Custom Query (31 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#13 display designation also in result lists of searches etc..
#16 Suche im Katalog um eine Liste von dazugehörigen p-files zu erzeugen ist zu langsam
#19 Suche in Translit - grapheme und word langsam dwinter
#24 first view of full-screen image absolute scale casties enhancement minor public web frontend
#25 reference url for access of tablets casties enhancement minor public web frontend
#28 emdash in catalog data doesn't show up right casties defect minor public web frontend
#29 go back to tablet # on search result goes to bigger number of tablets casties defect minor file storage
#2 adding a new version of a single file leead to white page dwinter defect major file storage
#4 make current leads to a green screen dwinter defect major file storage
#5 next buton bei Trefferanzeige für UDU~+ geht nicht defect major fulltext search
#6 Higlighting und nur eine Zeile bei Trefferanzeige im regexp Mode geht nicht. defect major fulltext search
#7 Locking mechanismus buggy beim uploaden von files defect major file storage
#8 Unlocking doesn't work correctly defect major file storage
#15 non utf-8 charachters in atf-files dwinter defect major file storage
#22 honor non-public state casties defect major public web frontend
#27 angular brackets in transliteration don't show up casties defect major public web frontend
#30 full text search in cdlitranslit doesn't work dwinter defect major file storage
#35 uploading a new version of a CDLIFile indexes the last version major fulltext search
#36 change fulltext index and search to pure ZCatalog casties defect major fulltext search
#38 no lemma lines in full text search result display defect major file storage
#40 combined search in catalog and full text casties enhancement major public web frontend
#43 correct highlighting of search results defect major file storage
#44 detail images should be used if there is no photo image and no lineart image defect major public web frontend
#46 make history list for a text accessible casties major file storage
#37 full text search result with full line id enhancement critical file storage
#41 allow parens in words and graphemes to be searched casties defect critical fulltext search
#10 How to deal with non-printable characters dwinter defect blocker file storage
#11 upload von baskets from la stops blocker file storage
#23 display thumbnails with absolute scaling casties enhancement blocker public web frontend
#26 Transliterations from cdlitranslit instead of epsd casties defect blocker public web frontend
#39 public full text search should not show non-public texts defect blocker file storage
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.