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Document Schema Working Group
Klaus Thoden

1 Meeting on October 6

1.1 DE Specs News

WS presented the overview version of the DE Specs 1.0.1 as requested by PD. It can be found on the wiki, like all other versions.


1.2.1 Validation tools

A good tool for validating is xmllint. This is a command line tool included in the libxml2 library, which is readily available in Mac OS X and modern Linux distributions.

1.2.2 Modular approach

The modular approach should be kept in mind. That is, every module (e. g. metadata module, style module) will be in a separate file. These files will be held together by a master document.

1.2.3 Requirements of the schema

The resulting schema should accomodate with the future needs of the project. However, it also has to be backwards compatible with older texts (like those validated with the Archimedes DTD) so that these are not invalidated.

1.3 Things to do

2 Meeting on October 13

2.1 Presentation of DE Specs 1.1

The new version of the Specs kept us busy throughout the week so that there was no progress concerning the schema. However, version 1.1 was presented. It features now a long section about Greek ligatures.

2.2 Postponing the meeting

The next XML Schema meeting is going to take place next week. }}}