Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Status Priority Component Version
#24 first view of full-screen image absolute scale casties closed minor public web frontend
#25 reference url for access of tablets casties closed minor public web frontend
#31 full text search restricted to basket dwinter new minor file storage
#9 Änderung von Passworter der Benutzer ermöglichen bzw. erzwingen new major file storage
#33 simple search over more than one field casties new major public web frontend
#34 nach gesperrten Texten suchen dwinter assigned major file storage
#40 combined search in catalog and full text casties closed major public web frontend
#42 more advanced search casties new major fulltext search
#48 Neuer Hashmechanismus new major fulltext search
#53 seal search and display casties new major public web frontend
#37 full text search result with full line id closed critical file storage
#23 display thumbnails with absolute scaling casties closed blocker public web frontend
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.