', globals()) page_main_gis =PageTemplateFile ('zpt/page_main_gis', globals()) page_main_xml = PageTemplateFile('zpt/page_main_xml', globals()) page_main_pureXml = PageTemplateFile('zpt/page_main_pureXml', globals()) head_main = PageTemplateFile('zpt/head_main', globals()) info_xml = PageTemplateFile('zpt/info_xml', globals()) # TODO: can this be nicer? docuviewer_css = ImageFile('css/docuviewer.css',globals()) thumbs_main_rss = PageTemplateFile('zpt/thumbs_main_rss', globals()) def __init__(self,id,imageScalerUrl=None,textServerName=None,title="",digilibBaseUrl=None,thumbcols=2,thumbrows=5,authgroups="mpiwg"): """init document viewer""" self.title=title self.thumbcols = thumbcols self.thumbrows = thumbrows # authgroups is list of authorized groups (delimited by ,) self.authgroups = [s.strip().lower() for s in authgroups.split(',')] # create template folder so we can always use template.something templateFolder = Folder('template') #self['template'] = templateFolder # Zope-2.12 style self._setObject('template',templateFolder) # old style try: import MpdlXmlTextServer textServer = MpdlXmlTextServer.MpdlXmlTextServer(id='fulltextclient',serverName=textServerName) #templateFolder['fulltextclient'] = xmlRpcClient templateFolder._setObject('fulltextclient',textServer) except Exception, e: logging.error("Unable to create MpdlXmlTextServer for fulltextclient: "+str(e)) try: from Products.zogiLib.zogiLib import zogiLib zogilib = zogiLib(id="zogilib", title="zogilib for docuviewer", dlServerURL=imageScalerUrl, layout="book") #templateFolder['zogilib'] = zogilib templateFolder._setObject('zogilib',zogilib) except Exception, e: logging.error("Unable to create zogiLib for zogilib: "+str(e)) try: # assume MetaDataFolder instance is called metadata self.metadataService = getattr(self, 'metadata') except Exception, e: logging.error("Unable to find MetaDataFolder 'metadata': "+str(e)) if digilibBaseUrl is not None: self.digilibBaseUrl = digilibBaseUrl # proxy text server methods to fulltextclient def getTextPage(self, **args): """get page""" return self.template.fulltextclient.getTextPage(**args) def getOrigPages(self, **args): """get page""" return self.template.fulltextclient.getOrigPages(**args) def getOrigPagesNorm(self, **args): """get page""" return self.template.fulltextclient.getOrigPagesNorm(**args) def getQuery(self, **args): """get query in search""" return self.template.fulltextclient.getQuery(**args) def getSearch(self, **args): """get search""" return self.template.fulltextclient.getSearch(**args) def getGisPlaces(self, **args): """get gis places""" return self.template.fulltextclient.getGisPlaces(**args) def getAllGisPlaces(self, **args): """get all gis places """ return self.template.fulltextclient.getAllGisPlaces(**args) def getWordInfo(self, **args): """get translate""" return self.template.fulltextclient.getWordInfo(**args) def getLemma(self, **args): """get lemma""" return self.template.fulltextclient.getLemma(**args) def getLemmaQuery(self, **args): """get query""" return self.template.fulltextclient.getLemmaQuery(**args) def getLex(self, **args): """get lex""" return self.template.fulltextclient.getLex(**args) def getToc(self, **args): """get toc""" return self.template.fulltextclient.getToc(**args) def getTocPage(self, **args): """get tocpage""" return self.template.fulltextclient.getTocPage(**args) security.declareProtected('View','thumbs_rss') def thumbs_rss(self,mode,url,viewMode="auto",start=None,pn=1): ''' view it @param mode: defines how to access the document behind url @param url: url which contains display information @param viewMode: if images display images, if text display text, default is images (text,images or auto) ''' logging.debug("HHHHHHHHHHHHHH:load the rss") logging.debug("documentViewer (index) mode: %s url:%s start:%s pn:%s"%(mode,url,start,pn)) if not hasattr(self, 'template'): # create template folder if it doesn't exist self.manage_addFolder('template') if not self.digilibBaseUrl: self.digilibBaseUrl = self.findDigilibUrl() or "" docinfo = self.getDocinfo(mode=mode,url=url) #pageinfo = self.getPageinfo(start=start,current=pn,docinfo=docinfo) pageinfo = self.getPageinfo(start=start,current=pn, docinfo=docinfo) ''' ZDES ''' pt = getattr(self.template, 'thumbs_main_rss') if viewMode=="auto": # automodus gewaehlt if docinfo.has_key("textURL") or docinfo.get('textURLPath',None): #texturl gesetzt und textViewer konfiguriert viewMode="text" else: viewMode="images" return pt(docinfo=docinfo,pageinfo=pageinfo,viewMode=viewMode) security.declareProtected('View','index_html') def index_html(self,url,mode="texttool",viewMode="auto",viewType=None,tocMode="thumbs",start=1,pn=1): """ view page @param url: url which contains display information @param mode: defines how to access the document behind url @param viewMode: 'images': display images, 'text': display text, default is 'auto' @param viewType: sub-type of viewMode, e.g. 'dict' for viewMode='text' @param tocMode: type of 'table of contents' for navigation (thumbs, text, figures, none) """ logging.debug("documentViewer(index_html) mode=%s url=%s viewMode=%s viewType=%s start=%s pn=%s"%(mode,url,viewMode,viewType,start,pn)) if not hasattr(self, 'template'): # this won't work logging.error("template folder missing!") return "ERROR: template folder missing!" if not getattr(self, 'digilibBaseUrl', None): self.digilibBaseUrl = self.findDigilibUrl() or "" docinfo = self.getDocinfo(mode=mode,url=url) if tocMode != "thumbs": # get table of contents docinfo = self.getToc(mode=tocMode, docinfo=docinfo) # auto viewMode: text if there is a text else images if viewMode=="auto": if docinfo.get('textURL', None) or docinfo.get('textURLPath', None): viewMode = "text" viewType = "dict" else: viewMode = "images" elif viewMode == "text_dict": # legacy fix viewMode = "text" viewType = "dict" # stringify viewType if isinstance(viewType, list): logging.debug("index_html: viewType is list:%s"%viewType) viewType = ','.join([t for t in viewType if t]) pageinfo = self.getPageinfo(start=start, current=pn, docinfo=docinfo, viewMode=viewMode, viewType=viewType, tocMode=tocMode) # get template /template/viewer_$viewMode pt = getattr(self.template, 'viewer_%s'%viewMode, None) if pt is None: logging.error("No template for viewMode=%s!"%viewMode) # TODO: error page? return "No template for viewMode=%s!"%viewMode # and execute with parameters return pt(docinfo=docinfo, pageinfo=pageinfo) def generateMarks(self,mk): ret="" if mk is None: return "" if not isinstance(mk, list): mk=[mk] for m in mk: ret+="mk=%s"%m return ret def getBrowser(self): """getBrowser the version of browser """ bt = browserCheck(self) logging.debug("BROWSER VERSION: %s"%(bt)) return bt def findDigilibUrl(self): """try to get the digilib URL from zogilib""" url = self.template.zogilib.getDLBaseUrl() return url def getScalerUrl(self, fn=None, pn=None, dw=100, dh=100, docinfo=None): """returns URL to digilib Scaler with params""" url = None if docinfo is not None: url = docinfo.get('imageURL', None) if url is None: url = "%s/servlet/Scaler?"%self.digilibBaseUrl if fn is None and docinfo is not None: fn = docinfo.get('imagePath','') url += "fn=%s"%fn if pn: url += "&pn=%s"%pn url += "&dw=%s&dh=%s"%(dw,dh) return url def getDocumentViewerURL(self): """returns the URL of this instance""" return self.absolute_url() def getStyle(self, idx, selected, style=""): """returns a string with the given style and append 'sel' if idx == selected.""" #logger("documentViewer (getstyle)", logging.INFO, "idx: %s selected: %s style: %s"%(idx,selected,style)) if idx == selected: return style + 'sel' else: return style def getParams(self, param=None, val=None, params=None, duplicates=None): """returns dict with URL parameters. Takes URL parameters and additionally param=val or dict params. Deletes key if value is None.""" # copy existing request params newParams=self.REQUEST.form.copy() # change single param if param is not None: if val is None: if newParams.has_key(param): del newParams[param] else: newParams[param] = str(val) # change more params if params is not None: for (k, v) in params.items(): if v is None: # val=None removes param if newParams.has_key(k): del newParams[k] else: newParams[k] = v if duplicates: # eliminate lists (coming from duplicate keys) for (k,v) in newParams.items(): if isinstance(v, list): if duplicates == 'comma': # make comma-separated list of non-empty entries newParams[k] = ','.join([t for t in v if t]) elif duplicates == 'first': # take first non-empty entry newParams[k] = [t for t in v if t][0] return newParams def getLink(self, param=None, val=None, params=None, baseUrl=None, paramSep='&', duplicates='comma'): """returns URL to documentviewer with parameter param set to val or from dict params""" urlParams = self.getParams(param=param, val=val, params=params, duplicates=duplicates) # quote values and assemble into query string (not escaping '/') ps = paramSep.join(["%s=%s"%(k,urllib.quote_plus(unicode(v),'/')) for (k, v) in urlParams.items()]) if baseUrl is None: baseUrl = self.getDocumentViewerURL() url = "%s?%s"%(baseUrl, ps) return url def getLinkAmp(self, param=None, val=None, params=None, baseUrl=None, duplicates='comma'): """link to documentviewer with parameter param set to val""" return self.getLink(param=param, val=val, params=params, baseUrl=baseUrl, paramSep='&', duplicates=duplicates) def getInfo_xml(self,url,mode): """returns info about the document as XML""" if not self.digilibBaseUrl: self.digilibBaseUrl = self.findDigilibUrl() or "" docinfo = self.getDocinfo(mode=mode,url=url) pt = getattr(self.template, 'info_xml') return pt(docinfo=docinfo) def isAccessible(self, docinfo): """returns if access to the resource is granted""" access = docinfo.get('accessType', None) logging.debug("documentViewer (accessOK) access type %s"%access) if access == 'free': logging.debug("documentViewer (accessOK) access is free") return True elif access is None or access in self.authgroups: # only local access -- only logged in users user = getSecurityManager().getUser() logging.debug("documentViewer (accessOK) user=%s ip=%s"%(user,self.REQUEST.getClientAddr())) if user is not None: #print "user: ", user return (user.getUserName() != "Anonymous User") else: return False logging.error("documentViewer (accessOK) unknown access type %s"%access) return False def getDocinfo(self, mode, url): """returns docinfo depending on mode""" logging.debug("getDocinfo: mode=%s, url=%s"%(mode,url)) # look for cached docinfo in session if self.REQUEST.SESSION.has_key('docinfo'): docinfo = self.REQUEST.SESSION['docinfo'] # check if its still current if docinfo is not None and docinfo.get('mode', None) == mode and docinfo.get('url', None) == url: logging.debug("getDocinfo: docinfo in session. keys=%s"%docinfo.keys()) return docinfo # new docinfo docinfo = {'mode': mode, 'url': url} # add self url docinfo['viewerUrl'] = self.getDocumentViewerURL() docinfo['digilibBaseUrl'] = self.digilibBaseUrl # get index.meta DOM docUrl = None metaDom = None if mode=="texttool": # url points to document dir or index.meta metaDom = self.metadataService.getDomFromPathOrUrl(url) docUrl = url.replace('/index.meta', '') if metaDom is None: raise IOError("Unable to find index.meta for mode=texttool!") elif mode=="imagepath": # url points to folder with images, index.meta optional # asssume index.meta in parent dir docUrl = getParentPath(url) metaDom = self.metadataService.getDomFromPathOrUrl(docUrl) elif mode=="filepath": # url points to image file, index.meta optional # asssume index.meta is two path segments up docUrl = getParentPath(url, 2) metaDom = self.metadataService.getDomFromPathOrUrl(docUrl) else: logging.error("documentViewer (getdocinfo) unknown mode: %s!"%mode) raise ValueError("Unknown mode %s! Has to be one of 'texttool','imagepath','filepath'."%(mode)) docinfo['documentUrl'] = docUrl # process index.meta contents if metaDom is not None and metaDom.tag == 'resource': # document directory name and path resource = self.metadataService.getResourceData(dom=metaDom) if resource: docinfo = self.getDocinfoFromResource(docinfo, resource) # texttool info texttool = self.metadataService.getTexttoolData(dom=metaDom) if texttool: docinfo = self.getDocinfoFromTexttool(docinfo, texttool) # bib info bib = self.metadataService.getBibData(dom=metaDom) if bib: docinfo = self.getDocinfoFromBib(docinfo, bib) else: # no bib - try info.xml docinfo = self.getDocinfoFromPresentationInfoXml(docinfo) # auth info access = self.metadataService.getAccessData(dom=metaDom) if access: docinfo = self.getDocinfoFromAccess(docinfo, access) # attribution info attribution = self.metadataService.getAttributionData(dom=metaDom) if attribution: logging.debug("getDocinfo: attribution=%s"%repr(attribution)) docinfo['attribution'] = attribution #docinfo = self.getDocinfoFromAccess(docinfo, access) # copyright info copyright = self.metadataService.getCopyrightData(dom=metaDom) if copyright: logging.debug("getDocinfo: copyright=%s"%repr(copyright)) docinfo['copyright'] = copyright #docinfo = self.getDocinfoFromAccess(docinfo, access) # image path if mode != 'texttool': # override image path from texttool with url docinfo['imagePath'] = url.replace('/mpiwg/online/', '', 1) # number of images from digilib if docinfo.get('imagePath', None): docinfo['imageURL'] = self.digilibBaseUrl + "/servlet/Scaler?fn=" + docinfo['imagePath'] docinfo = self.getDocinfoFromDigilib(docinfo, docinfo['imagePath']) logging.debug("documentViewer (getdocinfo) docinfo: keys=%s"%docinfo.keys()) #logging.debug("documentViewer (getdocinfo) docinfo: %s"%docinfo) # store in session self.REQUEST.SESSION['docinfo'] = docinfo return docinfo def getDocinfoFromResource(self, docinfo, resource): """reads contents of resource element into docinfo""" docName = resource.get('name', None) docinfo['documentName'] = docName docPath = resource.get('archive-path', None) if docPath: # clean up document path if docPath[0] != '/': docPath = '/' + docPath if docName and (not docPath.endswith(docName)): docPath += "/" + docName else: # use docUrl as docPath docUrl = docinfo['documentURL'] if not docUrl.startswith('http:'): docPath = docUrl if docPath: # fix URLs starting with /mpiwg/online docPath = docPath.replace('/mpiwg/online', '', 1) docinfo['documentPath'] = docPath return docinfo def getDocinfoFromTexttool(self, docinfo, texttool): """reads contents of texttool element into docinfo""" # image dir imageDir = texttool.get('image', None) docPath = docinfo.get('documentPath', None) if imageDir and docPath: #print "image: ", imageDir, " archivepath: ", archivePath imageDir = os.path.join(docPath, imageDir) imageDir = imageDir.replace('/mpiwg/online', '', 1) docinfo['imagePath'] = imageDir # old style text URL textUrl = texttool.get('text', None) if textUrl and docPath: if urlparse.urlparse(textUrl)[0] == "": #keine url textUrl = os.path.join(docPath, textUrl) docinfo['textURL'] = textUrl # new style text-url-path textUrl = texttool.get('text-url-path', None) if textUrl: docinfo['textURLPath'] = textUrl # page flow docinfo['pageFlow'] = texttool.get('page-flow', 'ltr') # odd pages are left docinfo['oddPage'] = texttool.get('odd-scan-position', 'left') # number of title page (0: not defined) docinfo['titlePage'] = texttool.get('title-scan-no', 0) # old presentation stuff presentation = texttool.get('presentation', None) if presentation and docPath: if presentation.startswith('http:'): docinfo['presentationUrl'] = presentation else: docinfo['presentationUrl'] = os.path.join(docPath, presentation) return docinfo def getDocinfoFromBib(self, docinfo, bib): """reads contents of bib element into docinfo""" logging.debug("getDocinfoFromBib bib=%s"%repr(bib)) # put all raw bib fields in dict "bib" docinfo['bib'] = bib bibtype = bib.get('@type', None) docinfo['bibType'] = bibtype # also store DC metadata for convenience dc = self.metadataService.getDCMappedData(bib) docinfo['creator'] = dc.get('creator',None) docinfo['title'] = dc.get('title',None) docinfo['date'] = dc.get('date',None) return docinfo def getDocinfoFromAccess(self, docinfo, acc): """reads contents of access element into docinfo""" #TODO: also read resource type logging.debug("getDocinfoFromAccess acc=%s"%repr(acc)) try: acctype = acc['@attr']['type'] if acctype: access=acctype if access in ['group', 'institution']: access = acc['name'].lower() docinfo['accessType'] = access except: pass return docinfo def getDocinfoFromDigilib(self, docinfo, path): infoUrl=self.digilibBaseUrl+"/dirInfo-xml.jsp?mo=dir&fn="+path # fetch data txt = getHttpData(infoUrl) if not txt: logging.error("Unable to get dir-info from %s"%(infoUrl)) return docinfo dom = ET.fromstring(txt) size = getText(dom.find("size")) logging.debug("getDocinfoFromDigilib: size=%s"%size) if size: docinfo['numPages'] = int(size) else: docinfo['numPages'] = 0 # TODO: produce and keep list of image names and numbers return docinfo def getDocinfoFromPresentationInfoXml(self,docinfo): """gets DC-like bibliographical information from the presentation entry in texttools""" url = docinfo.get('presentationUrl', None) if not url: logging.error("getDocinfoFromPresentation: no URL!") return docinfo dom = None metaUrl = None if url.startswith("http://"): # real URL metaUrl = url else: # online path server=self.digilibBaseUrl+"/servlet/Texter?fn=" metaUrl=server+url txt=getHttpData(metaUrl) if txt is None: logging.error("Unable to read info.xml from %s"%(url)) return docinfo dom = ET.fromstring(txt) docinfo['creator']=getText(dom.find(".//author")) docinfo['title']=getText(dom.find(".//title")) docinfo['date']=getText(dom.find(".//date")) return docinfo def getPageinfo(self, current=None, start=None, rows=None, cols=None, docinfo=None, viewMode=None, viewType=None, tocMode=None): """returns pageinfo with the given parameters""" logging.debug("getPageInfo(current=%s, start=%s, rows=%s, cols=%s, viewMode=%s, viewType=%s, tocMode=%s)"%(current,start,rows,cols,viewMode,viewType,tocMode)) pageinfo = {} pageinfo['viewMode'] = viewMode pageinfo['viewType'] = viewType pageinfo['tocMode'] = tocMode current = getInt(current) pageinfo['current'] = current pageinfo['pn'] = current rows = int(rows or self.thumbrows) pageinfo['rows'] = rows cols = int(cols or self.thumbcols) pageinfo['cols'] = cols grpsize = cols * rows pageinfo['groupsize'] = grpsize # is start is empty use one around current start = getInt(start, default=(math.ceil(float(current)/float(grpsize))*grpsize-(grpsize-1))) # int(current / grpsize) * grpsize +1)) pageinfo['start'] = start np = int(docinfo.get('numPages', 0)) if np == 0: # numPages unknown - maybe we can get it from text page if docinfo.get('textURLPath', None): # cache text page as well pageinfo['textPage'] = self.getTextPage(mode=viewType, pn=current, docinfo=docinfo, pageinfo=pageinfo) np = int(docinfo.get('numPages', 0)) pageinfo['numgroups'] = int(np / grpsize) if np % grpsize > 0: pageinfo['numgroups'] += 1 pageFlowLtr = docinfo.get('pageFlow', 'ltr') != 'rtl' oddScanLeft = docinfo.get('oddPage', 'left') != 'right' # add zeroth page for two columns pageZero = (cols == 2 and (pageFlowLtr != oddScanLeft)) pageinfo['pageZero'] = pageZero pageinfo['pageBatch'] = self.getPageBatch(start=start, rows=rows, cols=cols, pageFlowLtr=pageFlowLtr, pageZero=pageZero, minIdx=1, maxIdx=np) # TODO: do we need this here? pageinfo['characterNormalization'] = self.REQUEST.get('characterNormalization','reg') pageinfo['query'] = self.REQUEST.get('query','') pageinfo['queryType'] = self.REQUEST.get('queryType','') pageinfo['querySearch'] =self.REQUEST.get('querySearch', 'fulltext') pageinfo['highlightQuery'] = self.REQUEST.get('highlightQuery','') pageinfo['tocPageSize'] = getInt(self.REQUEST.get('tocPageSize', 30)) pageinfo['queryPageSize'] = getInt(self.REQUEST.get('queryPageSize', 10)) pageinfo['tocPN'] = getInt(self.REQUEST.get('tocPN', '1')) pageinfo['searchPN'] = getInt(self.REQUEST.get('searchPN','1')) # limit tocPN if 'tocSize_%s'%tocMode in docinfo: tocSize = docinfo['tocSize_%s'%tocMode] tocPageSize = pageinfo['tocPageSize'] # cached toc if tocSize%tocPageSize>0: tocPages=tocSize/tocPageSize+1 else: tocPages=tocSize/tocPageSize pageinfo['tocPN'] = min(tocPages,pageinfo['tocPN']) return pageinfo def getPageBatch(self, start=1, rows=10, cols=2, pageFlowLtr=True, pageZero=False, minIdx=1, maxIdx=0): """returns dict with array of page informations for one screenfull of thumbnails""" batch = {} grpsize = rows * cols if maxIdx == 0: maxIdx = start + grpsize nb = int(math.ceil(maxIdx / float(grpsize))) # list of all batch start and end points batches = [] if pageZero: ofs = 0 else: ofs = 1 for i in range(nb): s = i * grpsize + ofs e = min((i + 1) * grpsize + ofs - 1, maxIdx) batches.append({'start':s, 'end':e}) batch['batches'] = batches pages = [] if pageZero and start == 1: # correct beginning idx = 0 else: idx = start for r in range(rows): row = [] for c in range(cols): if idx < minIdx or idx > maxIdx: page = {'idx':None} else: page = {'idx':idx} idx += 1 if pageFlowLtr: row.append(page) else: row.insert(0, page) pages.append(row) if start > 1: batch['prevStart'] = max(start - grpsize, 1) else: batch['prevStart'] = None if start + grpsize < maxIdx: batch['nextStart'] = start + grpsize else: batch['nextStart'] = None batch['pages'] = pages return batch def getBatch(self, start=1, size=10, end=0, data=None, fullData=True): """returns dict with information for one screenfull of data.""" batch = {} if end == 0: end = start + size nb = int(math.ceil(end / float(size))) # list of all batch start and end points batches = [] for i in range(nb): s = i * size + 1 e = min((i + 1) * size, end) batches.append({'start':s, 'end':e}) batch['batches'] = batches # list of elements in this batch this = [] j = 0 for i in range(start, min(start+size, end)): if data: if fullData: d = data[i] else: d = data[j] j += 1 else: d = i+1 this.append(d) batch['this'] = this if start > 1: batch['prevStart'] = max(start - size, 1) else: batch['prevStart'] = None if start + size < end: batch['nextStart'] = start + size else: batch['nextStart'] = None return batch security.declareProtected('View management screens','changeDocumentViewerForm') changeDocumentViewerForm = PageTemplateFile('zpt/changeDocumentViewer', globals()) def changeDocumentViewer(self,title="",digilibBaseUrl=None,thumbrows=2,thumbcols=5,authgroups='mpiwg',RESPONSE=None): """init document viewer""" self.title=title self.digilibBaseUrl = digilibBaseUrl self.thumbrows = thumbrows self.thumbcols = thumbcols self.authgroups = [s.strip().lower() for s in authgroups.split(',')] try: # assume MetaDataFolder instance is called metadata self.metadataService = getattr(self, 'metadata') except Exception, e: logging.error("Unable to find MetaDataFolder 'metadata': "+str(e)) if RESPONSE is not None: RESPONSE.redirect('manage_main') def manage_AddDocumentViewerForm(self): """add the viewer form""" pt=PageTemplateFile('zpt/addDocumentViewer', globals()).__of__(self) return pt() def manage_AddDocumentViewer(self,id,imageScalerUrl="",textServerName="",title="",RESPONSE=None): """add the viewer""" newObj=documentViewer(id,imageScalerUrl=imageScalerUrl,title=title,textServerName=textServerName) self._setObject(id,newObj) if RESPONSE is not None: RESPONSE.redirect('manage_main')