The MPIWG institutes escidocxml items: === contexts === || || documents in ECHO|| || || documents havested from the foxridge|| || || documents in the VLP|| || || documents in Library collection|| === content model === |||| ECHO collection CM|| === md-records === There are two institute specific md-records: ==== mpiwg-admin ==== Contains administrative mpiwg data * orig-ref: link where the object was harvested from * archive-path: path on the file storage system to the document * image-folder: path on the file storage system to the digital images if available * identifer: the current institutes identifier for the document Example: {{{ orig-ref : archivePath : /mpiwg/online/permanent/archimedes/tarta_quesi_525_it_1546 imageFolder : /mpiwg/online/permanent/archimedes/tarta_quesi_525_it_1546/525-01-pageimg identifier : tarta_quesi_525_it_1546 }}} ==== mpiwg-index_meta==== Contains all field for the MPIWG index-meta format which are in the "meta" tag. === components === The links to the resources are managed as components (): ==== content-category: web_page ==== Link to the web_represenation of the source if there is a non standard representation, e.g. in ECHO ==== content-category: display_url ==== Link to the standard display environmen of MPIWG ressources (dokuviewer) ==== content-category: index_meta (internal managed)==== Full index meta file.