Custom Query (140 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#36 casties fixed references from bibliography are not shown

references are sometime shown and sometimes not shown in different witnesses of Glaser 103:

references not shown in diva viewer for Petermann I 672:

#60 casties fixed New Drupal data model

We need a data model in Drupal where Content Types are directly related to ISMI object types.

We need a module that creates (and updates) content types starting from an ISMI-DB structure dump.

#70 casties worksforme problems entering data in Drupal bibliography

Multiple problems in entering data and display

  1. Journal name duplicated
  2. Name (e.g. F. Jamil Ragep) does not appear correctly unless space between F. and Jamil is eliminated
  3. Extra spaces in display
  4. {Jaghmīnī, 2006 #10008}; note convoluted way editor has to be entered (as

part of title)

  1. Searches are difficult since must include all diacriticals (e.g. Jaghmīnī,


  1. [NOTE: probably keep bibliography as is, i.e. do not change according to the

OpenMind? conventions for diacriticals; e.g. Jaghmīnī, not Jaġmīnī)

  1. {Ragep, 2006 #1212} and {Durukal, 2006 #1212} refer to the same item, i.e.
  2. Ragep, Jamil . 2006. “On Dating Jaghmīnī And His Mulakhkhaṣ”. In Essays In Honour Of Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, Mustafa Kaçar and Durukal, Zeynep , 461-466. Essays In Honour Of Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu. Istanbul: IRCICA.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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