== Ideas for a query interface == [https://it-dev.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/tracs/OpenMind3/wiki/QueryInterface Original outline of faceted browser] (2013) === Faceted browser === We have a result box with all the objects and apply a filter to get another result. Filters could be * contains text (in any attribute) * contains text in a specific attribute * has certain object type * is directly related (to the (selected) objects) * not selecting anything and creating another column gives everything 2nd degree related * is indirectly related (by a path) The result box is divided by object type. * clicking on an object type selects the type as a filter Unfolding the object type shows the selected instances. * clicking on the instance selects the instance It should be possible to select attributes to display in the columns. (Default own-value?) Some objects would have more complex display rules, e.g. Witness showing author and title (from text). Result box types: * table with one object per row, one column per attribute (configurable?) * list with more complex display of objects (witness with title and author) * graph * requires relations to be selected to be displayed * map(?) * chart(?)