
Dec 14, 2018:

3:54 PM Changeset in ISMI-OpenMind [195:5309d29b3061] by Robert Casties <casties@…>
change links in OpenMind? UI to use new bibliography on ismi server.

Dec 7, 2018:

2:47 PM Changeset in ISMI-OpenMind [194:c7fec83ab69a] by Robert Casties <casties@…>
fix bugs with make-public buttons in entity details form. Closes #152.
1:58 PM Ticket #152 (make public button in entity details doesn't work correctly) created by casties
"make public" only works when it is clicked twice. "make dircetly …

Dec 5, 2018:

5:48 PM Changeset in ISMI-OpenMind [193:76d2dda8d4de] by Robert Casties <casties@…>
update URLs for changed server names.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.