10 years |
casties |
updated annotation templates to new digilib-annotator version 1.3.5
10 years |
dwinter |
text image viewer eingecheckt
10 years |
casties |
fix bug with sslify in template.
10 years |
casties |
make sslify accessible for templates.
10 years |
casties |
make annotationServerUrl work with protocol-relative URL ().
10 years |
casties |
use https for annotations and fix bug when logging httplib errors.
10 years |
casties |
revert layer_text_annotator to old version and fix …
11 years |
dwinter |
alpaha of hocr server support
11 years |
dwinter |
bug fix, configure annotation pageuri
11 years |
dwinter |
hocr viewer eingebaut
12 years |
casties |
works with new notes and notesHandwritten.
12 years |
casties |
show is-part-of relation in header.
12 years |
casties |
CLOSED - # 268: display of subdocuments …
12 years |
casties |
fixed bug in indexonly with no image.
12 years |
casties |
fixed bug when mapping doesn't exist.
12 years |
casties |
more better thumbnail on index page.
12 years |
casties |
better handling of no images in index page.
12 years |
casties |
add markdown plugin for annotator.
12 years |
casties |
add markdown plugin for annotator.
12 years |
casties |
normalize uri of annotated image.
12 years |
casties |
use digilib-mpiwg.html for digilib.
12 years |
casties |
image search layer uses different color for its annotations.
12 years |
casties |
now image search layer uses either dri or uri.
12 years |
casties |
use dri and uri for ocrsearch (should be either or).
12 years |
casties |
rearranged viewer templates into folder.
12 years |
casties |
changed layer image_ocrsearch to image_search.
12 years |
casties |
ocrsearch gets new server url and is hidden when no query.
12 years |
casties |
ocrsearch layer for images.
12 years |
casties |
viewMode "images" changed to "image".
12 years |
casties |
bug with missing current param.
12 years |
casties |
new parameter "pf" to specify image file name. (still some issues)
12 years |
casties |
fixed annotationServerUrl.
12 years |
casties |
new annotator layer for images.
12 years |
casties |
new viewmode=indexonly as coverpage for pdf-generation.
12 years |
casties |
show permanent url on index page.
12 years |
casties |
update in w-tag format.
12 years |
casties |
displays context data on index page
12 years |
casties |
toc with list of handwritten notes.
12 years |
casties |
nicer batching of tocs
12 years |
casties |
more resilience to server errors.
12 years |
casties |
first version of MpiwgXmlTextServer?.
12 years |
casties |
new toc thumb replacement.
12 years |
casties |
bugfixes for stability.
12 years |
casties |
CLOSED - # 256: display texts from different backends (sandbox) …
12 years |
casties |
uses escidoc-dri (instead of -test). updated default license display …
12 years |
casties |
"extended" layer for index view and some bugfixes.
12 years |
casties |
first step to layers for index view.
12 years |
casties |
better configurable annotation server.
12 years |
casties |
resource uri not with dri.
12 years |
casties |
setting resource for annotations.
12 years |
casties |
layer template for pundit layer
12 years |
casties |
small fixes.
12 years |
casties |
enabled Annotator Tags plugin.
12 years |
casties |
use normalized uri (e.g. …
12 years |
casties |
ASSIGNED - # 249: Annotations shared in groups …
12 years |
casties |
fixed missing button for text layers.
12 years |
casties |
fixed problem with dict-mode in default view.
added configurable …
12 years |
casties |
nicer index page.
12 years |
casties |
better metadata display for index page.
12 years |
casties |
more nicer
12 years |
casties |
more nicer
13 years |
casties |
digilib buttons get icons. pid on index page.
13 years |
casties |
fixes closing tickets concerning tocs.
13 years |
casties |
new version of index page. improvements for digilib page and thumbnail …
13 years |
casties |
more fixes, e.g. IE support. first version of index page.
13 years |
casties |
small fixes.
13 years |
casties |
new layout and styles.
13 years |
casties |
new AnnotationManager? URL
13 years |
casties |
fix problems with texttool/text
13 years |
casties |
new viewMode=thumbs.
13 years |
casties |
fixed bug with text when layer is only annotator.
13 years |
casties |
moved search and dict into separate layers.
removed search_template. …
13 years |
casties |
layers can have their own templates.
first version of annotations layer.
13 years |
root |
fixed bug with original page numbers at the end of thumbnail list.
13 years |
casties |
moved Annotator AuthTokenGenerator? to its own product.
13 years |
casties |
AuthTokenGenerator? works now.
13 years |
casties |
uses xml info from doc-info.xql for table of contents now.
13 years |
casties |
add methods to use doc-info.xql.
read list of page numbers from …
13 years |
casties |
more cleanup.
13 years |
casties |
search works even with unicode…
13 years |
casties |
Merge from elementtree branch
13 years |
casties |
fix pageFlow.
13 years |
casties |
more cleanup.
search really works now.
13 years |
casties |
more search. nicer css.
13 years |
casties |
try to get characterNormalization in search result working.
13 years |
casties |
more cleanup.
search works mostly now.
layers work better now.
13 years |
casties |
cleaned out all 4suite code and weird methods.
fixed GIS places.
13 years |
casties |
title also for non-bib-tag.
13 years |
casties |
viewer_xml works now.
13 years |
casties |
more cleanup.
made viewType into viewLayer and viewType=xml into …
13 years |
casties |
more cleanup.
13 years |
casties |
more cleanup.
viewMode=index works now.
moved common template parts in …
13 years |
casties |
use new digilibUrl open_new action.
13 years |
casties |
more cleanup. new template for viewMode=index (not pretty so far).
13 years |
casties |
more clean up.
works with new jquery digilib.
15 years |
casties |
update branch to latest version of HEAD (with modularisierung branch)
13 years |
casties |
first button for digilib
13 years |
casties |
working on digilib template.
13 years |
casties |
added toc_none template.
13 years |
casties |
more new template stuff. moved ImageFile? index method to SrvTxtUtils?