Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of functions

Mar 6, 2007, 10:41:54 AM (17 years ago)



  • functions

    v1 v1  
     1=== Functions defined in the ZSQLExtend Product ===
     3  * **ZSQLInlineSearch(_table = '...' ,fieldname = here.filename, _op_fieldname = '...')**\\ Searches in the given table (''_table'') in the given fieldname (replace ''fieldname'' with the name of the field, that contains the data that identifies the record) for the id of your object (''here.filename'') using the operator specified by ''_op_fieldname'' (again, replace ''fieldname''; possible operators are for example ''eq'' (equals), ''ct'' (contains)). Returns an array with the results.\\ Function
     5  * **ZSQLisEmpty(record.fieldname)**\\ Returns ''True'' if the field is empty. Replace ''record'' with an record object for example returned by ''ZSQLInlineSearch()'' and ''fieldname'' with the name of the field you want to test.
     7  * **ZSQLQuery(self, query, debug=None)**\\ Returns the result of a SQL query. ''query'' is an SQL expression. If ''debug'' is set, the ZSQLQuery call is written to a logfile.
     9  * **ZSQLOptionsFromSearchList(self,fieldname,results,fieldName,valueName=None,start=None, multiple=<nowiki>''</nowiki>,startValue=None,additionalSelect="",size=None,linelen=None)**\\ generate select options form a search list\\ es wird\\ <select name=fieldname mutiple>\\ <option value=startValue>start</option>\\ <option value=result.fieldName>result.fieldValue</option>\\ erzeugt.\\ @parameter fieldname: Name fuer name-wert im select-tag\\ @results results: Resultobject einer SQL-suche\\ @parameter fieldName: Name des Feldes, das als value in den option-tag geschrieben werden soll.\\ @parameter valueName: (optional) Name des Feldes, dass als im option-tag ausgegeben wird, default wert ist valueName=fieldName\\ @start: (optional) falls zusaetzliches option tag erzeugt werden soll, gibt start an was im option tag steht\\ @startValue: gibt den entsprechenden Wert an.
     11  * **ZSQLOptionsFromCRList(self,fieldname,listField, multiple=<nowiki>''</nowiki>,start=None,startValue=None,size=None,selected=None)**\\ generate select oprions form a cr seperated list\\ fieldname: name of the field, that is the value of the value-attribute of the option-tag\\ listField: a string of the following form: ''listitem1\nlistitem2\nlistitem3''
     14  * **nextLink(self,html,storename="foundCount")**\\ generates the link to the next ''max'' results\\ ''max'' is defined by the parameter ''-max''.\\ E.g. in the search-formular (''<nowiki><input type="hidden" name="-max" value="50"></nowiki>''\\ or in the ZSQLFind-call (''tal:define="founds python:here.ZSQLFind(_max=50)"'').