Custom Query (140 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 140)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#132 casties fixed delete cruft objects

Delete dangling objects:

  • ALIAS without relation
  • MISATTRIBUTION without has_author_misattribution (shouldn't be created anymore)
  • MISIDENTIFICATION without has_misidentification (shouldn't exist)
  • REFERENCE without relation
#148 casties fixed assigning page to witness does not work

In the Image Server, we can no longer assign a page to a witness in a codex. After entering the start and stop pages, you get an error message when attempting to save it (see attached snippet <Start-End-ErrorMessage?> for Ms_or_oct_2970)

#1 dwinter dwinter wontfix Commentary tradition

Improve the display of commentary tradition

No further improvements based on the old tables, task continues with 7

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.