Custom Query (29 matches)


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Status: closed (29 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#96 relations instead of roles defect critical Database outdated
#94 indicate available scans in list of witnesses enhancement blocker Frontend - OpenMind/DIVA fixed
#93 access control of forms defect critical Frontend - OpenMind/DIVA outdated
#91 hide old attributes defect major Database fixed
#90 change "misattribution" label defect major Database fixed
#89 CODEX ownership connect with EVENT defect major Database outdated
#87 Display of dates defect major Bibliography wontfix
#85 reference for witness doesn't display defect critical Frontend - OpenMind/DIVA fixed
#84 create CODEX from WITNESS form defect major Database outdated
#83 flush right incipit etc. in database display mode defect major Database fixed
#82 role of ROLE defect critical Database outdated
#81 owned_by and read_by are relations not events defect major Database fixed
#80 transfer event on CODEX defect major Database fixed
#76 ALIAS for CODEX indicating movement defect major Database outdated
#74 UNKNOWN should not have ALIAS defect major Database outdated
#73 remove prime_alias(?) defect major Database fixed
#72 remove old reference ids defect major Database fixed
#71 display live bibliography content from Drupal in Openmind editor defect blocker Frontend - OpenMind/DIVA fixed
#69 new bibliography using drupal defect major Frontend - Drupal fixed
#67 add display urls to objects enhancement major Frontend - Network Visualisation fixed
#66 add coordinates to places defect major Frontend - Network Visualisation fixed
#65 tooltips/popups for nodes in popoto.js enhancement major Frontend - Network Visualisation wontfix
#64 fulltext search in drupal enhancement major Frontend - Drupal outdated
#63 search for node attribute value in popoto.js enhancement major Frontend - Network Visualisation wontfix
#61 Popoto.js only shows outgoing relations defect major Frontend - Network Visualisation fixed
#59 Display of ISMI entities in Popoto.js enhancement major Frontend - Network Visualisation wontfix
#58 Define data model for Neo4J import enhancement major Frontend - Network Visualisation fixed
#57 Set up dev environment on ismi-dev task major Frontend fixed
#40 Documentation and separate implementation of _translit normalization casties defect major Database fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.