= Web Annotation Projects = == [[AnnotationManagerN4J]] == AnnotationManagerN4J is an annotation server compatible with [[http://okfnlabs.org/annotator/|Annotator]] clients implementing the [[https://github.com/okfn/annotator/wiki/Storage|Annotator storage API]] (with some extensions). It is written in Java using the [[http://www.restlet.org/|Restlet]] framework and the [[http://neo4j.org/|Neo4J]] graph database. It is built using [[http://maven.apache.org/|Maven]]. The source code can be browsed [[source:AnnotationManagerN4J|here]] or in the Mercurial repository at https://it-dev.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/hg/AnnotationManagerN4J/ [[AnnotationManagerN4J|More information...]] == [[OKFNAnnotator]] == OKFNAnnotator is a [[http://zope2.zope.org/|Zope]] product that provides a token server for [[http://okfnlabs.org/annotator/|Annotator]] clients and the Annotator Javascript files. It is written in Python for the [[http://zope2.zope.org/|Zope]] web application server. The source code can be browsed [[source:OKFNAnnotator|here]] or in the Mercurial repository at https://it-dev.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/hg/OKFNAnnotator/ [[OKFNAnnotator|More information...]] ------- For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex.