Custom Query (140 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 140)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#118 casties fixed Problem with Arabic Table of Contents display for TITLE

I’m having a display problem, specifically for the table of contents for an Arabic text/title. The display keeps the old version no matter what I do. I tried removing the old version entirely, and saving this; and I also tried putting in the new version (the new version is in table form with 30 lines). In both cases the old version simply reappears as the display. I know the new version is in there though, it just would be nice to see it in order to move on…

Here’s my example (you’ll see the new version is in the edited form, it just doesn’t display properly): Title [136041]: Jawāmiʿ ʿilm al-nujūm Title of Contents (in Arabic) continues to display an old version (snippet 1); rather than the new entry, which is in table form (snippet 2: which is in edited form because it won’t display).

#119 casties wontfix "show all" for places does not sort correctly

Places starting with "C" come between "J"...

#120 casties fixed adding text_type through model

We should be able to add a text_type through the definitions interface.

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