Custom Query (13 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#10 jurzua jurzua fixed Regeneration of own-value

every time when we change a city, it is expected that ownvalue/label for the related repositories, collections, codixes and witness are regenetared. The same bahaviour is expected by chanching repositories, collections and codixes.

#11 somebody jurzua fixed Alias for codex

By Jamil (e-mail 08.01.2011): We need to have the ability to create an <Alias> for a codex. This is for cases when a codex has been moved to a new location (for example, to a new library, taken from one country to another, etc.; the alias should therefore be given a (possibly) new country, city, collection, and shelf mark). Perhaps we can put this in <Notes> for now and discuss this on the telephone.

#17 jurzua jurzua fixed Bibliography

Jamil (April 4-8, 2011) bibliography; use of endnote, etc.

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