Custom Query (56 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#1 Set selection for EditPart in Mediastation diagram when navigtion item is selected somebody task closed major
#2 Background image for Scene jdamerow task closed major
#3 Linking scenes via images jdamerow task closed major
#4 Linking modules from scenes jdamerow task closed major
#5 Overview map - Linking scenes and modules jdamerow task new major
#6 Templates for modules jdamerow task closed major
#7 Loading images into modules jdamerow task closed major
#8 Loading text into modules jdamerow task closed major
#9 Handle proxies in navigator view jdamerow defect closed major
#10 Graphical Editor Error jdamerow defect closed major
#11 Double click on module in navigation tree jdamerow defect new major
#12 Handle multiple editing domains jdamerow task closed major
#13 Selectiondialog for selecting workspace jdamerow task closed major
#14 Split Scene-Diagram in severeal diagrams (e.g. floors) jdamerow proposal new major
#15 Properties view doesnt use file chooser etc. when diplayed from Navigatortree jdamerow defect closed major
#16 1 link type for all links from scenes to modules and to scenes jdamerow proposal new major
#17 Backlink between scenes jdamerow proposal new major
#18 Floors or sections for organizing scenes jdamerow proposal closed major
#19 Use sequences in other modules jdamerow proposal new major
#20 texts for slides may contain html-tags jdamerow task closed major
#21 Branching point choice shows all sequences for target sequence. jdamerow defect closed major
#22 workspace path must be set when mediastation editor is active editor at startupl jdamerow defect closed major
#23 texts can not be added to slide jdamerow defect closed major
#24 Validation jdamerow task closed major
#25 Validation view jdamerow task closed major
#26 Rescale scene images jdamerow task new major
#27 Exhibiton Map jdamerow enhancement new major
#28 Remove not used objects from Palette jdamerow task closed major
#29 Create "not configured" pages for exhibition modules without startsequence, etc. jdamerow task closed major
#30 Open message "open main diagram" when main diagram is not open when validating model jdamerow task closed major
#31 circle in sequence -> build correct branching point link jdamerow task new major
#32 Progress bar for validation jdamerow task closed major
#33 Several languages jdamerow task closed major
#34 Change to oAW? jdamerow task closed major
#35 workspace manager with several editors? jdamerow defect closed major
#36 validator of language dialog have to get new values in list jdamerow defect closed major
#37 disable not available menu entries jdamerow task closed major
#38 project manager needed for handling project information like languages and workspace path jdamerow task closed major
#39 new GUI for contents of exhibition module jdamerow task closed major
#40 properties view for eobjects does not update after modifying a property value jdamerow defect new minor
#41 Exception Handling jdamerow task new major
#42 preview of generated webpage for slides (and maybe scenes) jdamerow task closed major
#43 extend validation jdamerow task closed major
#44 save items for language should be parametrized with module id jdamerow task closed major
#45 progress bar for various tasks jdamerow task new major
#46 back-Button in scenes jdamerow task closed major
#47 arrow positioning jdamerow task closed major
#48 validation view needs listener to get results of validation when activated jdamerow defect closed major
#49 module should be saved by main editor when title was added jdamerow task new major
#50 slides should be convertable to branching points and vice versa jdamerow task new major
#51 local image management jdamerow task assigned major
#52 image size for background images when local image collection is used jdamerow defect closed major
#53 Sitemap keywords should be editable jdamerow task new major
#54 main editor should be closeable jdamerow task new major
#55 main templates should be editable jdamerow task new major
#56 slides and scenes should be able to contain other media then images and texts jdamerow task new major
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.