Custom Query (28 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#1 Access rights management somebody enhancement new major Mappit 1.2
#2 Eclipse setup for Zope task closed major
#3 Implementation of WMS from GeoServer to GoogleMaps task new major Mappit 1.2
#4 Import of image-files into WMS via Frontend task new major Mappit 1.2
#5 Implementation of GUI-function for digitized (XML-)texts task new major MPDL-GIS 1.2
#6 RESTful access to ZOPE-functions enhancement closed major
#7 List and table access via REST casties enhancement closed major
#8 create and edit functions via REST enhancement new major Mappit 1.2
#9 local and global search functions via REST task new major Mappit 1.2
#10 search and input functions from maps task new major Mappit 1.2
#11 create emtpy table enhancement new major Mappit 1.2
#12 create table and upload data enhancement closed major
#13 create or edit a view enhancement new major Mappit 1.2
#14 GIS links: view starts with map of China defect closed minor
#15 GIS links: zoom level defect closed major
#16 GIS links: "book" doesn't work fknauft defect new major MPDL-GIS 1.1
#17 GIS links: unknown locations defect new major MPDL-GIS 1.1
#18 Upload of XML-Tables with empty cells does not work properly fknauft defect closed major
#19 Backlinks to GIS: there's no way back fknauft defect closed major MPDL-GIS 1.1
#20 Anzeige von langen Tabelleninhalten bei "Mouse-over" fknauft defect new major Mappit 1.1
#21 Eingefärbte Polygon-Flächen fknauft task new major Mappit 1.1
#22 Layout und Auswahlmöglichkeiten im "Layer Options"-Block fknauft enhancement new major Mappit 1.1
#23 Header-Menüs in den Blocks aktivieren fknauft task new major Mappit 1.1
#24 Create (empty) Map fknauft task new major Mappit 1.1
#25 Polygon-Linien zu Polygon-ID fknauft task closed major Mappit 1.1
#26 Links from MPDL to GIS broken fknauft defect closed critical MPDL-GIS 1.1
#27 "the_geom" in Klartext fknauft enhancement closed minor Mappit 1.1
#28 Reload-Button für Layer- und Map-Block fknauft task closed minor Mappit 1.1
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.