
Version 4 (modified by casties, 11 years ago) (diff)



AnnotationManagerN4J is an annotation server compatible with the Annotator client implementing the Annotator storage API (with some extensions).

It is written in Java using the Restlet framework and the Neo4J graph database. It is built using Maven.


The source code can be browsed here or in the Mercurial repository at


To check out and build AnnotationManagerN4J you need Mercurial and Maven:

  1. hg clone
  2. cd AnnotationManagerN4J
  3. mvn package (this produces the webapp as a directory target/AnnotationManager or war file target/AnnotationManager.war)


Before you can build AnnotationManagerN4J you need the jsontoken library in version 1.1 which is currently not automatically included by Maven. You have to check out the source code from using SVN and build with Maven:

  1. svn checkout jsontoken
  2. cd jsontoken
  3. mvn install


The server is configured through the file in the WEB-INF folder in the webapp directory.

The file is in Java property file syntax and might look like this:

# directory where Neo4J keeps its files (otherwise the files will be put in the webapp directory)
annotationmanager.graphdb.path = /usr/local/neo4j/dbs/AnnotationManager
# LDAP server URL for getting full names for IDs (otherwise no full names)
annotationmanager.ldapserver.url = ldap://,dc=mpg,dc=de
# user name and password for the admin frontend for Persons and Groups
annotationmanager.admin.user = superuser
annotationmanager.admin.password = superpassword

The server also has a list of API client keys that are used to authenticate Tokens from the token servers. On the annotation server the keys are in the file in the WEB-INF folder in the webapp directory.

The file is in Java property file syntax and might look like this:

# format: consumerKey = consumerSecret
#         consumerKey.label = Label
test1 = abcdef
test1.label = TEST