
Dec 7, 2007:

6:54 PM Ticket #45 (change delete button) created by casties
delete button should be visible on the text objects as well. it should …
6:52 PM Ticket #44 (detail images should be used if there is no photo image and no lineart ...) created by casties
6:32 PM Ticket #43 (correct highlighting of search results) created by casties
search results are not always correctly highlighted (ex: lu2-kal-la as …
6:15 PM Ticket #42 (more advanced search) created by casties
options for advanced search page: - search for words in one line

Nov 23, 2007:

1:46 PM Ticket #41 (allow parens in words and graphemes to be searched) created by casties

Nov 12, 2007:

5:21 PM Ticket #40 (combined search in catalog and full text) closed by casties
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.