= Data model for PIPDI = The PIPDI data model is mostly identical with the [[IsmiDataModel ISMI data model]]. It has a more elaborate subject hierarchy. Conceptual objects in the database: * (abstract-) '''TEXT''' * '''ALIAS''' (title for text or name for person or place) * '''WITNESS''' (aka manuscript) * '''CODEX''' (of one or more witnesses) * '''COLLECTION''' * '''REPOSITORY''' (aka library) * '''PERSON''' * '''PLACE''' * '''SUBJECT''' == Objects == === SUBJECT === subjects are subject matters that are treated in a text. Attributes: * '''name''' subject name or description (English?) * '''name_arabic''' * '''notes''' Relations: * SUBJECT is_part_of SUBJECT * TEXT has_subject SUBJECT Examples: * ASTROLOGY * ASTRONOMY * hay’a (4-part division) * hay’a (general astronomy) * mīqāt * qibla determination * taqwīm * ASTRONOMICAL INSTRUMENTS * astrolabes * celestial globes/armillary spheres * equatoria * observational * quadrants * sundials * ASTRONOMICAL TABLES (ZĪJES) * CHRONOLOGY * COSMOLOGY-philosophical * COSMOLOGY-religious * GEOGRAPHY-mathematical * GEOGRAPHY-terrestrial phenomena (hay’at al-arḍ) * MATHEMATICS * algebra * arithmetic * arithmetic tables * basic arithmetic * number theory * geometry * conic sections * Euclidean constructions * general geometry * mensuration * inheritance (farā’iḍ) * magic squares * spherics * trigonometry * OPTICS * TECHNOLOGY * mechanical devices * military * navigation * PHILOSOPHY * metaphysics/ilâhiyyât * natural philosophy/tabî‘iyyât * epistemology/tasawwur and tasdîq * philosophy of mind/‘ilm al-nafs * ethics/akhlâq * politics/siyâsa * logic/mantiq * dialectic/âdâb al-bahth, ‘ilm al-munâzara * philosophy of language/‘ilm al-wad‘, ‘ilm al-balâgha, usûl al-fiqh * multiple subjects * other