Custom Query (34 matches)


Show under each result:

Status: closed (24 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#134 witnesses in author form are not in alphabetical order defect major Database wontfix
#128 update translit normalization endpoint for query browser defect major Query Tool fixed
#124 text with newlines doesn't show in author display defect minor Frontend - OpenMind/DIVA outdated
#140 set up neo4j server for public site enhancement major Database fixed
#131 Romanization of words containing illaẗ is wrong defect major Database fixed
#137 rename TEXT to Work in new public website enhancement major Frontend - Drupal fixed
#133 remove unused fields in codex form defect major Database fixed
#116 New Drupal website enhancement blocker Frontend - Drupal fixed
#60 New Drupal data model enhancement blocker Frontend - Drupal fixed
#117 New Diva.js viewer enhancement major Frontend - OpenMind/DIVA fixed
#150 more usable date format in XML dump enhancement major Database fixed
#152 make public button in entity details doesn't work correctly defect major Database fixed
#138 improve date display enhancement major Frontend - Drupal fixed
#123 IIIF URLs for DIGITALIZATION enhancement major Frontend - OpenMind/DIVA fixed
#109 frontend to delete cruft objects enhancement critical Frontend - OpenMind/DIVA wontfix
#144 fix alphabetical order of witnesses in author display form defect major Database duplicate
#132 delete cruft objects defect critical Database fixed
#141 create list of non-public texts and authors that are commentaries of public texts defect blocker Database fixed
#135 check if scanned stabi codices from mpiwg have been transferred to data1 defect blocker McGill servers fixed
#139 check if repository has references in Drupal defect major Frontend - Drupal fixed
#147 change XML dump format to include source relations enhancement major Database fixed
#148 assigning page to witness does not work defect critical Frontend - OpenMind/DIVA fixed
#136 all arabic translit fields should show romanized text enhancement major Frontend - Drupal fixed
#146 add check list for private witnesses to public texts (etc) enhancement major Database fixed

Status: new (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#153 MPIWG IIIF digitalizations linked to wrong codex defect critical Database
#127 migrate McGill image creation workflow to ComputeCanada defect major McGill servers
#126 IIIF presentation server at ComputeCanada defect major McGill servers
#125 IIIF image server at ComputeCanada defect major McGill servers
#149 enlarge button in openmind image-server dialogs doesn't work defect major Frontend - OpenMind/DIVA
#142 add notes fields to COLLECTION and REPOSITORY forms enhancement major Database
#145 add new text relation "derived_from" enhancement major Database
#143 add is_related_to relation to TEXT defect major Database

Status: reopened (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#151 make dedicatees and teachers/students public defect major Frontend
#121 create Docker setup for ComputeCanada enhancement major McGill servers
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.