Custom Query (140 matches)


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Results (34 - 36 of 140)

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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#35 casties casties fixed Problems searching text with diacritic marks

In database still some searches with diacriticals don't work e.g., <Ġ> Ġunya vs Ghunya

#37 casties fixed Database loses relations

In OpenMind? sometimes relations between objects break. Then they are only visible from one end.


witness->text relation broken (24.3.2015)

text: 93925 witness: 26397 codex: 28088

#38 casties fixed incipit and explicit fields not displayed for witness

In the codex display of Peterman I 674 (37323) the incipit and table-of-contents fields of the *text* (164974) are displayed.

Incipit and explicit of the *witness* (164549) are not displayed.

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.