= Tools for creating lucene indices = This projects is aimed to develop tools creating fulltext indices for documents ocred with Tesseract and Octropus. This tools cover the following features: * Integrating [http://archimedes.fas.harvard.edu/docs/donatus-api/ Donatus Language Technologies] for creating and searching a Lucene Index * Indexing ocropus generated documents, so the hits can be displaxed on the original image using [http://digilib.berlios.de/digilb digilib]. Tools for creating OCR from folders in our repository will be collected at: [https://itgroup.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de:8080/tracs/pythonOcropusTools] Zope and Python tools to access theses indices can be found at [https://itgroup.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de:8080/tracs/luceneToolsPython] Examples for the use of the Zope product can be found at [http://itgroup.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/experimental/Searching/OCRfulltext].