Please use the following Special Instruction for the "Formules." column in this table: Small letters always belong to the preceding capital letter, i.e. "Pb", "St", "As". Please mark the number of dots above an element like this: \1., \2., \3. and so on. For a single dot, you can also use \. instead of \1. In addition, use ^2, ^3, ^4 and so on for superscript. Examples from p.0215 (only the text of the first two columns is typed): ETAS plumbicus. # \2.Pb
^2 cum aquĆ¢.. # \2.Pb
^2 + 6 Aq. triplumbicus.. # \2.Pb^3
^2 ... stannicus... # \4.St
^4 ... CIDUM aceticum. # H^6 C^4 O^3 =
... arsenicicum.. # As + 5 O = \5.As # \5.As^2 Please note: In the "stannicus" row, it is not "\2.S\2.t", but "\4.St" because the small "t" belongs to the capital "S". In the "arsenicicum", it is not "A s", but "As", and it is not "50", but "5 O".