Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Owner: dwinter (1 match)

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#1 Check in DWs Version to work with Java 1.5 and higher new todo major 01: unification of old code base backend

Owner: (none) (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#2 analyse class structure new todo major 02: code base cleanup backend
#3 Build Java packages etc new todo major 02: code base cleanup backend
#4 Modularize new todo major 01: unification of old code base backend
#7 Access to New Donatus new todo major 02: code base cleanup GUI
#8 Arboreal should use standardized commands new feature request major GUI
#9 Arboreal should have a consistent UI new feature request major GUI
#10 Arboreal should have a more intuitive UI new feature request major GUI
#11 Arboreal should behave more Mac-like on a Mac new feature request major GUI
#5 Documentation new todo minor 01: unification of old code base backend
#6 Font-Handling new todo minor GUI
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.